<riH' JJortlanò Cßhscrucr July 14. 2004 Page A3 Midwives Build A Sisterhood For Change Prenatcil care improves lives of women, children. J ohanna S. K ing T in P ortland O bserver W ith its biblical roots found in the book o f Exodus, m idwifery is an hon ored and spiritual profession in the African community. The word m idwife in many African languages goes hand in hand with the workings o f a spiritual healer. The traditional m idw ife's calling in cludes giving spiritual guidance, taking on the role o f a public health activist and being a community organizer. Many women have called their decision to become a m idwife a direct calling from God. Other women have been moved as by Dear Deanna! I have problems w ith my sister con stantly giving sweets, candy and junk food to my nieces and nephews. It wouldn’t be so bad i f she had dental insurance. I guess I w orry because teeth are important and if they’ re ruined it could hurt their self-esteem. How do I approach this subject with her? — N ikki; Omaha, Neb. a result o f community need. H istorically, black midwives have saved the lives o f countless mothers and babies throughout the U nited States. They have provided m idw ifery care not only to their communities, but also to families outside o f the black community. On a mission to enhance the health and well being o f women and their fam i lies, the International Center for Tradi tional Childbearing is taking action. Focused on preserving the traditional role o f the m idwife in the black commu nity. the north Portland based non-profit organization gives hope to soon to be mothers. “ We are devoted to the health and life o f mothers and their children," said program founder, Shafia Monroe. "Here at the International Center for Traditional Childbearing, we are com mitted to challenging the many barriers Ask O Dear Nikki: Your sister is rudely making bad deci sions regarding her children's teeth. That’s something she'll definitely have to deal with later. The only thing you can do is suggest healthy snacks, teeth friendly treats and be there for the kids when they have to put their teeth in a ja r at night. Dear Deanna! M y husband's old a ffa ir is tearing me apart. First we had one ch ild and then another one before we got married. I later learned he had an a ffa ir w ith a woman that stroked his ego during my first pregnancy. He claim s it was one tim e but the way she stalked him , harassed us and bothered us fo r a few years made me doubt it. He confessed when the phone c a lls started but I s till can’ t get the a ffa ir out o f my m ind when I look at him . - SAFEW AY FOOD & DRUG Attention SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Founder of the International Center for Traditional Childbearing. Shafia M. Monroe is a 20-year midwife veteran who believes in the Southern style of healing, using the laying on of hands, herbs and prayer for pregnant women and newborns. Real People, Real Advice Dear Concerned: A n advice column kno w n fo r its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Sounds like "Chuckie” missed a few butt whoopings and strict discipline. She's been severely neglected, brain washed and manipulated by her mother and grandmother. Regardless o f her age, your husband’s right by not g iv ing up on her. Once she turns 18, she can operate o f her own free w ill. That may be the time your husband can help her get counseling to improve her self worth and prevent a rocky adulthood. -Anonym ous; O n-Line Reader Dear Anonymous: You set yourself up fo r drama by get ting pregnant without the wedding ring in the first place. You can't lay too much blame on his actions because he wasn’t o ffic ia lly your man. I f this is in the past, you need to leave it there. Unless he’ s doing something that’ s current then get over it. You’ re causing yourself pain and agony from an old wound. Seek professional or spiritual counseling to get to the root o f your pain, squash it and keep it moving. 2004 Dear Deanna! M y 17-year old step-daughter is a mess. M y husband pays child support but the mother spends it. She lives with the grandmother who w on’ t let him talk to her or visit. She told the court he was an abusive stranger. They blocked him school visits but then she invited him to a basketball game. She’ s cursed out everybody, ran away from home, steals, and can’t get along w ith her mother but my husband still wants a relationship with her. -Concerned; Los Angeles A sk D eanna is written b y D eanna M. W rite A sk D eanna! E m a il: a sk d e a n n a ! @ ya h o o .co in o r w rite: D eanna M. P.O. S o x 88847, Los A n g e le s . CA 9 0 0 0 9 : W e b site : u’HH’. askdeanna. com to the health o f black women," Monroe said. “ When we as a people know our history, our self-esteem is raised and then health care and consciousness improve. In returning to the ancient art o f m idw ifery, we are no longer suc cumbing tooverwhelming systemic rac ism. We are taking our health into our own hands." By e du catin g and a d v o c a tin g through community workshops, study groups or just one-on-one support, the center offers guidance and support for woman to better tak4 care o f their un born and newborn babies. The center is also trying to meet the needs o f women who want to become midwives themselves to improve family health in theircom munity while educat ing and supporting pregnant woman desiring to deliver healthy babies. Formore information, visit the center’s website at www.blackmidwives.org. Fabulous 50th Birthday Extravaganza Featuring: N ’T o u c h Up-tem po Jazz . . . s i m p l y s t a t e d ... "Talented" & " T h e B ey o n s" Saturday July 3 1 ,2004 Ratnada Inn-A irport 622 1 N ortheast 82nd Ave Portland, OR Time: 8 :0 0 p m -1:30am Bringt ngbackthat ..O le S c n o o l so n g .. T .O .S .S .( T h e O r ig in a lS e a ttle S te p p e r s ) C h ica g o S ty le...T w o S tep ...L ik eB a ck -in -th e-D a y . C o m e g e ty o u r g r o o v e o n ! T i c k e t s : $ 3 5 . O O s i n g l e - $ 6 0 .0 0 c o u p l e A v a ila b le : J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 0 4 -Locations: Geneva’s B arberShop- -R eflectio n sC o ffeeH o u se- -and SEI (503249-172 1)- -B ufïet& '’N o H o s tB a i - P h otograp h ers-D ress: A fterFive-A ttire T h ise v e n tisg i venin A ck n o w led g em en t o f a llcla ssm a tes& frien d sw n o h a v e tu rn ed o rw illtu r n 50 thisyear. u " Keep in g itrea li nt heC onun u n ity, le s t w e fo rg e t" Presentedby:F ah50A ssociates *p roceed sd on ated to:A lb in aM in isterial Alliance Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Chuck 7-Bone Steak Fresh B erries Bone-in. Any size package. 6 to 16-oz. containers. 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