PaseA 6______________________________________________ JJnrtlanò ffîbseruer_________________ __ ______ July 21, 2004 Loving Care Goes a Long Way continued The TLC TnTgroup o f younsters enjoy the pizza they helped make at Domino's Pizza in north Portland. vited to participate in m onthly parent training sessions, an an ­ nual overnight retreat and other special activities. from Front and co lleg e age students who serve as peer m entors. They are ju n io r and senior counselors who have grow n up learning the p rin­ ciples and values o f TLC TnT and as a result, have chosen to reflect these h igh stan d ard values in their daily roles as leaders. “ It’s aw esom e to see how our kids m ove on from here, go to school and do things that at one tim e seem ed unattainable or too far fetched to acco m p lish ,” said Faye Palm erton, program vision­ ary. “R egardless o f the circu m ­ stances, every kid is a good kid. We give these young people the support and encouragem ent they d eserv e to su cceed . T hen we w atch them blossom into rem ark­ able leaders. C are goes a long w ay s.” Parents and guardians are in ­ training sessions are reinforced by other supports, including a 24-hour hotline to assist youth and fam ilies with issues ranging * It’s awesome to see how our kids move on from here, go to school and do things that at one time seemed unattainable or too far fetched to accomplish . The adults cover essential to p ­ from custody challenges, hom e­ ics such as how to have a fam ily work problem s and the fear o f m eeting and establish ex p ecta­ physical harm. tions, how to approach parent- As a result o f all the work, teacher conferences, and recog­ support and loving care, TLC TnT nizing the im portance o f taking has w orked hard to build a co m ­ tim e for o n eself and finding fun m u n ity o f s u c c e s s fu l y o u n g activities to do with kids. people. The connections and trust that For more inform ation or to par­ are established during cam p and ticipate, call 503-916-6320. MMMM Arts Celebrated All Summer Downtown Performing arts center hosts series focused on fun Summer Arts on Main is a new weekday series celebrating the fun o f art. Weekly events will feature arts, crafts, music, food and hands-on activities for children in the heart of the dow n­ town Cultural Arts District. Main Street between Southwest Broadway and Park Streets, next to Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, will bea hiveof activity Wednesdays, from 10a.m. to2 p.m. through Aug. 25. Summer Arts on Main coexists with the Portland Farmers Market on the Park Blocks providing an expanded offering o f activities. The events will also include artisans from the Port­ land Saturday Market to showcase a wide variety of wares including paintings, pottery, jewelry, photography, clothing, hand-carved woodwork and natural bath products. Free craft activities just for kids -from paper crafts and hand puppets to pet rocks and face painting-are a mainstay of the series. Perhaps sidewalk chalk drawings will encourage kids and adults to be inspired by the many flowers, fruits, vegetables and wonders of the Farmers Market. Or try a hand at the vegetable derby with rolling zucchini, peaches, and carrots racing down an incline to victory. The New Theatre Building's skylight-domed Rotunda will host the ancient art form of Tai Chi every W ednesday at noon. Members of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Oregon will provide demonstrations and instruction in better health and relaxation. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n , call 5 0 3 -2 7 4 -6 5 5 4 or v isit A vegetable derby is inspired by the farmer's market at the Summer Arts on Main summer-long celebration. Local Grad in National Guard Arm y National G uard Pvt. Liset Lopez has graduated from basic com bat training at Fort Jackson, C olum bia, S.C. D uring the nine w eeks o f training, she studied the Arm y m ission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic com bat skills, m ilita ry w ea p o n s, c h e m ic a l w arfare and bayonet training, drill and cerem ony, m arching, rifle m arksm anship, arm ed and unarm ed com bat, m ap reading, field tactics, m ilitary courtesy, m ilitary ju stice system , basic first aid, foot m arches, and field training exercises. L.opez is the daughter o f Rosa V renaand M iguel H em an d ezo f N orth H unt Street. She is a 2003 graduateof Roosevelt High School. **AII classes are free of charge! African American Health Coalition, Inc. Presents for your health, Wellness Within REACH Activity Calendar Aerobics Mallory Ave. Christian Church Pilates (Contact A A H C ) M att Dishman Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm, Granville • 6:30-7:30pm, Nickerson Tue, 8-9pm Stretching/Body Sculpting Low Impact A erobics Daniel’s Memorial Church M att Dishman Tue, 7:15-8:15pm. Granville Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC) Columbia Pool, M att Dishman, Salvation Arm y Tai Chi (Contact A A H C ) St John’s Comunity Center Tue, 6:30-7:30pm African Dance M att Dishman Peninsula Park Sat 10-1 lam , Addo Sat 12:30pm, Woods (Class courtesy o f M itt D istim n) Virus Found in Blue Lake (A P) — A virus know n for sw im m ing at the regional park causing sickness in cruise pas­ last week. sengers has been detected in ru ­ The norovirus, w hich includes ral northeast Portland’s Blue Lake, the N orw alk virus, can cau se officials said. stom ach pain, diarrhea and v om ­ Three people w ho sw am or iting that can last as long as long cam e in contact with the w ater in as 60 hours, according to the the lake have com e dow n with national C enters for D isease C o n ­ the n o ro v iru s, said D r. G ary trol and Prevention. O xm an, M u ltnom ah C o u n ty ’s "T h e o v erw h elm in g n u m b er health officer. In addition, 100 o f o u tb r e a k s a re c a u s e d by people reported getting sick after so m eo n e h av in g a bow el m o v e­ THE SPÏNAlCOLUW An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Lloyd Ctr, I st FI. in front of Sears Body Conditioning W ild Oats Market Tue, Thu, 6:30pm, Woods Sat 9:30-10:30am, Nickerson W eight Mgnt./Conditioning W h itaker Track Chicago Step Tue, Thu, 9 - 1 Oam, Hasan M att Dishman fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick Toga W ild Oats Market Kickboxing Hum boldt Elementary Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O'Rourke Tue, Thu, 6 -7pm, Keller Columbia Pool, 7701 N Chautaqua Peninsula Park, 700 N Portland Damers Memorial Church, 1234 NE Killmgsworth Salvation Army. 5325 N Williams Humboldt Elementary. 4915 N Gantenbein 5 t John’s Community Center, 8427 N. Central Malory Are O m a n Church (Gym). 126 NE Alberta Whitaker Track, NE 42 nd ft Killingsworth Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott Wild Oats M arket 3535 NE 15th “ Must be II or aMr to partupeM. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the fin i class and for more information at 503-413-1850 or Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class. r— i I g V 1 m ent in the w ate r,” O x m an said. “T h e re ’s no o th e r w ay o f sa y ­ ing it.” O xm an said the lake w ould rem ain closed until further notice for testing and to see w hether the contam ination cam e from another source, such as a broken sew er line. He said that about h alf o f the virus disappears each day and that its presence in the lake “will fall o ff rapidly.” Part 7. CHILDREN & CHIROPRACTIC: Start off early in life for a lifetime of health : When will my children he old enough to benefit from seeing Chiropractor? : Actually, there are more rea sons for children to see a C hi­ ropractor regularly than there : Children o f Chiropractors for adults. First of all, because of often receive their first spi­ their activities in school and out, nal adjustments the day they are children naturally take more spills bom. Using special techniques than an average adult. This is one for infants, Chiropractors are able of the most common reasons people to correct spinal misalignments bring their children to a Chiroprac­ caused by the traumatic and turn­ tor. But the best reason o f all is so ing o f childbirth. W hat’s more, that with regular Chiropractic care. w e’re frequently able to alleviate infant problems like colic that of­ ten keeps both babies and par­ ents up all night. Q A A children can develop a nearly per­ fect spine. Not only to help them are better in school, but to gain do increased strength, health and vitality throughout their adult lives. To find out all the ways Chiropractic can help your chil­ dren experience a lifetime of good health, please call us at the num­ ber below. flowers' Chiropractic Office : / have a friend who takes her children to a Chiro­ practor even when they aren't sick. Why would she do this ? Q 2124 N .E Hancock Street Portland, Oregon 97212 fhane^M92S7490t « • c l » l and E thn ic A pproaches to C om m u nity H a a lth A Pro0™m African American Health Coalition, Inc Sponsored by the Center« lor O s s j m Control and Prevention (COC) Contact AAHC at 503-413-1150 or visit our web site at w w w jah Vherttsc w ill) diversity in J l.lnvtl.iitò (0 b sc inc f ( all 5 0 3 - 2NK-0033 udsOportlandob server.«. < mi t y