PageA ô JJnrtlanb © bseruer ------- -— July 14. 2 0 0 4 1 Advertise with diversity in J |Jnrtlanò (Obsmier Call 503-288-0033 or email: ■ Î FLEXIBLE Business C a re e r D eg rees Professional Certificates • BS BUSINESS A N D LEADERSHIP" • BUSINESS A N D M A N A G E M E N T • BA C O M M U N IC A T IO N STUDIES • BUSINESS LEADERSHIP" • BA INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES" • CONFLICT RESOLUTION & Jonathan Copper (from left) and Hakim Abdul-Rashid, both new to Portland after taking jobs with PacifiCorp, meet with Roy Jay, president o f the African American Chamber o f Commerce, at a Say Hey mixer at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Ride Supports Habitat for Humanity M EDIATIO N • BA O R G A N IZ A T IO N A L C O M M U N IC A T IO N " continued • O R G A N IZA T IO N A L • BS REAL ESTATE" C O M M U N IC A T IO N " • BA SCIENCE A N D MATH • PUBLIC RELATIONS • M BA" • TR A IN IN G & DEVELOPMENT • M A INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES • A v a ila b le in an o n lin e fo rm a t (O R G A N IZA TIO N A L C O M M U N IC A T IO N ] FALL TERM STARTS SEPTEMBER 2 3 ™ . To work with an advisor, e mail studentinfo@marylhurst edu or call 5 0 3 .6 9 9 .6 2 6 8 . ★ us News & World Report BEST COLLEGES 2 0 0 4 " N u m b e r one in O reg on w ith classes u n d e r 2 0 students" MARYLHURST UNIVERSITY Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities accredited International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education accredited 17600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY (HWY. 43) MARYLHURST, OREGON - JUST 10 MINUTES SOUTH OF PORTLAND Serving students since 1893. WWW.MARYLHURST.EDU 800.634.9982 his arm on a Habitat project and was forced to join the group in mid- joumev. One morning, in Kentucky, Brydon collapsed and was rushed to a hospital, leaving the six least e x perienced teammates to continue on their own. There were plenty of blown tires along the way, and Goodarzi’s gearbox broke in half on the Oregon coast. The worst incident occurred at the end of the ride in San Francisco, ironically, as the riders were pass­ ing ar low-income housing project. A street gang attacked them and stole two of the bikes. Nonetheless, Gambetti says, the community support they encoun­ tered was “am azing, absolutely amazing." "Kids would ask us what we were doing and ride part o f the way **A II classes are free of charge!