Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 2004, Page 9, Image 9

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Returning to the Movies for News
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‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ brings perspective not seen on TV
(A P )— Time was, you had to go
to the movies to see the news. Then
cam e television, which brought
newsreels right into your home.
Now, in this election year a half-
century later, people in huge num­
bers have found that getting news
about the war in Iraq and the poli­
tics behind it makes a trip to the
multiplex well worth the bother.
Who could have forecast such a
Could be, neither fans nor de­
tractors of Michael Moore, whose
“Fahrenheit 9/11” has uprooted
couch potatoes by the carload.
His is a film that is firing up the
public, both pro and con — even
people who haven’t seen it.
And it’s done som ething else.
In the way the film fram es the
presidency o f G eorge W. Bush
(“ W as it all ju s t a dream ?” M oore
m uses over im ages o f A1 G ore
celebrating his short-lived win
and A frican A m ericans ap p eal­
ing on d eaf ears the theft o f an
election) “F ahrenheit 9 /11” has
m anaged to upstage m ainstream
TV journalism .
All the more surprising that the
TV-news establishment is eclipsed
by an independent film that costs
good money to see, and until just
As temperatures rise above
90 degrees, older adults and
persons w ith disabilities are
particularly at risk fo r heat-
related illnesses.
Heat stroke and heat ex­
haustion are the most com­
mon conditions w ith symp­
toms that may range from
generalized weakness and fa­
tigue, to dizziness, rapid heart­
beat, diarrhea, nausea, short­
ness o f breath, mental confu­
sion, throbbing headaches,
vomiting, and cramping.
Hot weather can place a
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Michael Moore (right) confronts Congressman John Tanner, D-Tenn, on Capitol Hill in Washington
in a scene from Moore 's documentary feature “Farenheit 9 /1 1 ."
weeks ago, hadn’t even landed a
theatrical distributor.
So what does “Fahrenheit 9/11”
give its audiences that newscasts
thus far don’t.
For starters: the video footage of
recuperating U.S. soldiers, Iraqi
casualties, President Bush in that
classroom paralyzed for seven min­
utes after learning of the terrorist
attacks. This is video you have
likely seen nowhere else, and you
emerge from the theater wonder­
ing, “Why the heck not?”
“Fahrenheit 9/11,” which won
the top prize at the Cannes Film
Festival in M ay, tackles grand
themes with humor, fury and naked
partisanship that insists upon a
response from the viewer.
And it provides a bracing alter­
native to the claim s for objectivity
Summer Heat Dangers
County issues
health advisory
1901 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232
dangerous strain on the heart,
and can exacerbate other medi­
cal conditions such as hyper­
tension, diabetes, and circula­
tory and respiratory problems.
O ffic ia ls at M ultnom ah
County’s Aging and Disability
Services Division, urge family
m em bers and neighbors to
check on their elderly or dis­
abled friends and relatives dur­
ing the hot weather.
According to Michael Hardt,
ADSD’s Emergency Service
Coordinator, “People affected
by the heat may not recognize
they have a problem. Many se­
nior and disabled folks live alone,
may not get out much, and so it
is critical that someone check
on them.”
Some tips for combating
the heat include: Keep air cir­
culating with fans; take cool
sponge baths; go to an air
conditioned building whenever
possible; wear loose-fitting,
light-weight clothing; wear a
hat; drink water often; and
limit physical activity and di­
rect exposure to the sun.
M ultnom ah County, in co­
operation w ith Loaves and
F ishes, requests donations
o f fans for hom ebound se­
niors and disabled persons.
If you have a fan you would
like to donate, please con­
tact Loaves and Fishes at
that reign at TV news outlets (in­
cluding, naturally, the “fair-and-
b alan ced ” -b o astin g Fox N ew s
Channel, whose lack o f objectivity
is probably its greatest asset). These
Big Media news providers have
served as Bush administration fa­
cilitators ever since his disputed
election, declares Moore, a little
guy whose message is unmistak­
ably his own.
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Fabulous 50
The Fab 50 Associates honor
their classmates and friends who
have turned or wil I turn 50 this year
with a Birthday Extravaganza.
The party features N’Touch’s
up-tempo jazz. The Beyons, bringin’
back Ole School songs and The
Original Seattle Steppers. Get your
groove on with a buffet, a no host
bar and p h o to g rap h e rs at the
Ramada Inn Airport, 6 2 2 1 N.E. 82nd
Ave from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. on
Saturday, July 31.
Tickets are $35 single or $60 per
couple, benefiting the Albina M in­
isterial Alliance. Tickets can be
purchased at G en e v a’s B arber
Shop, Reflections Coffeehouse and
SElorcall 503-249-1721.
Adoption Makes Families
Meet Daniel, age 10
People who meet Daniel are taken by
his charm and empathy, as well as his love
o f life. His smile easily melts hearts and his
caring demeanor puts people at ease.
Daniel is energetic and enjoys playing
outside. He has a zest for living and is
fascinated by the littlest things that others
take for granted.
Daniel needs very skilled parents who
can provide intensive one-on-one attention
and supervision. Clear expectations with
logical consequences help Daniel to make
the best choices. Stability and structure are
The loss and neglect in Daniel’s life
have been hard on him. More than any­
thing, he needs a loving family who is
excited and determined to help him achieve
all that he can. In return, Daniel will be able
to open up and share his heart.
To learn more about adoption, please
call the Special Needs Adoption Coalition
at The Boys and Girls Aid Society at 503-
542-2392 or toll free 1-877-932-2734 x
2002 or DHS at 1 -800-331 -0503.
Agencies reduce fees for the adoption
of a child in state care, and financial assis­
tance may be available to help meet the
child’s needs. Single adults as well as
couples are encouraged to call.
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