lune 30. 2004 a'lK JJortlanò (©hseruer C lassifieds / B ids _ . DEPUTY SHERIFF AND CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS OFFICER OFFICER _ . . Employee Training and TriMet is seeking a Training and P ro g ra m s C o o rd in a to r fo r employee training and recognition p ro gra m s. The su c c e s sfu l candidate will have an ability to analyze, develop, im plem ent, maintain and evaluate programs. The skills needed to excel include the ability to manage multiple p ro je c ts , use e ffe c tiv e communication skills, and work c o lla b o ra tiv e ly in a team environment. TriMet offers a comprehensive benefits package and a monthly sa lary of $3172 - $3965 per month. To apply, please submit a TriMet a p p lic a tio n , s u p p le m e n ta l exercise, resume and cover letter no later than 5:00pm Friday July 9, 2 004. For a full position d e s c rip tio n and a p p lic a tio n materials please visit our website at or stop by our office at 4012 S E 17* Avenue, P ortla n d , OR 97202. Those residin g outside the Portland M etropolitan area or who are physically disabled may request application materials by calling 503-962-7635. Persons needing an accom m odation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for an y p a rt of the a p p lic a tio n process should contact TriMet Human Resources staff at 503- 962-7635. A minimum of two workdays notice prior to the need for accommodation is required. TTY# 503-238-8511. TriMet See where it takes you TriMet is an equal opportunity e m p lo ye r co m m itte d to developing an organization that is reflective of and sensitive to the needs of the diverse community we serve, including the elderly and persons with disabilities. NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T 1 New Stores Opening. Now Hiring for all positions. Join us for the ultimate grocery store experience! We are a friendly, fun workplace and known for legendary quality and customer service. We offer a p o sitiv e and d iv e rs e w ork environment and great benefits. See our w e b site fo r p o s itio n s & a p p lic a tio n s w w w .new seasonsm Or apply at any of our 4 Portland area stores! Rare Disease Claims Former Wrestler LATERAL ENTRY: $3498-$4477 Monthly T r a v is W e s t Plus Excellent Benefits C la c k a m a s C o u n ty S h e riff's Office is opening a recruitment for Recruit Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Recruit Corrections Officer and C o rre c tio n s O ffic e r to establish one year eligibility lists fo r each c la s s. C la c k a m a s County Sheriff's Office provides many opportunities for employees to create career paths that are re w a rd in g , c h a lle n g in g and exciting. We encourage those se e k in g a c a re e r in law enforcem ent to check out our application materials. Recruit Deputy Sheriff and Recruit Corrections Officers require no p re v io u s e xp e rie n c e or certification. Lateral entry as a Deputy S h eriff or Corrections Officer requires prior experience and p o ss e s sio n o f sta te certification within past five years. C la c k a m a s C o u n ty S h e riff's O ffic e is s e e k in g a p p lic a n ts committed to serving the public and participating in an inclusive, diverse and welcoming workforce. Applicants with bilingual skills, particu larly with Spanish and R u ssian la n g u a g e s , are encouraged to apply. Travis W est, 37, was laid to rest in River View Cemetery after a funeral service Saturday, June 19, 2004 at M aranatha Church where an estim ated 1,200 m ourn­ ers paid final respects. The former Olym pic w restlerdied on June 14 o f a rare liver disease called pri­ mary sclerosing cholangitis, the same disease that claim ed NFL star W alter Payton. Travis West was bom Jan. 13, 1967, in Phoenix, Ariz., the younger set of twin sons o f Ocie West and Versie L. West. He was baptized by the late Bishop J.C. Foster. His com m it­ ment to the principals and moral standards o f the Holy Bible were apparent to all that knew him. He gave his love to his family, friends, and e s p e c ia lly his c h ild re n . W hether w orking for his brother V ernell, simply because he was n e e d e d o r e n h a n c in g h is m other’s home, Travis enjoyed giving. He knew he was very sick, but that did not stop him from giving. He competed in the 1992 Olym­ pics as a Greco-Roman competitor after having overcome a medical condition that threatened his life. P o r tla n d S c h o la r R e m e m b e r e d He was a three-time high school state champion and a college na­ tional champion. Combining his love for wrestling and kids, Travis sought to help build the character of youth ages 5 - 18 by founding the Northwest Disciples Wrestling Club. Travis was preceded in death by his brother, Lorenzo and his father. He will forever be loved ‘C h u ks' Erasm us Ogbuobiri and missed by his wife, Valerie A memorial service was held at and daughters Shaquala Renee, P a rk ro se U n ited M ethodist N yausha Sam one, Aeon Rose, Church on Saturday, June 26 for A uryndette M ichelle, and son, Chukwumezie "Chuks" Erasmus Travis Jr. He also leaves to mourn Ogbuobiri. his mother; sister Hazel W est; He died on May 1 while in and 10 brothers: T rent, Paul, Washington, D.C. to delivera lec­ Daniel, his twin Manuel. Vernell, ture for the National Science Foun­ Theautries, Donell, W isson.T roy dation. and Ocie; his 93-year old m ater­ nal grandm other, Emily McGinty; and a host of uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Memorial contributions may be An old fashioned Indepen­ made to his wife to defray the medi­ dence Day celebration will be fun cal expenses associated with his j for the whole family on Sunday, recent five weeks of hospitalization July 4 at New Beginnings Chris­ and two liver transplants. For more tian Center, 76(H) N.E.Glisan St. in fo rm a tio n , go to Plans include a tribute to /travis.htm America’s military and a special or contact Vernell West at 503-493- prayer for families with children, 6027. spouses and parents serving on He was bom and raised in Alor, Anambra State, Nigeria. As a young adult he came to the United States and attended Cornell University. He later earned a Bachelor of Sci­ ence Degree, a Master of Science and a Doctorate of philosophy in Electrical Engineering. After graduation, he came to Portland and worked for Bonneville Power Administration until his re-f tirement in 1994. "Chuks” held an active role in the Portland commu­ nity as a scholar, an inventor, a researcher, an entrepreneur, a drum major for justice and a champion for world peace. Donations can be made to the Erasmuc Chukwumezie Ogbuobiri Memorial Fund at any branch of the Bank of America. LET FREEDOM RING Required: Must be at least 21 years old by October 1,2004 and possess a high school diploma or GED. Other requirements included in application m aterials. Must s u c c e s s fu lly pass e xte n s iv e C a r l A . Joh n so n background investigation and A m e m o ria l s e rv ic e was p o s t-o ffe r p h ys ic a l and h e ld F r id a y , J u n e 18 at psychological assessments. C a ld w e ll’s C o lo n ia l Chapel for C a rl Jo h n so n , w h o died on COUNTY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION REQUIRED. Application materials June 14 at age 90. available at Clackamas County Johnson was born A u g . 14, Personn el, 900 Main S tre e t, 1913 in Y a k im a , W a sh . In Oregon City, OR 97045 or from 1938, he m a rrie d R o z e lia (503) Phelps. She died in 1985. 6 5 5 -8 4 5 9 . C lo s in g date: Jo h n s o n gra d u a te d fro m Wednesday, July 14, 5:00 p.m. W a sh in gto n H ig h S ch o o l and was s e lf e m p lo ye d . H e liv e d in the P ortlan d area fo r 77 ye a rs . active duty. Del Way, popular Christian mu­ sic artist and pastor of Calvary Temple Church in Texas will “let freedom ring" through his musical salutes at 9 :15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services. The afternoon will round oft with a barbeque and carnival with rides and a petting zoo. Longtime Portlander Dies PARKING FACILITY Operator Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals $8.00 + starting wage Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/Background check New hires must have acceptable documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed & Thurs at City Center Parking 130 SW Stark, Portland. Sub-Bids Requested Justice Center Detention Electronics and Fire Alarm Upgrades Multnomah Co. OR. Bid date: July 7, 2004 at 2:00 PM Engineered Control Systems Phone: 509 -4 83 -6 2 15 | I II I 1 I I 1 1 | \ N l W L -. L , 1 RECRUIT ENTRY: $2873-$3169 Monthly Programs Coordinator Bachelor's degree in business, c o m m u n ic a tio n s , hum an resources or related field and th re e ye a rs o f p ro g re s s iv e ly responsible experience in staff d e v e lo p m e n t and tra in in g program design, implementation and evaluation required. * Page B5 Learn the skills to succeed in: -web design & graphics -network administration -word processing -web navigation & e-mail -data entry & spreadsheets -computer repair & maintenance ►mail merge & list maintenance -desktop publishing •software support ^Financial Aid available to those who qualify >Morning, Afternoon & Evening classes >Job Placement Assistance Cargar «um» far today'« job market He is su rvive d b y his dau gh­ te rs C a r le n e Ja c k s o n and E v e ly n C o o k and sons L o u is O lse n and Stan D u ke , as w e ll as 14 g ra n d ch ild re n and 15 gre a t-g ra n d c h ild re n . bcti 800.752.BCTI Vancouver B usiness C omputir T raining I nstitute integra Direct: 503-517-5791 reginald.lee@ integratclecom .com telecom ' “ ’ LOCAL LONG DISTANCE & INTERNET FOR BUSINESS Reginald K. Lee, Account Executive 111 S W C olu m bia, Suite 725 Portland, O R 97201 Main: 503-748-7777 Fax 503-517-5751 ripuoice $34.99 Phone w/60 Mins. Included No Contract - No Credit Check A ltx:al company serving your voice& data needs FREEDon PHone A llied M ortgage HAKino Diunns or noncowncrtsmr cone true Stöber M . Davis $124.99 Phone and 1 st Prorated Month of S ervice $60/month 300/3000 Mins. No Contract - No Credit C he ck - No Credit C ard (503) 735-1422 mortgage consultant Fax: 509-4 83 -5 1 02 2702 N. Perry Spokane, WA. 99207 (503) 262-2626x155 SUB BIDS REQUESTED Clark County Fairgrounds Phase I 1(»11SEDMsnri,STE207-Patend,OR97266 __________ smdavts3BfcQ^rooeom__________ 888-9RECELL ■^Cool Kunnin^ Cafe & “ L e t U s S a tis f y Y o u r M u s ic a l N e e d s " HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ^ a r jfe b e a n Bid Phone: (5 0 3 ) 221-8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8 W e B uy Cellular Phones and Pagers Loans in Oregon, Washington fit California Bid Package #5 - Stage VI (Fencing and Interior Finishes) Prebid Meeting: June 29, 2004 at 2pm Bid Due: July 13, 2004 at 2pm OF WASHINGTON ceil phohc > recycle your cel (503) 340-2824-fax (503)262-2650 Contact Jim Blair ECS is an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from sub-contractors and suppliers including minority, women and emerging small business companies. Beaverton - Salem fr C a j u n C u is in e ,4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 Song Writing & Arranging Production Recording Consulting C a ll: 503-280-5243 Music Tracks Beats Music for Special Events Lessons & more... Rada Music-ASCAP Member 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - LIC # H0FFMCC164NC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. O ther Subcontracting O pportunities - h ttp ://w w w .h o ffm a n c o rp .c o m M EAT *3ohniScOtt-eo*n Harold Strong S p e c ia l O rd e rs G la d ly A c c e p te d ! 13 â « Paul H o u g e A d v e rtis e w ith d iv e rs ity z'zz 'jJ n r t la n f c © b s e r u e r ( '.ill 503 288 (1033 ads@ portlandob scialt . coiii 1- 887-860-0047 8238 N Denver Avenue. Portland. Or 97217 Phone: (803) 289-9418 Ü Ï9 B ro ke r • (5 0 3 )7 8 0 -4 0 9 4 F a x : (5 0 3 ) 6 7 1 - 0 12 1 • O ffic e : 1503) 6 7 1 -0 2 2 1 ^Address: W ashington Square O ffic e ; 9 020 SW W ashington Sq. D r # 100 Portland, O R 97223 E -M a il: ‘ John L. Scoti P T L • W ashington Square O ffic e T h is o ffic e is independently ow ned and operated 3ohn IL. Scott RIAL ESTATE