Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 14, 2004, Page 11, Image 11

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luly 14. 2 0 0 4
c|Jortla«b tObseruer
Page B5
C lassifieds Ex-Homeless Mother
Portland State University
Advisor/Coordinator for
Student Activities and
Leadership Programs
Director of Human Resources
PSU seeks an Advisor/Coordinator
for S tu d e n t A c tiv itie s and
Le ade rsh ip P rogram s w ith a
background in student government
and an interest in working with
student organizations dedicated to
academic disciplines. Almost 130
student organizations em erge
each year with about 30% receiving
su b sta n tia l fu n d in g from the
student incidental fee allocation
process. Professional staff target
their one to one professional
advice, supervision, and initiatives
for event or program management,
le ad e rsh ip
d e velopm e nt,
com m u nity buildin g, stu d e n t
learning and academic success
w ith
stu d e n t
organizations organized via seven
primary cluster areas (Student
Government, Greek Life, Academic,
Fine and P erform in g Arts,
M u lticu ltu ra l,
R ecre ation al,
t Spiritual, and Service & Advocacy).
A d v is o r/ C o o rd in a to r
.p o s itio n s
e m p h a size
development of leadership skills,
out of class learning, and foster
; connections between the wide
variety of learning opportunities
found on campus and within the
large com m unity. Advisors are
expected to be strong advocates
; for all students, but particularly,
are responsible for representing
the students and issues of the
designated cluster. These are fuII-
tirne, fixe d te rm , 1 2 -m on th
a c a d e m ic
p ro fe ss io n a l
appointments. Candidates must
possess a baccalaureate degree
with related experience; master’s
degree and two years experience
working with college students is
preferred. Salary for this position
ranges from $34,000-$38,000
based on e xp e rie n c e and
c o m p le te
p o sitio n
d e s c rip tio n s
p le a se
v is it
www.hrc.pdx.edu. Screening of
applicants began on July 6.2004
and will continue until finalists are
id e n tifie d . P o rtla n d S tate
University is an Affirmative Action,
Equal Opportunity institution and,
in keeping with the President’s
d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lco m e
a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rse
candidates and candidates who
support diversity. To Apply: Please
submit cover letter, resume and
the names and addresses of at
least three references to:
Kate Bonsignore
Office of Student Affairs/Portland
State University
1825 SW Broadway
Portland, OR 97207
(503) 725-5341
Looking for a career in the real
“w o rld ? E xp e rie n ce h an ds-o n
excitement and high-tech training
- plus get your college degree and
money to help pay for it. Must be
17-34 with a H.S. diploma. Call M
F 1-877-646-6289.
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New Stores Opening. Now Hiring
for all positions. Join us for the
ultimate grocery store experience!
We are a friendly, fun workplace
and known for legendary quality
and customer service. We offer a
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environment and great benefits.
w e b site
fo r
p o s itio n s
a p p lic a tio n s
Or apply at any of our 4 Portland
area stores!
The sa la ry range is $4540 -
$5257/mo. (DOQ). Management
b e n e fit packa ge p ro vid e d .
Qualified candidate must pass
p re -e m p lo ym e n t background
check, reference check and drug
Application packets are available
at W est Linn City Hall, 22500
Salam o Road, W est Linn, OR
97068, or by calling (503) 722-
3427 (Voice Mail) or (503) 657-
7845 (TDD). A Letter of Interest
with resume and City of West Linn
employment application must be
received by the Department of
Hum an R esources at 22500
Salamo Road, West Linn, Oregon
97068, no later than 4:00 pm,
Monday, August 30, 2004. EEO
Peninsula Children’s Center
Job Announcements
Child Care
Ten years ago, A fric a n -A m e ri­
friends, and even ourselves. Not
can C arolyn Denise w alked the
kx> many people can look at them ­
speak to the children and loved
streets o f O rlando, Fla. as a home­
selves in the m irro r and adm it that
ones in our lives. She asks us to get
less mother o f two. Ten
they love themselves
rid o f words like stupid, lazy, slut,
years later she is signing
even though God has
bum, dumb, ignorant, etc.
autographs and gives all
said that we are fear­
She urges her readers to stop
glory to God.
fu lly and w o n d e r­
using phrases like "good fo r noth­
" A M o th e r’ s T o n g u e ...
M o th e r ’ s
is a book that delves into
T ongue" unveils the
the lives o f six characters
damage words can
daddy," and “ another whore like
your mother.”
names, and w hen they reach the
The author goes on
age o f 16 o r 17 they begin to act
to reveal the road to recovery once
o u t w hat they have been called
C arolyn says, “ I think the time
you have been damaged by the
fo r the last 12 years. W e in turn
T o n g u e ..O v e rc o m in g
has come fo r us as A frica n A m e ri­
words o f others. She also reveals
are perplexed and w onder w hy
A buse" by C arolyn Denise, by
cans to ow n up to the way we speak
help fo r the abuser w ith the un­
they behave in such a h e llish
sending a money o rd e r in the
to our children, and begin the heal­
tamed tongue.
m anner."
amount o f $17 (S & H included) to:
Carolyn Denise
w rite r’ s ow n issues w ith
verbal abuse.
ing process by changing the words
C arolyn Denise goes a step fu r­
Denise knows her book w ill shed
we release onto them, our mates.
ther by challenging each o f us to
I ight on the problem o f verbal abuse
C hristians, M u slim s, and many
o f the C h ristia n s.
to choose o r have
Fax 503-517-5751
A local company serving your voice& data needs
V e rb a l
C arolyn Denise K em p P.O. Box
608355, Orlando, FL 32860-8355.
d o n 't we all stop fo r a moment and
think about what our holy books
o f m urderous " H o ly W ars,” in
b ib le o r some kin d
th e ir m ain church
are tryin g to tell us.
the name o f G od fo r centuries.
o f h o ly book that
fo r a m yria d o f rea­
W e are at it again in A fg h a n ista n
says they are the
and Iraq, as w e ll as several other
o n ly ones w ho w ill
corners o f the earth.
The Jew ish Torah teaches love and
be saved in the end.
b re a kin g up once
tolerance. The C hristian bible tells
W hen o u r ow n co u n try is done
Each can p o in t to
again. This tim e it is
us to “ Love our neighbor." Most
k illin g m ilita n ts, c iv ilia n bystand­
scripture and show
over the gay rights
m ajor religions agree on the same
ers and c h ild re n in the M id d le
o th e rs
issue. D a ily, news­
God. So w hy fig h t amongst o u r­
E ast, we w il l co m e b a ck to
rig h t. Each re lig io n
papers report centu­
c la im s authors that
ries old churches in
D o you re a lly and tru ly believe
d isa rra y o v e r the
G od wants us ru n n in g all o ve r the
M a n y h ig h e r -ra n k in g
globe k illin g each o ther in his
th e y
N ow
Buddhism speaks o f unity and
peace. The Koran puts fa m ily first.
B \ R on W eber
were inspired by the
hand o f G od and a book that is the
m a tte r.
true w o rd o f God.
church o fficia ls are threatening to
name? Is that honestly w hat he
d ivide several d iffe re n t faiths in
had in m in d when he said, “ L o ve
"th e last pro p h e t,” a certain Jo­
h a lf again over this particular mat­
th y n e ig h b o r? ” B esid e s, w h o
seph S m ith (M o rm o n ) appears
W h ile M oham m ad said he was
about a thousand years later to
know s, we m ig h t all end up to ­
As far as w ho is right, le t’ s let
be w o n d e rfu l?
M y o w n C h ris tia n fa ith is b ro ­
far as Am erica is concerned, 1 seem
ken in to ch u rch e s that can orca n -
to remember that freedom o f re li­
Ron Weber is a guest speaker
and writer an African-American
history and a regular contribu­
tor to the Portland Observer.
'The Bud' Dancers
Perform Saturday
T he B uds o f P ro m ise S ig n ,
Praise and D ance T ro u p e w ill
have th e ir annual re c ita l on
S a tu rd a y , J u ly 17 at 4 p.m . at
th e C o n c o r d ia U n iv e r s it y
F in e A rts B u ild in g on N o r th ­
east 2 7 lh A v e n u e and H ig h ­
land S treet.
T h e Buds o f P ro m is e is a
litu r g ic a l dance o f A fric a n -
A m e ric a n g ir ls aged 4 to 13,
u n d e r the d ire c tio n o f R o c h ­
e lle M c E lro y , a rtis tic d ir e c ­
to r. The g ro u p has been p e r­
fo rm in g fo r 10 years w ith new
g ir ls added and tra in e d each
ye a r.
T he m is s io n o f the d ire c to r
o f “ T h e B u d s ,” as th e y are
a ffe c tio n a te ly c a lle d , is to
tra in yo u n g g ir ls to dance,
but a lso to p la ce an em phasis
on e d u ca tio n , as w e ll as b u ild ­
in g
c h a ra c te r and
s e lf
esteem .
T h e c o m m u n ity is in v ite d
to w itn e s s the superb s k ills in
the a rt o f dance th a t w ill be
d e m o n stra te d b y “ T h e B u d s ."
F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n and
tic k e ts , please c a ll 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -
Living Faith Ministries
4434 N.E. 13 1 Place
(Sandy Blvde.)
P.O Box 11648
Portland, OR 97211
"The Just Shall Live
Bv Faith Romans 1:17
Proenfinç iuòiforxr Abate. Changing Ih m .
Soul-Saving Revival
The Evangel T e m p le C o m m u ­
n ity C hurch, 5 4 17 N. W illia m s , is
hosting the H o ly G host Soul S av­
ing R e viva l at 7 p.m . n ig h tly
th ro u g h F rid a y w ith a n o in te d
prophet R onnie N ich o lso n fro m
N o rth C a ro lin a .
For more in fo rm a tio n, ca ll 503-
287-0060 o r 503-774-0990 or visit
w w w .h o p e h o u se m in istrie s.co m .
Church Hosts Polynesia Luau
The h o s p ita lity o f Polynesia
comes to northeast Portland at the
St. C h a rle s C h u rc h B e n e fit
Polynesian Luau fro m 6 to 9 p .m .o n
A ug. 7.
The evening includes exotic and
authentic food fro m the islands
such as Imu style roasted pig, baked
taro and baked sweet potato lau
lau-taro leaf w ith New Zealand com
beef and lamb.
Entertainm ent includes music
and dancing o f the South Pacific
Islands o f H aw aii, Tonga, T ahiti,
F iji and New Zealand.
The event is at the St. Charles
parking lot.53 ION. E.42'“1 Ave. T ick­
ets are $15 fo r adults and $10 fo r
seniors and children.
For more inform ation, call 503-
491-0973; 381-0339; or 503-281-
“ The Peoples Conference” Renewing Your Mind
Service Times
Sunday 10:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 pm
Everyone Welcome!
David & Sherrie Littleton
gether in Heaven. W o u ld n ’ t that
our Creator make that decision. As
dispute this cla im .
gion was one o f the principles this
111 SW Columbia. Suite 725
Portland. OR 97201
M o th e r ’ s
broken away from
co u n try was founded on. W hy
reginald, lee @ integratelecom.com
Each g roup has a
not o b ta in d ivo rce s, do o r do not
Direct: 5 0 3 -5 17-5791
o th e r re lig io n s have had scores
support abo rtio n s and the rig h t
of Portland, Oregon, is seeking
q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fo r the
position of City Controller. The City
C o n tro lle r is re sp o n sib le for
adm inistering activities of the
A c c o u n tin g D ivisio n w hich
oversees cityw ide accounting
operations and reporting for all
financial transactions, activities
and funds. The position's scope
b road,
s u p e rv is in g
approximately 30 employees at
varying levels throughout the
o rg a n iz a tio n and in vo lve s
sign ifica n t accou ntab ility and
decision making to establish and
enforce citywide fiscal policies
and practices. Please see the
complete job announcement,
application requirements and
recruitment activity schedule at
www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
call Gail Thompson at 503-823-
3515. Completed applications
must be received by 4:30 p.m.
on Friday, July 30,2004. The City
of Portland is An Equal Opportunity
Y ou can buy an autographed
People worldwide claim 'we're the chosen ones'
th in k they are the highest o rder
Position Description: The City
they speak.
Why Don’t We Let God Decide?
G o d 's o n ly c h ild re n . C a th o lic s
$79,688 - $106,165
a tongue to begin to think before
do to o u r psyche.
as w e ll as some o f the
Peninsula Children's Center, a
non -profit childcare center in
North Portland, seeks a part-time
teaching assistant for a new after­
school program. Must have 6
m onths experience in center-
based childcare. Some college
le ve l co u rs e w o rk in ECE,
E le m e n ta ry ED, or Phys Ed
preferred. Com petitive wages.
Call 503-280-0534
Approximate Annual Salary:
and help m illio n s o f mothers, fa­
thers, teachers, pastors, and all w ith
" W e c a ll o u r ch ild re n negative
Child Care
Recruitment No. 04-100
Overcom lntf
ing,” “ju st like your old no good
fu lly made.
Overcoming Verbal Abuse"
begin today to change the way we
C h ristia n s are certain they are
Position: City Controller,
Now cm author she gives all glory to God
Peninsula Children's Center, a A m e rica , “ the land o f the free and
non -profit childcare center in
home o f the brave,” (except i f
North Portland, seeks a Program
y o u 're black, Jew, N a tive A m e ri­
Director for a new after-school
can, H isp a n ic, etc.) and p ro u d ly
program. Must have at least 30
hours college level coursework in celebrate "fre e d o m .”
I am not ta kin g sides here. I am
ECE, Elementary Ed, or Phys Ed.
And 2 years experience in center- ju s t p o in tin g out the problem .
based childcare. Com petitive B uddhists th in k they are rig h t in
wages and benefits. Call 503- th e ir peaceful w ay. The M u s lim s
th in k they are the chosen ones.
Main: 503-748-7777
K. Lee,
Overcomes Abuse
and Risk Management
The City of West Linn is accepting
applications for the Director of
Hum an R e so u rc e s and Risk
M anagem ent. The successful
candidate will have a Bachelor's
d e gre e in hum an re sou rces,
public administration, business or
a related field and at least 7 years
of successful experience in public
sector human resources with
la b o r n e g o tia tio n and risk
m anagem ent responsibilities.
E q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n s of
education and experience will be
considered. The position requires
sound management, supervision,
prob lem
s o lv in g
communication skills.
Darryl & Linda Hudson • Pastor Laurie Brown
Ministers Bruce & Karin Butler
July I6 ,h - I8 ,h 2(XH 7:00 PM Every Night
at Mat, Dishman Community Center
77 NE Knott Street, Portland, OR
Rem her...God Loves You And His Desire Is That Your
Life Be Complete. Whatever The Challenge May Bring
“Nothing Is Too Big For G od“, Just Make Up Your
Mind To Let His Love Guide You Through!
For more information call Darryl Hudson (503) 313-8372
(Free w ill offering w ill be accepted at each meeting
and No Child Care w ill be provided)
Helpline (Make The Call): 800-923-HELP
Linea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848
Youthline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TEEN