July 07, 2(KM _______________ ÎIîc ÏJortlanh (©bseruer___________________ _____ pageA3 Turning a Hobby into Profit L iq u o r in S u p e r m a r k e ts D r a w s F ire Soul Chain finds growth on Northwest 23rd by J aymee R. C uti T he P ortland O bserver A lifelong northeast Portland resi­ dent turned her hobby into a profit by opening Soul Chain Boutique in her ow n backyard. Now M ona M cD onald has em barked on a new chapter in her entrepreneurial dream by m oving her shop to a new location in the busy and popular N orth­ west 23rd shopping district. Soul C hain B outique, 1524 N. W. 23rd Ave., sells original hand crocheted and knit fashion, including dresses, sepa­ rates, scarves, sw eaters, handbags and special orders. “ I learned as a young girl to crochet photo by and my m om knitted and crocheted all the tim e. O ne day I picked up the crochet hook again and m ade som e what to do as a housewife with no education. -Jeanie; Paoli, Penn. Dear Jeanie: Real P eo p le, R eal Advice 1 n nil lice enin m n known f u r its fearless approach in reality based subjects! M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver M ona M cD onald e x p a n d e d h er cro ch etin g h o b b y b y o p en in g S o u l Chain B o u tiq u e in th e 2 3 ° A ve n u e C o m m o n s in n o rth w est Portland. If you had custody o f those kids you w ould’ve beat the court doors off the hinges trying to get some money. Regardless o f gender ab­ sent parents should pay child sup­ port. Like being homeless, divorce is not an overnight thing and you should’ve seen it coming. You knew what you were working with. Like they tell men, stop whining, get a job and handle your business even it you have to flip a few burgers. Dear Deanna! open items make peace with the family and my sister but don’t know how. —Vivian Thomas; Charleston, S.C. Dear Vivian: Unless you threw your sister and husband in bed together and made them have sex then you did nothing wrong. You w ereentitledtobeupset but 10 years is a bit much. Life’s too short and if your sister died right now, you would be trying to crawl in the casket. Contact your sister, let the past be the past and get back to enjoying your family. Your hus­ band wasn t much to lose because he’s not with you or your sister. Years ago, my sister slept with my Dear Deanna! husband. Due to marital problems, My neighbor has a two-bedroom I spent so much time raising my kids I felt this was my fault. I haven't apartment. Her 11 year-old twins— that I lost myself in my marriage. Next seen or talked to her in over 10 a boy and a girl sleep in the same thing you know, my husband files years. My ex-husband has since room I’m thinking about reporting for divorce, takes the house, the had 2 wives and 3 m ore children. her because this isn’t right. How­ money and the kids. Now he'staking This upset me so bad that I severed ever I don’t want her to think I have me to court for child support and I ties with my entire family. I need to ulterior motives because my best don’t think its right. I don’t know Dear Deanna! in the store by hand, often using rare im ported fibers. F or m ore inform ation. call 503-243-5060. friend is next in line on the waiting list. I honestly d o n ’t like to see kids sleeping like that and I want to do something about it. -D a rlen e C; Denver Dear Darlene: You’re not in their home at night so you have no idea how they're sleep­ ing. Before you poke your nose in their business, why don’t you go ask your neighbor about it? D on't mess around and get your feelings hurt and then you and your best friend end up on the street. If you really want to help, cough up the money so your neighbor can move to a bigger place then everybody will be happy. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna!@ yahoo.com or write; Deanna M, P.O. BoxXX847, Los Aiiyelex, CA 90009. Website: b ' wm ’. askdeanna. com meiiteu, ii win tie intticult to remove these pilot stores and this experiment could be the catalyst leading to the collapse o f O regon's control system." said Marshall Coba, a lobbyist for the Associated Liquor Stores of Oregon. The Oregon LiquorControl Com mis­ sion has proposed allowing up to six grocery stores in urban areas to sell hard liquor for a two-year test period. The program is intended to increase liquor sales in the state by making purchases more convenient, while still keeping al­ cohol out of the hands o f minors and intoxicated people. Only three stores have signed up so far — a L am b's Thrittway and a QFC, both in Portland, and R ay's Food Place in Bend. Judy Cushing, president of Oregon Partnership, warned that putting liquor in grocery stores would make it easier for minors to get access to it. 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