July 07, 2004 |Jorthxith (Obsi'rtu'r Page A5 Roosevelt is CKDROP /o r Health Initiative continued from Metro adjusting the current asset limit for enroll­ ment in the Children’s Health Insurance Plan from$5,(XX)to$l(),(XX). ‘T here is no reason why our children shouldn’t have open coverage to public health care, ’ he said. “ My goal is to make public health care coverage accessible for all, regardless o f the limits that currently linger over the system. In truth, the public health care system in Oregon is beginning to broaden its horizon to meet the needs o f our youth, insuring the health o f future generations.” The governor was also at Roosevelt to pay tribute to the school’s health clinic, which has greatly expanded access to health care for its students. North Portland residents Vesta Geer (from left), Jerrica Geer, Tejara Brown, Danielle Harris, Curtis Wilson and Linda Huth give serious thought to the comments o f Gov. Ted Kulongoski during a visit to Roosevelt High School. photo bv Senator Stands up for Minorities The appointment of a state em ­ ployee to the department o f human services sparked a civil rights issue for one state senator. Sen. Avel Gordly, D-Portland, objected to the confirmation of Gary W eeks as director of that depart­ ment, scolding the governor for neglecting to appoint people of color to top-level agency posts. T he A frican-A m erican sena­ tor said this is the first tim e in two decades that no m inorities are serving as d irecto r or deputy d i­ rector. Since G o rd ly ’s objection, the g o v e r n o r ’s o ffic e re le a s e d a seven-page list o f w om en and m inorities serving on boards and com m issions, though not neces- sarily in lead ersh ip positions. That list included more than 50 A frican A m ericans. “Having Sen. Gordly say some­ thing about it on the floor o f senate is very helpful because it gets out the word even more that we’re look­ ing for minority appointments,” said Mary Ellen Glynn, a spokes­ woman for Gov. Kulongoski. MKMMM “Sun Up Till Sundown” tells the painful story o f slavery in America from the voices of those former slaves who survived. The cast is com prised o f ethnically diverse community members who are not trained professional ac­ tors, whose ages range from 8 to 92. For several o f these actors, this will be their first stage expe­ rience. The goal o f the local p e rfo rm a n c e by S to ry te lle rz R eaders Theater is to bring the­ ater to everyday folks who do not believe they would ever be able to perform, ei­ ther because o f a lack o f formal theater training or the inability to learn lines. Nevertheless, they wish to be on stage, bringing their love o f the theater to an audience that P ortland O bserver C hamber M usic n o r t D A V ID S H U R IN h w e A K liS IlC s t P lR iC IO K presents Im ani Winds from N e w Y o rk L ily for th e ir P o n i,m il d e b u ti “Intani is Swahili for faith, ' and you'd better believe ¡mani Winds is like nothing you’ve seen before. ’ P itts b u rg h Post G a z e tte Saturday, July 10 Retd College. 8 f>w > I A slave is left badly scared from torture in this historic photo. ashington / T he Concert of music by Beethoven. Barber, Villa-Lobos and more. ‘SUN UP TILL SUNDOW N’ A collection of slave narratives M ark W N. Interstate A ve„ at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 17 and 4 p.m. S un­ day, July 18. T ickets are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and stu­ dents and m atinee prices are $6 for adults and $4 for seniors and students, plus 3 cans o f food. For m ore inform ation, visit www.ifcc-arts.org or call 503-823- 4322. Sunday, Ju ly 1 I i /Wi SUMMER F A M ILY CONCERT A fun program for ages 5-adult with music by Astor Piazzolla and Paquito D'Rivera, interactive pieces for children and spirituals arranged for woodwind quintet, Tickets put #5/ Call for tickets 503-294-6400 If You were the Owner or Beneficiary of an Industrial Life Insurance Policy Issued by does not necessarily embrace the experience o f live theater. “ S un U p T ill S u n d o w n ,” adapted by LaV erne Springer- G reen, com es to the Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter, 5340 Iraq Soldier Promoted at Home Portland native Ed Navy where he was C. Stallworth Jr., a lieu­ nam ed O ffic e r Re- tenant com m ander in cruiterof the Year fora the N avy R eserves 12-state region. who recently served A lre a d y h av in g 10 months in Kuwait earned a b ach elo r’s and Iraq, has returned degree in applied phys­ home with a promotion ics from Southern Uni­ in his career as a bank­ versity, he is currently ing executive. studying at Portland Stallworth has been S tate U n iv ersity to named assistant man­ earn a masters degree ager of the Wells Fargo Ed C. Stallworth Jr. in business adm inis­ bank at 522 A Ave. in tration. Lake Oswego. In his new position, An active m em berofhiscom mu- he is responsible for sales, coach­ nity, Stallworth serves as board ing, operations and cash control. secretary for the Portland O pportu­ He began his financial services nities Industrialization Center at career in 1999 at Salomon Barney Rosemary Anderson High School and Merrill Lynch in Portland where in north Portland. He is also a mem­ he was a financial consultant. Prior ber of the Omega Psi Phi service to that he served seven years in the fraternity. American National Insurance Company and are African-American or Hispanic You may be entitled to additional death or surrender benefits T hese additional b en efits are being provided as p a rt o f a m u lti-state reg u lato ry settlem e n b etw een A m erican N ational In su ran ce C om pany and th e in su ran ce re g u la to ry a u th o ritie o f th e states in w hich A m erican N atio n al does business. T he s e ttle m e n t only applies to in d u strial life in su ran ce policies w ith a face a m o u n t o $1,000 o r less, issued by A m erican N ational betw een 1956 and 1959 (A frican-A m ericar and H ispanic), and b etw een 1948 and 1964 (A frican-A m erican only), and w h ere . su rre n d e r o r d eath benefit was paid since D ecem b er 31, 1959. To find o u t if you are entitle« to additional benefits, you m ust act bv D ecem b er 20, 2005 by calling o u r toll-free num ber: 1-866-229-9685 O r w rite to: A m erican N ational Insurance Com pany Thurmond’s Daughter Added (AP)-SouthCarolinaG ov. Mark Sanford has signed a bill to add the nam eofStrom Thurm ond’sbiracial daughter to the list o f his children engraved on a monument to the late U.S. senator, once an avowed seg- regationist. Essie Mae W ashington-W ill- iams announced last year she is Thurm ond's daughter P.O. Box 1900 Galveston, Texas 7 7 5 5 1 -1 9 0 0 M ore info rm atio n is available at w w w .reg u lato ry settlem en t.c o m