Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 30, 2004, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
lune 30. 2004
M etro
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Waterfront Blues
The 17th annual Waterfront Blues
Festival opens at noon on Friday,
July 2, and concludes at 9 p.m.,
M onday, July 5, at Tom McCall
W aterfront Park. The Northwest
Film Center wi 11 also present Reel
Blues, a series o f blues films at 10
p.m., Friday, July 2, and Saturday,
July 3. For more information and
fu ll
lin e
v isit
Writing Frees
Free your w riting spirit with a
free w riting w orkshop by W rite
Around Portland from July 5
through Aug. 12 at locations in
and around north Portland. To
register or contribute, call 503-
Fireworks at Blue Lake
Pack a picnic lunch and loved
ones fo ra Fourth o f July celebra­
tion o f music and firew orks at
Blue Lake Regional Park, be­
tw een N ortheast M arine Drive
and Sandy Boulevard off 207th
A venue. Live music begins at 4
p.m. and continues through 10
p.m. Parking is $7 per vehicle.
Interest In Adoption?
A free inform ation meeting for
prospective adoptive parents is
held the third W ednesday o f
every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
at Belm ont Public Library, 1038
S.E. 39lh Ave. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-226-4870 or visit
w w w .openadopt.com .
Local Grads Boost Business Along Max
share skills
G raduates o f a college entrepreneurship
program are helping boost business along
the new Interstate Avenue Max Yellow Line.
The students are 25 o f the most skilled
graduates of the past three years M ini-
M asters o f Business A dm inistration im m er­
sion program at the University o f Portland.
Their goal is to develop m arketing strate­
gies, create financing plans and help busi­
nesses succeed in the north and northeast
Portland corridor.
With Tri-M et ridershippredicted at 10,000
per day on M ax, the students are studying
alongside UP professors, m em bers o f the
Interstate A venue B usiness Association,
T ri-M et, the Youth Em ploym ent Institute
and other local groups, to attract these rid­
ers off the line and into stores.
M ost o f the stu d en ts are from north
and no rth east P o rtlan d co m m u n ities and
are hom e fo r su m m er afte r atten d in g c o l­
leges such as H ow ard U n iv ersity , T em ple
C olleg e, G eo rg e W ash in g to n U niversity
an d UP.
“O urgoal is to be a pathw ay to perm anent
careers for these students. This careful d e­
velopm ent o f youth creates the desire to
succeed and give back to our com m unity,”
. .
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
said Heidi Sause, director o f the University
Young experts in business are developing marketing plans for local stores and restaurants along the new Interstate Max
o f Portland C enter for Entrepreneurship.
Yellow Line to help them profit from new foot traffic.
Work For Change
C om m unity A dvocates invite
those interested in protecting
children from abuse to becom e
an event volunteer, event out­
r e a c h , te c h n o lo g y e x p e r t,
graphic artists or office support
team member. For more informa­
tion, call 503-280-1388.
'mersiaie Max
tirrrvncj on
Health Support
Sankofaa Health Institute offers
a free diabetes support group
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third
Thursday at Alberta Sim m ons
Plaza, 6707 N.E. M artin Luther
King Jr. Blvd. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-285-2484.
ram a
by J aymee
R. C lti
T he P orti . and O bserver
High school and college theater
students are once again conduct­
ing a sum m er theater cam p to bring
arts education to younger kids who
may not otherw ise have had the
experience because o f budget short­
falls in local schools.
“A lot o f us had the benefit of
terrific dram a program s in middle
and high school and w e saw those
being cut. We w anted to m ake sure
this was available to youth despite
budget cuts," said Kris W allsm ith,
artist director and founder o f A
C h ild ’s Eye Playhouse.
The theater group makes dram a
education available to all kids, re­
gardless o f their ability to pay.
The three w eek long sum m er
cam p is for 10 through 14 year olds
to participate in w orkshops includ­
ing voice, m ovem ent, im provisa-
Home Improvement
The C om m unity Energy Project
holds free w orkshops on w ater
conservation and w eatheriza­
tion. For m ore inform ation, call
Government Powers
An open discussion about free­
dom and the Patriot Act put on
by Radical W om en will be held
W ednesday, July 14 at 7 p.m.
with a $6 buffet at 6:30 p.m. at the
Bread and Roses Center, 819 N.
K illingsw orth. F or questions
regarding chi ldcare or rides, call
Camper Jay Brannon makes a paper mache mask for a theater production.
Eat Right, Stay Healthy
Join a Heart W ise Living Class
o f Exercise and Nutrition, where
expertsgiveexerciseand healthy
eating tips to people battling
heart disease. Class will be of­
fered at P rovidence Portland
Medical Center from l:3 0 to 3 :3 0
p.m .on July 7. Form oreinform a-
tion, call 503-215-8039.
Theater Camp Counselor Foluke Denis helps Claire Tannler
Brewer get into costume at the Mosaic Church in northeast
tion and acceptance o f the ideas of
“We like to hear that cam p helps
young adolescents explore their
personalities, becom e more com ­
m unicative and more confident.
That makes us feel like w e’ve suc­
ceeded," said W allsmith.
The cost o f the cam p is $75, but
no one wi 11 be turned aw ay because
o f inability to pay. The camp, which
takes place at the North Star B all­
room in north Portland and at Pa­
cific Crest C om m unity School in
northeast Portland, is in its fourth
A popular lesson with cam pers
is a mask w orkshop, w here partici­
pants make their own masks and
perform in them. The cam p con-
cludes with a com m unity presenta­
tion o f plays w ritten, directed and
acted in by cam pers.
The first session o f Theater Sum ­
m er cam p started M onday and co n ­
tinues through July 16. A second
session is held from July 26 through
Aug. 13.
For inti irritation. call 503-358-9598
or visit w w w.CEPIayhouse.org.
Be Smoke Free
A m e ric a n
L ung
A ssociation's “Freedom from
Sm oking" program is designed
to help sm okers quit for good.
Learn a system atic approach to
quitting, including how to pre­
vent relapses. Eleven 90-m inute
classes will be offered, starting
on July 12, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at
P rovidence Portland M edical
C enter. The cost is $ 15 to Provi­
dence Health Plan m em bers and
$225 for the general public. To
register, call 503-574-6595.
Shining Light On Domestic Violence
An expert on fami ly violence wi 11
have a m ulticultural perspective on
intim ate partner violence during
conferences in Lincoln Performance
Hall at Portland State University.
Dr. Carolyn W est is an associate
professor o f psy chology at the
University o f W ashington. She is
The M ultnomah County D om es­
known for her teaching on family tic V io le n c e O ffic e a n d th e
violence, hum an sexuality and the W om an's Studies D epartm ent o f
psychology o f women.
Portland State U niversity are co-
" Workshop topics include
outreach to battered immigrants
and Latinos...
sponsoring the July 16-17 event,
title d Illu m in a tin g P ath w ay s:
M ulticultural Perspectives on Inti­
m ate Partner Violence.
W orkshop topics include o u t­
reach to battered im m igrants and
Latinos, dom estic violence in Rus­
sian-speaking com m unities, sexual
and gender m inority dom estic vio­
lence and becom ing an ally to the
African-A m erican com m unity.
F or m ore in fo rm atio n or to re g ­
ister, co n tac t M argi M cC ue at
m c c u e @ p d x .e d u o r ca ll 503-
Carolyn West