lune 30. 2004 Pase 82_____________________________ lattò (©bseruer Waterfront Blues A ren ’t you re a d y for ho m eo w n er s h i p? ? M aybe you find y o u rse lf Saying, “ M y c re d it is to o far g o n e to purc hase....” U cspiY w iiic in turning,enters into Homeowners!! Low interest rates available on refinancing 1727 NF B th Avenue suite 101 Portland, OR 97212 (503)28 2 0 307 Phone (971) 404 1101 Cell (503)331-8171 la x onnic@a m < i u i On Saturday, July 17, OM SI will com m em orate the latest advancem ents in science with Space and Space E xploration. C om e test a hum an gyroscope, race a rem ote controlled Mars Rover, explore a G em ini capsule, and m uch more. All ages are welcom e. For more inform ation, visit w w w .om Celebrating Community A Portland Jam Night plans to heal the com m unity’s ills through laughter at the W ave Theatre in north Portland. The live music and sketch improv com ­ edy is at 9 p.m. Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. For more inform ation, call 503- 7 3 5 -4184 o r v isit w w w .jam - . The D ivision and C linton neighborhoods are “C elebrating C om m unity” with the 7lh annual Com m unity Parade on Saturday, ____ July 24 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. A parade starting at 16,h Avenue and D ivision begins at 11 a.m. M any shops will have sidewalk sales and various businesses will express their individuality with events and benefits. For more inform ation, call 503-774-2832. C o u ld n 't you see y o u r ­ self sav in g h u n d re d s o n your c u rre n t hom e loan... A M iracle Racing By Mortgage Baxter Auto Parts Portland His­ torical Races are from Friday, July 9- 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. T hree day adm ission is $40 or $10 for Friday only. Races are at Portland International Race­ way, 1940 N. Victory Blvd. For m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it w w w .p o rtlan d h isto m . Big Screen, Titanic Film O M N IM A X theater at OMS1 presents “Titanica.” F or sh o w tim es, call 5 0 3 -7 9 7 -4 6 4 0 o r visit w w w .o m si.e d u . Ongoing and Upcoming Music The Blue M onk on Belmont plays live jazz. F o ra schedule, visit w w w .thebluem . Inter­ state Bar and Grill has mature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. The Black Notes plays Thursdays at the C andlelight Room. Mel Brown plays jazz at Jim m y M aks on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays at Salty’s on the C olum ­ bia. A Com m unity Unity Breakfast is every third Thursday at SEI at 7:30 a.m. Skip Elliott Bowman Jazz Trio plays Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon at Hannah Bea’s, on northeast Shaver. R&B and live funk bands perform w eekends at the Inter­ state Firehouse C ultural Center. F r id a y , J u ly 2nd- Monday, J u ly 5 th Noon t o 9pm Z 8 0 D 90.7FM COMMUNITY RADIO 503-231-8032 Larger Than Life-sized O M SI’s big-screen O M N IM A X theater is “Lewis and Clark: Great Journey W est” through June. For more information, call 503-797- 4588. Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul in flu en cin g P o rtland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Rosie Ledet, part of the Waterfront Blues Festival. The Mt. Hood Jazz Festival is Aug. 7 and 8 at Main City Park, Gresham . Prince’s M usicology Tour is Sept. I at the Rose G arden. Mel Brown plays jazz at Billy M aksT uesdaysand Thursdays. Ron Steen Jam Session is Sundays at Savannah’s Restaurant. To hear live R&B and Funk bands, visit w w w .bacchusrestaurant for a schedule. KBOOso.?™ Laughing Through It Trippin' through Town A-List’ Entertainers BROADCAST .L I V E ! A Day of Space Adventure The 17th annual W aterfront B Festival opens at noon on Frit 2, and concludes at 9 p.m., M onday, July 5, at Tom M cCall W aterfront Park. The Northwest Film C enter will present Reel Blues, a series o f blues film s at 10 p.m ., Friday, July 2, and Saturday, July 3. For more inform ation and a full line up, visit w w w .w . Blazers Street Jam Blazer Street Jam 3-on-3 basketball to benefit the Special O lym pics O regon is on July 16-18. For information, visit w w w .blazersstreetjam .com . The Sandy Oktoberfest Sandy O ktoberfest, Septem ber 10, 11 and 12, features a C rusin’ C ar Show. Registration is $15 for each show and the first 1(M) cars to register will re c e iv e a fre e t- s h ir t. T o r e g is te r , v is it w w w . Creepy Crawlers Make your way to the 20,h annual Reptile and A m phibian Show held at OM SI on Labor Day weekend, Sept. 4th though the 6lh. C heck out a live dem onstration, touch and learn about the nearly 200 assorted animals from the experts. Free with paid adm ission. Discovering Chimpanzees: Com e learn about the incredible w orld o f Jane Goodall and her 40 years o f research with wild monkeys from Septem ber 28 through January 2, 2005 at OM SI. Artist’s Featured at Abbey Cafe The Abbey Café, 441 N. Killingsworth St., invites musicians to sell their CDs and perform on Fridays and Saturdays. For information, call 503-286-4847. ■M M M H M M M M M HNM BHHN M M B IND IG O GIRLS Siren’s Echo Embarks on National Tour From the belly o f the thorny Rose City emerges Siren's Echo, a long awaited union between Oldominion 's Syndel and Hungry Mob's Toni Hill. The two combine soulful melodies and profound lyricism over the head knocking production o f Pale Soul, Smoke and Mako, setting the mood for those who truly appreci­ ate good local music. WITH SPECIAL GUEST WELLS FARGO summer oncert ,7 ' r r AT THE OREGON ZOO PREMIUM CONCERTS LUCINDA WILLIAMS & JOHN HIATT BELA FLECK A N D THE FLECKTONES GREG BROW N W ITH TODD SNID E R SHAWN COLVIN & THE COWBOY JUNKIES W HITE BIRD AT THE ZOO FAMILY DANCE SERIES P LU S" CONCERTS Free for Zoo M em bers a t th e '‘P lu s ” le v el or h ig h er All sh o w s $9 for non-m em bers RIDERS IN THE SKY KEKELE THE IGUANAS DAUDE IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY Thursday, RHONDA VINCENT AND THE RAGE T rinity Irish Dance YOUSSOU NDOUR ROBERT CRAY & BUDDY GUY Im ago T heatre DAVID BYR N E EM M YLOU HARRIS FEATUR ING THE TOSCA STRINGS, W ITH LISA G E R M ANO W ITH PATTY G R IFF IN A N D BUDDY M ILLER WELLS FARGO Fire in the Sky CLARENCE "GATEMOUTH” BROWN RIZWAN-MUAZZAM QAWWALI BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY DAVE ALVIN & THE GUILTY M E N WITH ELLIS HOOKS JOAJOBY WHITE BIRD AT THE ZOO FAMILY DANCE SERIES Do Jum p TICKETS FOR PREMIUM CONCERTS ARB AVAILABLE AT THE ZOO WITH NO SERVICE CHARGE. ONLINE AT WWW.OREOONZOO.ORO OR AT ANT TICKETS WEST SAFEWAY TICKET CENTER CHARGE BY PHONE AT »O3-&a4-R4M. PLUS CONCERT TICKETS ARB AVAILABLE ON CONCBKT DAT AFTER « PM OREGON ZOO 9 M C T a o WE’VE GOT YOUR DINNER WAITING! PRE-ORDKR A GOURMET PICNIC AT WWWORBOONZOO.ORG TAKE MAX TO THE ZOOI CALL M 8 -« M -7 4 S S 4 I July 4th celebration at Vancouver Reserve On Sunday, July 4th, Comcast Cable and the V ancouver N ational Historic Reserve Trust hosts “4th of July at the Historic Reserve,” one of the largest fireworks displays west of the Mississippi. A ttendees are en ­ couraged to bring a $4 donation to the 4th to support the fire w o rk s sp e c ta c u la r. C lear Channel's K 103 will provide a live music broadcast and KGW North­ west NewsChannel 8 will air the show at 10 p.m. Events kick off at 10a.m. with the first-ever Sing Fourth Talent Con­ test on the main stage, featuring some of Clark County ’ s most gifted high school vocalists. After the contest, the IO4'h U S . Army Re­ serve Band will play following the color guard’s 11:45 a.m. posting of the colors. Follow ing the band will be Melody Guy, Metro, Johnny Mar­ tin, Stephanie Schneiderman. Satin Love Orchestra and Doctor Funk providing music right up to the fireworks. Food, beverages, games, rides and crafts are available in a family friendly atmosphere. The public also will have an op­ portunity to visit historic and edu­ cational sites, including Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, Pearson Air Museum and The Gen­ eral GeorgeC. Marshall House, with tours available. The Red Cross will host a blood drive in the Pearson Air Museum parking lot from mxin to 6 p.m. C-TRAN helps with traffic by offering express service from Westfield Shoppingtown from 6 to 8 p.m. and return buses board after the fire w o rk s from the F ort Vancouver Regional Library. Bus fare is 50 cents round trip, payable upon boarding.