July 14. 2004 il!r JJnrtlanb © h s c r u c r Page B2 FAST TRACK MARKETING Jazz in the Park jazz at B illy M aks I uesday s and I htirsdays. Ron r Steen Jam Session is Sundays at S av an n ah 's R estau­ r a n t. T o h e a r liv e R & B an d F u n k b a n d s, v isit w w w .bacchusrestaurant for a schedule. T he 24" annual Cathedral Park Jazz Festival is from Friday. Saturday and Sunday, July 16 - 18 at 7325 N. Alta, Northwest Cooking Woods 100% Mesquite Charcoal, Mesquite Wood, Hickory, Pecan, Wild Cherry, Oak, Sugar Maple, Plus Other Woods & Supplies Blazers Street Jam Big Screen, Titanic Film Lace up your shoes and knot your draw strings. It's G am e Time! A special benefit for Special Olym pics O regon, the Portland Trail B lazer’s are hosting a weekend o f basketball, m usic, food and fun for the w hole family Ju ly 16-18 at the R ose Q u a rte r A rea. F o r in fo rm a tio n , v isit w w w . blazersstreetjam.com. O M N IM A X theater at O M SI presents “T itanica.” For show tim es, call 503-797-4640orvisitw w w .om si.edu. Ongoing and Upcoming Music T he Blue M onk on Belm ont plays live jazz. For a schedule, visit w w w .thebluem onk.com . Interstate B arandG rill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black N otes plays T hursdays at the Candlelight Room. Mel Brown plays jazz at Jimmy M ak so n T u esd ay san d Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays at S alty 's on the C olum bia. A C om m unity Unity Breakfast is every third T hursday at S E , at 7:30 a m. Skip Elliott Bowman Jazz Trio plays Saturdays from 10a.m. to noon at Hannah B ea's, on northeast Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform w eekends at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Ocean Sizzle Sm okin' at the Ocean returns toC hinook W inds C asino Resort in Lincoln City from Friday, July 16 through Sunday, July 18. Cash prizes are aw arded for chili and salsa cook offs, rib eating contests, a truck show, battle of the bands and more. For details, call 888-C H IN O O K or visit w w w .chinookw indscasino.com . Call For Appointment - Ask for Paul P.0. Box 20741, Portland, OR 97294-0741 503-254-0774 Blues In Schools Laughing Through It Safeway and the Cascade Blues A ssociation present Blues in the Schools benefit starting international bluesm an Kenny Neal on Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Aladdin Theater. For more inform ation,call 503-282-2042. A Portland Jam Night plans to heal the co m m u n ity 'sills through laughter at the W ave Theatre in north Portland. The live music and sketch improv com edy is at 9 p.m. Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and S4 tor kids. For more information, call 503-735-4184or visit w w w .jam -night.com . On Tour U nder the Table Ensem ble T heatre’s "F ever Pitch” is touring from Brooklyn and arriving at Disjecta, I I6N .E . Russell at 8 p.m. Saturday, July 24 and Sunday. July 25. For more inform ation, call 503-239-8578. Trippin’ through Town T ake a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. Celebrating Summer The Beaverton community is celebrating sum m er with a festival from July 16 - 18 a, Griffith Park. The day includes a Nike I Ok run/5k walk. For more information, visit w w w .beaverton.org/m aps/sum m er_festkK ation.htm l. The Sandy Oktoberfest Sandy O ktoberfest, Septem ber 10, 11 and 12, features a C rusin' C ar Show. Registration is$ 1 5 for each show and the first 1(K) cars to register will recei vea free t-shirt. Toregister, visit www.sandyoktoberfestival.com. Wine and Jazz M usic and libations com e together from Aug. 27-29 at the 7" annual V ancouver W ine and Jazz Festival at Esther Short Park in dow ntow n V a n c o u v e r, W a sh . For m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it www.vancouverwinejazz.com. Creepy Crawlers M ake your way to the 20" annual Reptile and A m phibian Show held at O M SI on Labor Day w eekend. Sept. 4 " though the 6". C heck out a live dem onstration, touch and learn about the nearly 2(X) assorted anim als* from the experts. Free with paid adm ission. Celebrating Community The Division and Clinton neighborhoods are "C elebrating C om m unity” with the 7" annual C om m unity Parade on Saturday, July 24 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. A parade starting at 16 " A venue and D ivision begins at 11 a.m. M any shops will have sidewalk sales and various businesses will express their individuality with events and benefits. For more inform ation, call 503-774-2832. Discovering Chimpanzees C om e learn about the incredible w orld o f Jane G oodall and her 40 years o f research with wild m onkeys from Septem ber 28 through January 2, 2005 at OMSI. Local Artists Featured at Abbey Cafe A-List Entertainers The A bbey C afe, 441 N. K illingsw orth St., invites m usicians to sell their C D ’s and perform on Fridays and Saturdays. For more inform ation, call 503-2864847. T he Mt. Hood Jazz Festival is Aug. 7 and 8 at M ain City Park, Gresham . P rince's M usicology Tour is Sept. I at the Rose G arden. Mel Brown plays BEER a n d Music Mix Advertise with diversity in J J n r tla u b (O b se rv e r Call 503-288-0033 ads (a portlandobserver.coin < The suds refresh during the Oregon Brewers Festival at Tom McCall Waterfront Park, downtown. The annual event is scheduled the weekend o f July 23-25. Oregon Brewers Festival announces lineup Little Anthony & The Imperials Hits include "Tears on My Pillow." "Hurts So Bad " Brass, funk, and brew s will take center stage at the 17th annual O r­ egon Brew ers Festival. T he event has announced its music lineup for the C hinook W inds Resort Stage at the festival, w hich takes place the weekendofJuly 23-25atTom McCall W aterfront Park in dow ntow n Port­ land. A dm ission is free, less the cost o f purchasing mugs and tokens for beer. Portland guitarist Dylan-Thomas Vance and fiddler G riff Bear kick off the festiv al's music lineup on Fri­ day, July 23. The afternoon co n tin ­ ues with the beer-soaked music o f the all-star bund. Rolling Boil Blues and concludes that evening with Big Bamboo, a seven-piece horn- driven band that brings boundless energy to the stage. The following Saturday wi II bring out H illstom p. a duo playing its own brand o f hill-country, blues- rock stomp. The Rolling Boil Blues Band will follow, and the evening will end with the dynam ic sounds o f Soul V accination, a local funk and soul band. S unday b eg in s ap p ro p riately with M oonshine H angover, four ¥ Sunday begins appropriately with Moonshine Hangover, four local boys playing countrified “rawk” with reckless abandon and drunken whimsy. local b o y s p lay in g c o u n trifie d “raw k" with reckless abandon and drunken w him sy. T hey'll be fol­ low ed by the D.K. Stew art Quartet with the M ardi G ras Horns, serving up funkified New O rleans based blues grooves. T he M arch Fourth M arching Band will storm through the festi­ val with its mix o f M ardi G ras m ay­ hem. A fro-beat, M exican hustle, gypsy sam ba, big band, and Bul­ garian blat, accom panied by stilt- dancers, fire-spinners, and c o s­ tum ed beauties. Aside from the dynam ic musical lineup, beer is the focus o f the O r­ egon Brew ers Festival. Seventy- tw o o f the n atio n 's finest brew eries present as many handcrafted brew s to 80,000 beer lovers during the three-day event. A lternative m odes o f transpor­ tation are encouraged. M inors are, perm itted at the event when accom ­ panied by a parent. For m ore inform ation about the. O regon Brew ers Festival, call 503- 7 7 8 - 5 9 1 7 , o r v is it o n lin e at w w w .oregonbrew fest.com . O regon H istorical society and "Shimmy, Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop" July 23 & 24 • 8pm Tickets $10 to $20 Call 1-888-MAIN ACT or Tickets West at 1-800-992-TIXX Room & Show Packages Available Now! Call 1-877-4 Beach I It's Better at the Beach! 1-888-CHINOOK www.chinookwindscasino.com “O regon M y O regon ” O pening J uly 1 0 ,2 0 0 4 ¿S ki n o o k Y v i n d s A Spectacular Interactive Exhibit on the History of Oregon CASINO RESORT caí i 503.222.1741 i or details or visit us online at www . o h s . org 4