Creating SSiiQ Nurturing HO1\IES Mentoring helps children by helping parents See Metro, Section B ‘City of Rose> www.nortlandobserve FU ahlkhed in 1970 Established Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIV • Number 27 Wednesday • July 14, 2004 TT | P %/ Welcoming brigade J * > ■ 1 introduces new residents PI V Police Reform Battle Commissioner offers new resolution BY J a YMEE R. C lT l T he P ortland O bserver The Say Hey group gathers at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland to enjoy conversation with new and rooted professionals o f color in Portland. S ee additional photo, page AS Moving to a new city is a daunting task for anyone having to make new friends, business connections and finding their niche. Say Hey, a quarterly networking event for com munities o f color helps to intro­ duce Portland as a culturally diverse and welcoming place to be. "W hen people first moved here, the perception is ‘gee. are there many African Americans in Portland?' But they end up very pleased that Oregon is a warm and friendly place to be," said Vicki Nakashima, a Say Hey planning com mittee member. Say Hey mixers, which are at the Inter­ state Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland, are also business networking opportunities, where companies support­ ing diversity are showcased. One of the most valuable resources from a Say Hey gathering is a large wel­ come packet, swelling with information about businesses, services, organizations and even fun tips about must-see locales. favorite barbers and popular restaurants. The Say Hey welcoming brigade in­ vites professional, those new to the city and anyone interested in identifying and connecting with like-minded people to regular gatherings at the IFCC. For more inform ation, visit w w w contact.html. Cross Country Ride Supports Habitat for Humanity M ulticultural bike group to meet finishers by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver It all started when two college students decided at 2 a.m. one morning that it would be fun to bicycle across the country, and do it for a good cause. Ten years later, 90 college stu­ dents will repeat what has become the annual Habitat Bicycle Chal­ lenge, a cross-country ride as a fundraiser for Habitat for H um an­ ity, the non-profit group that helps low-income people build homes with their contribution o f sweat equity. Th i s y ear, for t he fi rst t i me, Port - land will be the final destination for a third of the riders. The finish will be celebrated with a public event at 4 p.m. July 3 1 at Jamison Square in the Pearl District of northwest Portland. A n th o n y B ry d o n an d Jim Goodarzi were attending school at Yale when they selected six other people to go with them on the origi­ nal trip - out o f 60 who volunteered. O ne o f th e se w as F ra n c e sc a Gambetti. a Portland architect and Goodarzi ’ s fiancée. The first cross-country journey was far more of an adventure than those that followed. Gambetti re­ calls. “Jim and Anthony were the only ones with any real biking experi­ ence,” Gambetti says. The group co vered 70 mi les a day overa roundabout. 4,(XX)-mile route. It was not a smooth ride. Just before they were to begin, Goodarzi broke continued on page A6 Northeast Flooded wRfc r .............. M ark W asihngton /T he P ortland O bserver Members o f the group Bikes and Ideas Kids' Empowerment join BIKE founder John Benenate (right) in preparations for a special ride later this month for Habitat for Humanity. T1Weekin The Review z--* photo by Tw o weeks after African-American leaders in the faith com munity came before City Council with a resolution to address racial profiling and other prob­ lems with the Portland Police Bureau, one com missioner has presented his own proposal. Jim Francesconi, w ho is in a runoff election to becom e P ortland’s next mayor, says his resolution was drafted in response to the action by the Albina Ministerial Alliance, an African-Ameri­ can organization of church leaders. “We need to re-build trust between police officers and the community and provide better training for officers so that dangerous situations are de-esca­ lated,” Francesconi said. "This guides the Police Bureau in improving diver­ sity, training and labor management. Until the police ranks reflect the diver­ sity in our community and until officers receive better training, problems will continue to fester.” Rev. LeRoy Haynes, a member of the alliance and member o f a com mittee stu d y in g p o lic e issu es, sa id th a t Franceconi’s resolution doesn’t have the teeth o f his group’s original pro­ posal. “We appreciate the initiative on his part but his resolution does not go as far as our original presentation to address the issues to end the shooting o f un­ armed citizens by members o f the Port­ land Police D epartm ent," Haynes said. Still, Francesconi and alliance m em­ bers met on Friday to make conces­ sions. “1 am hopeful that they will support the new resolution,” Francesconi said. The Albina M inisterial Alliance has long been involved with police reform, especially in the wake o f the police shoot­ ing deaths o f unarmed A frican-Ameri­ can motorists Kendra James and James Jahar Perez. The alliances' resolution calls for the removal and severe discipline of Officer Jason Sery, who shot and killed Perez on March 28 in the St. Johns com munity of north Portland. The resolution also stipulates that Portland's police officers should receive com munity-approved cultural diversity training and that officer training in the police academ y,com bining field, class­ room and consultation training, will meet or exceed national standards. Finally, it addresses racial profiling, stating that no police action should be made on the j A foot or more of rain fell in parts of the Northeast, forcing hundreds of people from their homes during (tie night, rupturing small dams and flooding roads. No injuries had been reported in the stricken areas of New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Red Cross Fears More Violations The international Red Cross said Tuesday that it fears U.S. officials are holding terror suspects secretly in locations across the world. The Geneva Conventions on the con­ duct of warfare require the United Slates to give the Red Cross access to prisoners of war and other detainees. Former Enron CEO Charged Former Enron CEO Ken Lay su rren d ered to federal agents Thursday after the governm ent unsealed an II-count indictment charging him in a wide-ranging scheme to deceive the public, com ­ pany shareholders and government regulators. Bin Laden Associate Surrenders A senior associate o f Usama bin Laden has surrendered to Saudi Arabian authorities. Jalid al-Harbi turned himself in to the Saudi em ­ bassy in Tehran. Iran in response to the amnesty offered last month by Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah New Oregon Pot Law Considered An O regon ballot m easure ex ­ pected to q u alify this week w ould make it legal for medical marijuana users to possess one pound o f pot. create state dispensaries and allow n u rse p ra c titio n e rs and naturopaths to prescribe it. B ack ­ ers o f the initiative say the c u r­ rent law isn 't w orking form ally of the 9.000 cardholders because th e y 're running out o f cannabis before they can line up a new supply. WHO Cites Failure in AIDS Fight The World Health O rganization said Tuesday the world has "failed m iserably" in getting lifesaving drugs to millions afflicted with HIV, and France accused the United States of bullying poor countries continued on page A 6 into ceding rights to make afford­ able generic medicine. Documentary Exposes Bias on Fox News A new dix'uinentary backed by lib­ eral political groups aims to docu­ ment that the Fox News Channel is anything but "fair and balanced." despite the cable-news netw ork's motto. Networks Cover Conventions Online ABC and CBS said M onday they would offer gavel-to-gavel cover­ age of the DemtKratic and Repub­ lican eonve' ' ' ” ns this year over the Internet is periods of prim e-tim e c o . , over their .,t broadcast networks.