5^• JJnrtlanh QObsmier Page A6 July 07, 2004 Ocean Sizzle Sm okin’ at the Ocean returns to C hi­ nook Winds Casino Resort in Lincoln City Iront Friday, July 16 through Sunday J u ly 18. Cash prizes are awarded for chili and salsa cookoffs, rib eating contests, a truck show, battle of the bands and more. For details, call 888-CH1NOOK or visit www.chinookwindscasino.com. Blues In Schools Safeway and the Cascade Blues Association present Blues in the Schools benefit starting international bluesman Kenny Neal on Aug. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Aladdin Theater. For more information, call 503-282- 2042 or visit www.cascadeblues.org/programs/bits/ kennyneal_040813.htm.. A Day of Space Adventure On Saturday, July 17, OMSI will com mem orate the latest advancements in science with Space and Space Exploration. Com e test a human gyroscope, race a remote controlled Mars Rover, explore a Gemini cap­ sule, and much more. All ages are welcome. For more information, visit www.omsi.edu. Imani Winds Chamber Music Northwest will present its 34lh an­ nual Summer Festival featuring five outstanding m usiciansof African-American and Latino heritage. Imani Winds perf orms July I Oat ReedCollegein Kaul Auditorium at 8 p.m. July 1 0and2p.m . July 11.For more information, visit www.imaniwinds.com or www.cmnw.org. Wine and Jazz Call 1-888-MAIN ACT or Tickets West at 1 -800-992-TIXX Room & Show Packages Available Now! Call 1-877-4 Beach 1 It's Better at the Beach! 1-888-CHINOOK www.chinookwindscasino.com Advertise w ith ¿J aíhook IA/inds CASINO RESORT O M SI’s big-screen OMNIMAX theater is “Lewis and Clark: Great Journey W est” through June. For more information, cal1503-797-4588. Celebrating Community Trippin’ through Town The Division and Clinton neighborhcxxls are “C el­ ebrating Community" with the 7lh annual Community Parade on Saturday, July 24from 11 a.m .to 5 p .m . A parade starting at 16,h Avenue and Division begins at 11 a.m. Many shops will have sidewalk sales and various businesses will express their individuality with events and benefits. For more information, call 503-774-2832. Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip- hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. Baxter Auto Parts Portland Historical Races are from Friday,July9-11 from8:3()a.m.to5:30p.m. Threeday admission is $40 or $ 10 for Friday only. Races are at Portland International Raceway, 1940 N. Victory Call 503-288 0033 ads@portlandob servcr.com Laughing Through It A Portland Jam Night plans to heal the com munity’s ills through laughter at the Wave Theatre in north Port­ land. The live music and sketch improv com edy is at 9 p.m. Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. For more information, call 503-735-4184 or visit www.jam-night.com. Music and libations come together from Aug. 27-29 at the 7Ih annual Vancouver Wine and Jazz Festival at Esther Short Park in downtown Vancouver, Wash. For m o re in fo rm a tio n , v isit www.vancouverwinejazz.com/schedule.htm. Racing By diversity w 'r'" ^ J n rlla ith (O hs tru e r Ongoing and Upcoming Music The 24“’ annual Cathedral Park Jazz Festival is from July 16-18 at 7325 N. Alta, beneath the St. Johns Bridge. Fora lineup, visit www.cpjazz.com. Ilits include "Tears on My Pillow," "Hurts So Bad " Tickets $10 to $20 Big Screen, Titanic Film OMNIMAX theater at OMSI presents "Titanica.” For showtimes, call 503-797-4640orvisitw w w .om si.edu. Jazz In the Park Celebrating Summer July 23 & 24 • 8pm A-Ust Entertainers The Mt. Hood Jazz Festival is Aug. 7 and 8 at Main City Park, Gresham. Prince’s Musicology Tour is Sept. 1 at the Rose Garden. Mel Brown plays jazz at Billy Maks Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ron Steen Jam Session is Sundays at Savannah’s Restaurant. To hear live R&B and Funk bands, visit www.bacchusrestaurant for a schedule. The Beaverton community is celebrating summer with a festival from July 16-18 at Gri ffith Park. The day includes a Nike 10k run/5k walk. Form ore informa­ tio n , v isit w w w .b e a v e rto n .o rg /m a p s / summer_festlocation.html. Under the Table Ensemble Theatre’s “Fever Pitch” is touring from Brooklyn and arriving at Disjecta, 116 N.E. Russell at 8 p.m. Saturday, July 24 and Sunday, July 25. Formore information,call 503-239-8578. and "Shimmy, Shimmy Ko-Ko Bop" Blvd. Form ore information, visit www.portlandhistorics.com. The Blue M onk on Belmont plays live jazz. For a schedule, visit www.thebluemonk.com. Interstate Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black Notes plays Thursdays at the Candlelight Room. Mel Brown plays ja zz at Jim m y M aks on T uesdays and T hursdays and Fridays and Saturdays at S alty ’s on the C olum bia. A C om m unity Unity B reakfast is every third T hursday at SEI at 7:30 a.m. S kip E lliott Bowman Jazz T rio plays Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at H annah B e a's, on northeast Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform w eekends at the In ter­ state Firehouse C ultural C enter. On Tour Little Anthony & The Imperials ” Larger Than Life-sized Blazers Street Jam Blazer Street Jam 3-on-3 basketball to benefit the Spe­ cial Olympics Oregon is on Ju ly 16-18. F o r in fo rm a tio n , v isit www.blazersstreetjam.com. The Sandy Oktoberfest Sandy Oktoberfest, September 10,11 and 12, features a Crtisfn’ Cdf ShbW.’Registration is $ 15 for each show and the first 1 OOcars to register will receive a free t-shirt. To register, visit www.sandyoktoberfestival.com. WITH SPECIAL GUEST , À J e WELLS FARGO sum m er Marlon Brando (right) in a scene from “The Godfather. ’ (AP photo) oncert Marlon Brando Dies at 80 (AP)— Actor Marlon Brando has died at age 80. The death occurred Thursday at a Los Angeles hospital. The cause of death was being with­ held. a spokesman said, noting the actor "was a very private man.” Brando revolutionized American acting with his Method perfor­ mances in "A Streetcar Named Desire" and “On the W aterfront" and went on to create the iconic AT THE OREGON ZOO PREMIUM CONCERTS LUCINDA WILLIAMS SHAWN COLVIN & & JOHN HIATT THE COWBOY JUNKIES “PLUS” CONCERTS F ree for Zoo M em bers a t the "P lus" level or h ig h e r A ll shows $9 for non-members R ID E R S IN TH E SK Y KEKELE ÿ ’V't. - . THE IG U A N A S character of Don Vito Corleone in “The Godfather.” Brando, w hose unpredictable behavior made him equally fasci­ nating off the screen, was acclai med the greatest actor o f his generation, a two-time winner of the Academy Award who influenced some of the best actors of the generation that followed, among them Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson. DAUDE ThurwUy, August 8 BELA FLECK AND THE FLECKTONES WHITE BIRD AT T H E GREG BROWN WITH TODD SNIDER IT ’S A BEAU TIFUL ZOO FAMILY DANCE SERIES R H O N D A V IN C EN T AND THE RAGE T r in ity I r is h D a n ce YO USSO U N ’DOUR ROBERT CRAY & BUDDY GUY Im a g o T h e a tr e DAVID BYRNE EMMYLOU HARRIS THE^TOSCA*STRINGS. W' ™ PATTY OR1PFIN WITH LISA GERMANO AND BUDDY MILLER CLARENCE WAR* AXWAVJU a IX "GATEMOUTH” BROWN h ïw a fe lh -â fl ' RIZW AN-M UAZZAM QAWWALI Imani Winds Concert Saturday BIG BA D VOODOO DADDY The African- American group Imani Winds comes to Portland Saturday for a concert at Reed College. DAVE ALVIN & THE GUILTY MEN WITH ELLIS HOOKS JO AJO BY WHITE BIRD AT THE z o o FAMILY DANCE SER IES Thursday, July 89 W ELLS FARGO TICKETS FOR PREMIUM CONCERTS ARB AVAILABLE AT THE ZOO WITH NO SERVICE CHARGE ONLINE AT WWW OREOONZOO ORO OR AT ANY TICKETS WE8T SAFEWAY TICKET CENTER CHARGE BY PHONE AT S o a - S 8 4 -« 4 M . PLUS CONCERT TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ON CONCERT DAY AFTER 4 PM WE VE GOT YOUR DINNER WAITINOI PRE-ORDER A GOURMET PICNIC AT WWW.OREOONZOO.ORG TAKE MAX TO THE ZOO! CALL »08-383-7433 OREGON ZOO M t T « 0 The stunning, youthful and in­ ternationally acclaimed classical music o f Imani Winds comes to Chamber Music Northwest on Sat­ urday, July 10, during a special per­ formance at Reed College's Kaul Auditorium in southeast Portland. Featuring five outstanding mu­ sicians o f African-American and Latin heritage, the members of Imani Winds— flutist Valerie Coleman, oboist Toyin Spellman, clarinetist Mariam Adam, bassoonist M onica Ellis, and horn player Jeff Scott— joined forces in 1996 to create an ensem ble that w ould push the boundaries o f a traditional wind quintet.