rtlanb (iDhseruer July 07, 2(M)4 Page A7 Focus STOP BY AND VISIT VS 1901 NE Broadway Portland, O k 97232 Forrest Jenkins. Associate Hroker George Benson Releases New CD Phone (971) 219-5495 Tax (503) 282 .9.76 • M a n y b u y e rs p ro g ra m s • R e fin a n c in g • B u y in g a n In v e s tm e n t P ro p e rty • S econd H om e • S e llin g y o u r H o m e /F re e V a lu a tio n • R e lo c a tin g • • F ir s t T im e B u y e rs 1 00 % F in a n c in g O p tio n w it h C lo s in g C o s t A s s is ta n c e 8 d a y */7 nights dream vacation getaway to North America, Europe, Asia and China etc. A m E R IC A Osi I Mixes soul with contemporary urban edge C w L u m ia s .A la n i S e r v i c e Residential-Offices “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” Insured - Bonded 503-288-1489 I I Linda J. Scott Owner Coupon 10% off on first cleaning L tees that one finalist will win $1 million even if the grand prize isn’t awarded. A re n ’t y o u r e a d y fo r h o m e o w n e r s h i p?? A M a y b e y o u line! y o u rs e lf S a y in g , “ M y c r e d i t is to o far g o n e to p u rc h a s e ....” y J /rk a a e • A n d re a “O n n ie " L e w is We specialise in fum ing renters into S en io r Loan O ffic e r HomcownenV! “Destiny's Child“ members— Michelle Williams (from left). Beyonce Knowles, and Kelly Rowland — pose for a photo during the nominations announcements for the Grammy Awards show on Jan. 3, 2001, during a news conference a t the Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. (AP Photo) (A P)— Destiny’sChild will per­ form together for the first time in nearly two years as part o f the Pepsi “Play for a Billion” TV game show on ABC this fall. They will sing new songs from their upcoming album before a live audience in Los Angeles this Sep­ tember. One song will air on "Play fora Billion” on Sept. 12, the Pepsi­ Cola Co. announced Thursday. “We are really looking forward to getting back on stage and per­ form ing to g eth er as a g ro u p ,” Beyonce, lead singer o f D estiny's Child, said in a statement. Their next album is scheduled for release this November. C o u ld n ’t y o u s e e y o u r s e lf s a v in g h u n d r e d s , o n your c u rre n t hom e loan... Low interest rates available on refinancing 1727 NF. 13th A venue s u ite 101 P o rtla n d , O R 97212 (5 0 3 )2 8 2 -0 3 0 7 P hone (9 7 1 )4 0 4 1101 C ell (503)331 8171 Fax onnie@ a mi rac le niortg.igc.com A Miracle M ortgage Living Faith Ministries A llied M ortgage nAKinc DRE/ins or n o n ro w im ir cone utuni 1710 NE 82"d Stober M. 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O R 9 7 2 2 3 A local company serving your voice& data needs • O f fic e : ( 5 0 3 ) 6 7 1 - 0 2 2 1 E-Mail: haroldstg1 johnscott.com J o h n I. . S c o tt P T L • W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f fic e Phone: (903) 28% 8418 T h is o f f ic e is in d e p e n d e n tly o w n e d a n d o p e ra te d I ) Broke > (503) 780-40» W a s h in g to n S q u a re O f f ic e ; 4 0 2 0 S W W a s h in g to n S q . D r # 10 8 2 38 N D e n v e r A ven ue, Poitland. O r 97217 F. T H E T E A M TH AT GETS TH E JO E D O N E ! I “Play fora Billion,’’ with Damon Wayans as host, will offer a $1 billion grand prize but also guaran­ N YOUR MORTGAGE TEAM: Paul Williams, Arhra Williams Benson has gracefully appeared r on contemporary urban radio as an I instrumental guest to popular art­ I ists such as Mary J. Blige and Nuyorican Soul. Now, with ‘‘Irreplaceable,’’ the time has arrived for George Benson to remind the world where his tal­ ents all began with a soulful album precisely tuned to the tenor of the times. Destiny's Child to Reunite for Game Show A O flice (5(13) 2X3-8764 Fax (503) 289-2576 George Benson adds ‘Irreplaceable ’ to the sh elf o f grooves. E ight-lim e G ram m y w inner a decidedly contemporary urban M asquerade,’ on 'em instead! So, George Benson is simply one of the edge. w e're coming io strong from the left greatest guitarists in jazz, history “I’m just trying to wake some this time. When the DJ says, ‘That and a great all around musician as people up," Benson says with the was George Benson,' folks will be well. Now the instrumental smooth confidence. “ I want to give fans like, ‘W hat?’ They’re not gonna jazz superstar is back with a ven­ something that they wouldn’t ex­ believe it...an d that’s what we geance, this time in a fresh direc­ pect just like in ’76 when I was want." tion. recording Breezin' andeverybody This new album is expected by His new album titled, ‘‘Irreplace­ expected instrumentals at 8.000 critics to floor the entire music in­ able’' is a significant shift back to notes per second like I'd done in dustry with new flavor that fans are the si Iky sexy soul music of old with the past. I dropped a vocal, ‘This sure to enjoy. N Suhu L. Scott RE A t E S T A T E