îhe |Jnvtlatxb (lOhseruer July 07, 2004 C lassifieds /B ids SELF ENHANCEMENT, INC. P osition City Controller, AN EQUAL opportunity employer SEI IS COMMITTED TO ACHIEVING AND maintaining a drug free WORKPLACE Recruitment No. 04-100 Dept of Public Safety Standards & Training (DPSST, Oregon State Public Training Academy Bid Package #2 - Site Concrete, Asphalt Paving, Steel & Elevators Pre-Bid Meeting; July 8,2004 at 2:00pm Bids Due: July 29, 2004 at 2:00pm $79,688 © Hoffm an Construction Com pany of Oregon, as Construction Manager/General Contractor ("CM /G C”), requests sub-bids for the above on behalf of the Owner, State of Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. A single lump sum bid is requested for each Bid Item in this bid package, I.e., Bid Item #1 Site Concrete; Bid Item #2 - Asphalt Paving, Markings & Signage; Bid Item #3 - Steel; and Bid Item #4 - Elevators. $106.165 P osition D escrip tion A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit has been scheduled for 2:00pm, July 8, 2004 at the Oregon State Public Training Academy jobsite. Attendees shall meet at jobsite entrance located at 4100 Aumsville Hwy SE, Salem, Oregon 97301. All bidders are encouraged to attend in order to acquaint themselves with the local conditions under which the work is to be performed and to correlate personal observations with the requirements of the contract documents. Bids must utilize the attached PROPOSAL FORM and be delivered or faxed to arrive at Hoffman Construction Company, 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100, Portland, Oregon 97205, Bid Fax 503/ 221-8888, no later than 2:00pm, July 29, 2004. A BID BOND In the form of a surety bond, cashier's check or certified check in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the bid must be attached to bids in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Bid Bond may be faxed providing that the original Bid Bond is delivered no later than the next business day. A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE with the specified coverages; per project aggregate; additional insureds; primary, excess and non-contributory language; etc must be attached to the bid. A c o m p le te d S u b c o n tra c to r/ V e n d o r Q u e s tio n n a ire m ust accompany the bid, unless it was previously submitted within the last 24 months. Bids received after the bid deadline will not be considered. Bid documents may be examined at local plan centers, viewed o n -lin e at h ttp :/ / w w w .b x w a .c o m / b x w a _ to c / g e n e ra ls / hoffman.html (Username: hoffman, Password: hcc - Be sure to “Register as a Bidder” at the website to receive notification of new documents) or obtained with a $200.00 deposit from Salem Printing and Blueprint, 503/363-6097. Fifty percent (50%) of the d eposit will be refunded p rovidin g bid docum ents and all addendums are returned in good condition to the printer within 30 days of the bid opening Church in Portland for Derek J. Warren, who died June 24 at age 42. Mr. Warren was bom July 1 9,1961, in Portland, where he lived all his life. He graduated from Lake Oswego High School and Oregon State University. He was a self-employed business consultant. In 1988, he married Leni Igitol. Survivors include his wife; son. Christian Warren; stepson, Jovaan Ross; father, Johnnie B.; sister, Carmen; and brother, Aaron. Remembrances to a trust fund for his son Christian through Bank of America. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. Happy 21st Birthday! Jamaica Come to a C O M M U N I T Y OPEN H O U SE to learn about tenant leasing opportunities at the redevelopment o f the corner o f NE M L K & F rem ont (the old King Food Mart) Monday, July 12th, 6 30 8 :3 0 p m at the Lutheran Center, 4219 NF MLK Blvd U u tif-l te Come Learn More..... • Meet the Developer Team and Leasing Agent on the project Learn more about tenant opportunities Give input on community tenant objectives Understand next steps and schedule for project implementation If you wcMtd like Udakasd aik $224121» - = RIB EXPRESS (FORMERLY CHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs MORTGAGE GROUP www.home-lenders.com Kevin Foster Loan Officer 7830 SW 4O'h Ave. Suite 7 Portland, OR 97219 Office 503-892-9581 Fax 503-892-9680 Cell 360-907-5124 Toll Free 888-226-1064 Email: jkfoster@home-lenders.com The Port of Portland is an Employment HIGH-TECH TRAINING Looking for a career in the real w o rld ? E xp e rie n c e h a n d s-on excitement and high-tech training - plus get your college degree and money to help pay for it. Must be 17-34 with a H.S. diploma. Call M- F 1-877-646-6289. rl CANNON'S DISCLAIMER: This message and any attachments are intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It may contain Information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the Intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy, disclose, or distribute this message or any information contained within to anyone. If you have received this message In error, please Im m ediately advise the sender and delete the message and any attachments. Although we have taken steps to ensure that our e-mail and attachments are free from viruses, the recipients should also ensure that they are virus free. Columbia Resources, Inc, lla n n fil 10.(HMM retail office space 7 tur-salc towitiixincs H ig h quality design We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all interested firm s including disadvantaged, minority, wom en, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. CCB License # 28417. Career O pportunities These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or h) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the Public ' ° Employees Retirem ent System (P E R S /w w w .pers.state.or.us): and * ‘¿ 2 1 * opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State ‘v ' of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. ,,,v Derek J. Warren Bidders must be licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board at the time of submission of their bids. This is a prevailing wage project and Includes contracting goals of awarding at least fifteen percent (15%) of all work of this project to State of Oregon certified Minority, Women and Emerging Small Businesses (M/ W /E S B s). R efer to bid d ocu m e n ts fo r co m p le te b id d in g requirements and additional information. PORT OF PORTLAND Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at www.portDortlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. Oregon State Alum Dies A memorial service was held Tuesday, June 29, in Mt. Olivet Baptist A p p ro x im a te Annual S alary The City of Portland, Oregon, is seeking JOB ANNOUNCEMENT q u a lifie d a p p lic a n ts fo r the position of City Controller. The City The following position(s) are C o n tro lle r is re s p o n s ib le fo r currently open at the Center for a dm inistering a ctivities of the Self Enhancement, Inc. Full job A c c o u n tin g D iv is io n w h ich announcem ent and applications o verse es cityw id e a cco u n tin g are available at 3920 N. Kerby, operations and reporting for all Portland, OR 97227. You may financial transactions, activities fax your resume to (5 0 3 ,2 4 9 - and funds. The position's scope 1955 or e-mail to is b ro a d , s u p e rv is in g debis@selfenhancem ent.org. approximately 30 employees at IN SCHOOL SERVICE COORDINATOR v a ryin g levels th ro u gh o u t the o rg a n iz a tio n and in v o lv e s @ Boise/Elliot Elementary s ign ifica n t a cco u n ta b ility and School (1 full-time position) decision making to establish and RECREATION COORDINATOR (1 full­ enforce cityw ide fiscal policies tim e position) and practices. Please see the c o m p le te jo b announcem ent, TEACHER (SEI Academy; 2 full­ a p p lica tio n requirem ents and time positions; math/science & recruitm ent activity schedule at language arts/social studies) w w w .ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or TEACHER ASSISTANT (2 part-time call Gail Thompson at 503-823- classroom positions) 3515. Com pleted applications m ust be received by 4:30 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (to on Friday, July 30,2004 The City support SEI Academ y staff) of Portland is An Equal Opportunity Employer. EDUCATION COORDINATOR (1 full­ time position, M o rris o n C h ild and F a m ily SEI offers an excellent benefits Services has an opening for a package for eligible em ployees B ilin g u a l - S panish sp ea kin g that includes: Parent Educator for families with • Paid medical/dental/vision for very young children who also have e m p lo y e e , o n e -h a lf p a id fo r m ultiple risk factors. Position dependents. responsibilities include parent • 401k Retirement Plan - up to educatlon/preventative services 3% company match. via home visits, assessments and • 125 Plan (H e a lth E xp e n se parent-child groups. Bachelor’s in Reimbursement Account). early childhood or related field OR • 4 weeks accrued vacation. equivalent education, training, • Accrued sick leave. and e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d ; • Paid life and disability insurance M a ster’s preferred. Bi lingual (after waiting period). E n g lls h / S p a n is h re q u ire d . • Employee Assistance Program Position involves driving for work purposes and em ployee must SUN E xt Day Coor. @ Buckm an have their own reliable vehicle, Assist SUN site mgr w/extended maintain a valid driver’s license day and family night programs for for state of residency, personal y o u th / fa m ilie s . S u p e rv is e in auto lia b ility co ve ra g e at the a b s e n c e o f m a n a g e r. Track $100,000/$300,000 level, and students, tutor-mentor, data mtn, a d riv in g re co rd p e rm ittin g a ca d e m ic s u p p o rt, o rg a n ize , coverage under the corporate develop, train vol., staff, parents. auto liability policy. Send letter AA/equiv.PT/w benefits $11.49- and resume to: J Blem, 11456 NE $13.13/hr. Valid ODL/WDL; Apply Knott, Portland, Oregon 97220, or at P ortla n d Im pact, 4707 SE fax to 503-256-9601. Position is Hawthrone, Portland, OR 97215 open until filled. Equal Opportunity www.portlandimDact.org EEO Employer www.selfenhanceinent.org Page A9 Xtlvertisc with diversity in CATERING ALLEVENTS Low Carb Special: HOURS: M onday 11:00-9:00 T uesday CLOSED Wed. & Thurs. 11:00-9:00 Fri.& Sat. 11:00-10:00 Sunday 11:00- 8:(X) (lcarb) Chopped Pork w/side sm. greens $5 00 Portiani» © bicruer * * * N ew L ocation * * * Call 503-288-00 33 5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd 503-288-3836 O regon H istorical S ociety Wally Tesfa Residential C&R Broker PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS, PERS covers nearly 300 .000 members and administers retirement, disability benefits, health insurance and deferred compensation plans statewide Principal Executlve/Manager D Procurement and Contracts Unit Manager Administer the contracts unit: supervise the preparation o f all contracts, agreements, and Multi-Million $ Service procurements: and prepare highly complex contracts for information technology, benefits construction, and risk management. Salary is $3,720 $5.486/m onth DOE. Announcement »LE040564 Closing dates is July 13, 200 4 at 5 pm. (£ Executive Support Specialist 1 Prudential Support the agency administrators and training s ta ffs day-today activities. Salary is $2,019 - $2,790/m onth. DOE Announcem ent HLE040375A Closing date is July 15. 2 0 0 4 at 5 pm Northwest Properties You can obtain job announcements, which may include test questions, and the State of Oregon application form (PD100) from the local Employment Departm ent, the state website: www oregonjobs org PERS website: w w w .pm .state.or.in. or call PERS Human Resources at 5 0 3 6 0 3 -7 7 9 4 (TTY 503-603-7766} Criminal history will be checked prior to hire. EOE/AA. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) Office Specialist 2 Management Assistance The ODOT Civil Rights Unit is seeking an Office Specialist to assist the m a n a ^ r and program staff with administrative and confidential functions Salary is $18 6 3 $2546/m onth, ODOT is an AA/EEO Employer, committed to building workforce diierarty. Visit wv-v odot state or us/jobs or call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986 -38 54 for the hearing impaired) for Announcement »OCDT4478 and application Application and required supplements must be received by 5 00 pm PST on July 20, 2004 w w w . 0 r e g o o b s . o r g & Northwest Properties I73ONE lOthAve. Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 “O regon M y O regon ” wtesfa@pru-nw.com pru-nw.com O pening J uly 10,2004 An Independently owned z7 Spectacular Interactive Exhibit on the History o f Oregon and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. t C A LI. 503.222.1741 fo r I details or visit us online at www . oiis . org