Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 2004, Page 2, Image 2

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^lortlanh © bseruer
|uly2l. 2004
Lawmaker Calls 2000 Election ‘Stolen’
Words draw rebuke
from Republican
in Attack
(A P ) — A federal prison guard is
facing attem pted m urder, rape, sod­
om y and kidnapping charges after an
attack on an 18-year-old.
R obert Stam per w as arrested w hile
on duty at the Sheridan C orrectional
T he victim was allegedly forced
into S tam per’s truck at night on July
12, after being taken at gunpoint at
the group hr,me w here she w orked in
M cM innville.
S tam per is accused o f driving her
to a forested area, w here he repeat­
edly raped her, before choking her to
unconsciousness and leaving her for
W hen the w om an woke up, she
found her way to a logging road,
w here a log truck driver found her
and took her back to M cM innville.
(AP) — Think the passions from the
2(XX) presidential election have cooled?
Certainly not in Congress, which voted to
strike a Florida representative’s words
from the record after she said Republicans
“stole” that closely fought contest.
The verbal battle broke out after Rep.
Steve Buyer, R-Ind , proposed a measure
barring any federal official from request­
ing that the United Nations formally ob­
serve the U.S. elections on Nov. 2. His
proposal was approved 243-161 as an
Rep. Corrine Brown
amendment to a $19.4 billion foreign aid
bill, with 33 Democrats joining all 210 vot­
ing Republicans in voting “yes.”
Rep. C orrine Brown, D -Fla., and sev­
eral other H ouse D em ocrats have made
that suggestion. They argue that som e
black voters were disenfranchised in
2000 and problem s could occur again
this fall.
“We welcome America to observe the
integrity o f our electoral process and we
do not ask, though, for the United Nations
to come as monitors at our polling sta­
tions,” Buyer said.
“I com e from Florida, where you and
others participated in what I call the United
States coup d'etat. We need to make sure
it doesn’t happen again,” Brown said.
“Over and over again after the election
when you stole the election, you came
back here and said, ‘G eto v erit.’ No, w e’re
not going to get over it. And we want
verification from the world.”
At that point. Buyer dem anded that
Brown’s words be “taken dow n,” or re­
moved the debate's permanent record.
The House’s presiding officer. Rep.
Mac T hom berry, R-Texas, ruled that
Brown’s words violated a House rule.
“M embers should not accuse other
members o f com mitting a crim e such as,
quote, stealing, end quote, an election,”
Thom berry said.
When Brown objected to his ruling, the
Republican-run House voted 219-187
along party lines to strike her words.
Exhibit Sheds Light on Racism
History center opens
Oregon My Oregon
The O regon H istorical Society has opened a
new, perm anent exhibit, O regon My O regon,
intended to cover “every aspect o f O reg o n ’s
know n history” - including racism .
From the language and culture o f N ative
O regonians, to E uropean explorers and the
O regon T rail, to current issues and im m igrants
o f the 20th century, O regon My O regon is
colored with artifacts, artw ork, photographs,
do cu m en ts, au d io /v isu al p resen tatio n s and
hands-on displays.
The exceptional exhibit is inclusive o f every
m ajor group o f people that have history in the
state, including A frican A m ericans and Japa-
A historic photo shows the Newberry's lunch counter in down­
town Portland.
nese A m ericans.
T he featured categories are O regon: Land o f
M any Faces, the geography and origins o f
O regon place nam es; The First O regonians,
about native groups, languages and cultures;
T he Lure o f the W est, 1500s-1830s, profiling
explorers such as Lew is and C lark; The Lure o f
the W est 18 4 0 s-1870s, covering m issionaries,
treaties and the O regon T rail; W hat Shaped
M odern O regon? about im m igration, tran sp o r­
tation and industry, and O regonian C ulture, a
look at the cultural heritage o f O regon.
In the section focusing on cu ltu re, visitors
can select and view film s on m any co n tem p o ­
rary cultural topics, including one on the his­
tory o f racism in O regon.
For m ore inform ation, call 503-222-1741 or
visit w w w .ohs.org.
An exhibit o f artwork by local artists will benefit children o f war in Afganistan.
Midsummer’s Night Delight
“One World: Art by Moonlight,”
The exhibit is an effort o f a grow­
Touted as a “Midsummer’s Night
an art exhibit o f work by local art­ ing group o f artists and businesses Delight,” the exhibit is backed up
ists, com es to the Core Source C en­ wanting to create an artful, festive by live music, popular deejays and
ter for Leadership, Innovation and event while supporting a global a silent auction benefiting children
R e n e w a l, 5 5 0 9 N .E . 3 0 ,h at vision o f peace. It features photo­ of war in Afghanistan.
Killingsworth, with a wine and treats graphs and graphic design by Bar­
A donation o f between $5 and
reception from 6:30 to 1 l:30p.m .on bara McIntyre and many other lo­ $ 10 includes wine, food and music.
Saturday, July 24.
cal artists.
Call503-493-9497for information.
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(AP) — Martha Stewart was
handed a prison term of just five
months Friday for lying about a
stock sale. After asking the judge
for leniency, she emerged defiant
from the courthouse to say she was
being persecuted and declared, “I'll
be back.”
“ I’m not afraid. Not afraid w hat­
soever. I’m very sorry it had to
come to this,” she told a crowd of
media and supporters afterward,
speaking in a strong voice on the
courthouse steps.
Stewart, who was also ordered
to serve five months of home con­
finement and fined $30,(XX), did win
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Martha Stewart
arrives for
sentencing at
Federal Court in
New York. (AP
a key victory when U.S. District image, appealing in a shaky voice
C ourt Judge M iriam G oldm an for a reduced sentence and asking
Cedarbaum stayed her sentence the judge to “remember all the good
pending appeal, a process that could I have done.”
last many months.
But outside the courthouse,
The sentence was also far less Stew art was confident and up­
than it could have been. Experts beat. She sm iled broadly to the
had predicted she would receive 10 cheers o f supporters as she com ­
to 16 months.
plained that a “sm all personal
In the courtroom, Stewart, 62, m atter” had been blow n out o f
projected a much less confident proportion.