June 30. 2004 JJortíanb (lOhseruer Page A3 First Nike Factory Store Turns 20 M a rtin L u th e r Start, approached Nike 20 years ago and urged the company to build its first ever factory store on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. "I wo decades ago, Ron talked, and we listened. He led a commu­ nity-wide effort that helped con­ vince Bob Wtxxlell. Nike’s then president, to open our first factory store— not only the first in Oregon, For 20 years, Nike’s big swoosh but anywhere in the world— right has helped create new jobs, foster here in northeast Portland," said economic-growth, and bring $ I mil­ Gary DeStefano, operations presi­ lion in company donations to non­ dent of Nike USA. profit organizations in north and north­ east Portland. C o m m u n ity members, elected officials and Nike executives gathered at the Nike Outlet Store on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard last - Northeast Portland activist Ron Herndon week to celebrate the ach ievem ent and honor one local citizen’s vision for Nike envisions being part of a the area even before change was an proud north and northeast Port­ option. land neighbor for many additional Long time Portland resident Ron years to come. Herndon, now chairman of the board “W e’re committed to helping of the National Head Start Associa­ Nike executive Gary DeStefano (left) and Ron Herndon o f A lb in a H eart n ta rt continued on page A5 tion and director of Albina Head K in g B o u le v a rd s ite w a s a c tiv is t R o n H e r n d o n ’s v isio n They are to he congratulated not only fo r doing business here... hut fo r being one of the first area businesses to stand up and declare northeast Portland as a viable community to do business in. Dear Deanna! I was a black Florida voter who was mistreated during the Bush and Gore election. I along with other blacks didn’t get to vote and we could’ve made a differ­ ence. When this issue went to the Supreme Court level why d id n ’t the black representatives in the House make noise about this is­ sue? They d id n ’t say a word. Why ? --Gail S.; Jacksonville, Fla. Real People, Real Advice \ ii advice column knoumfor its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Gail: The black representatives did cry out. However, due to being out numbered by their white counter­ parts they were told, in not so many words, to sit down, shut up and keep it moving. Jessie Jack- son tried his best to raise aw are­ ness about this in the media, but he too was shut down. In the end, anybody that can call their daddy and ask tor an oi 1 company or bal I •am, can also steal the stank off poop and m anipulate a Florida chad. make any difference because we have love and neither one of us is going anywhere. -R onnie Turner; Beaumont, Texas PH” T° col '"TKSV OF S teve D ipaola /N ike playing and do the right thing. Dear Deanna! I’m in prison and have been here for over 10 years. My children were babies when I left and my wife al­ ways throws it in my face that I never did anything for them. No I haven t paid child support or pro­ vided materiahhings, but I can share wisdom. Now they’ve gone astray and she’s blaming it on me. I feel I can help if she would only bring them to see me. —Anonymous; Dear Ronnie: So you want to go to hell over an illegal orgasm if Judgment Day was tomorrow? True, your courtship lasted longer than most marriages. It you love the relationship you Dear Deanna! should do the right thing and not It a relationship is doing well and fornicate by living the shacking things are fine without marriage, lifestyle. Marriage will change why do women complain? I’ve been things because you’ll have the true Soledad Prison in Calif. with my girlfriend for 9 years and blessing of God overyour relation­ sometimes she rants about being ship as well as many marriage perks Dear Anonymous: legal and having a piece of paper to and benefits. After 9 years, quit Child support and material things justify ourrelationship. I feel it won’t don t raise children. Love, support and wisdom along with discipline and faith lead children in the right way. She should be bringing those kids to visit you every chance she gets. A child seeing their father in prison is the ultimate tool to help them do right and stay ut of trouble. W hentheyvi it.helj hemby keep­ ing it real about the consequences of your misdeed that landed you in prison and took your life, your dreams and your family. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or askdeanna I @yahoo.com write: Deanna M. P.O. Box 88847, Los Angeles, CA 90009. Website: H’H’w. askdeanna. com Jr ★ ” ** * V * ★ * our best. o Start Your July 4th Celebration Here! Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak S AFEWAY F O O D & DRUG Attention SENIORS W hite or Yellow Com Valu Pack. Sweet and Tender. Card price: 20< ea. Bone-in. Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! SAVE up to $5.51 lb. SAVE up to $1.50 on 5 Introducing a great new service tor our neighborhood senior citizens FREE grocery shopping shuttle service' to your nearby Ainsworth & MLK Blvd Safeway Food & Drug TWICE a Month! 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