Committed to Cultural Diversity C lune 23. 2004 o ni ill u n i t y ¿i I e n d a r SPfODIFlG TH€ WORD Good in the Neighborhood The 12'*’ annual Good in the N eighborhoo d m ulticu ltu ral music and food festival is Satur­ day and Sunday, June 26 and 27 at King School Park on North­ east Seventh Avenue just south o f Alberta Street. Leisure Hour Llondyn Elliott, 7, (from left) Deone Peoples and Tatyana McDonald, 10, canvass door-to-door in their neighborhood with leaflets about this weekend's multicultural Good in the Neighborhood festival. The two-day music and food celebration of north and northeast Portland's diverse popula­ tions takes place Saturday and Sunday at King School Park on Northeast Seventh Avenue, south of Alberta. The Leisure Hour Junior G olf Program holds picture day and sponsor appreciation day with a thank you barbecue from 3 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 27 at the Mayfield's House, 9216 N.E. 25**’ Ave., Vancouver, Wash. RSVP to Debbie Scott at 503-936-8568. Fireworks at Blue Lake Pack a picnic lunch and loved ones fora Fourth of July celebra­ tion o f music and fireworks at Blue Lake Regional Park, be­ tween Northeast Marine Drive and Sandy Boulevard off 207th Avenue. Live music begins at 4 p.m. and continues through 10 p.m. Parking is $7 per vehicle. photo by M ark W ashington / T he P orti ani » O bserve Arts Scholarship Extended The African American Visual Arts Scholarship at Portland S tate U niversity application deadline has been extended to July 31. The com mittee is seek­ ing young A frican-A m erican artists and offering to pay $3,000 per year. For information, call 503-725-3397or503-725-5560. Wellness Within Reach The African American Health C oalition announces several classes throughout the month o f June at Matt Dishman Com ­ munity Center, Colum bia Pool, and Salvation A rm y. The activi­ ties include W alk to Run, C hi­ cago Step and Water Exercise. F or m ore inform ation, visit Birth Ready W hether you need childbirth preparation classes, or just a refresher, Providence Health Systems has a workshop for you. Prepare for pain, take a weekend seminar or prepare big sisters and brothers-to -b e throughout th e su m m e r by v isitin g or call 503-574-6595. Diversity Insured in Huge Waterfront Development Workforce objectives added to plans by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver The Portland City Council has adopted a workforce diversity strategy by amending plans to build a gigantic new waterfront community on the southwest edge o f dow n­ town Portland. It means that the developers o f 31 acres of formerly industrial land east of Southwest Macadam A venue— the Portland Develop­ ment Commission, Oregon Health and Sci­ ences University and North Macadam In­ vestors — agree to seek benchmarks of having 35 percent of the project’s workforce be women and minorities. The agreement also calls for reducing the dropout rate for women and minority ap­ prentices seeking journeym an status, which i s now 85 percent compared to 50 percent for white males. “ W hat this boils dow n to is good busi­ ness,” said PDC C om m issioner N oelle W ebb, an A frican A m erican. A single parent w ho has the opportunity to go through this program and earn $31 an The workforce now is not diversified and this lays the groundwork for correcting that. - Andre Baugh, a spokesperson for a coalition seeking minority participation In the South Waterfront Development hour, th a t’s a significant impact. They can purchase a home, provide m edical co v er­ age for th eir ch ildren." Significantly, the amendment also re­ ceived support from trade union representa­ tives, including the C olum bia Building Trades Council, the Carpenters Union and Canine 101 The Oregon Humane Society explains problem pooches at Canine 101 classes on Saturday, July 17at 11 a.m. A $10donation is suggested. For more inform a­ tion. call 503-285-7722 or visit Women Speak Women have a voice at W omen in NAACP, a new w om en's group, meeting from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Saturday of each month at the American Red C ro ss B u ild in g , 3131 N. Vancouver. For questions, call 503-249-6263. Interest in Adoption? A free information meeting for prospective adoptive parents is held the third W ednesday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Belmont Public Library, 1038 S.E. 39,h Ave. Form ore informa­ tion, call 503-226-4870 or visit A Healing Song Sankofaa Health Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Thursday at Alberta Simmons Plaza, 6707 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Formore informa­ tion, call 503-285-2484. Work For Change Community Advocates invites those interested in protecting children from abuse to become an event volunteer, event out­ re a c h , te c h n o lo g y e x p e rt, graphic artists or office support team member. For more informa­ tion, call 503-280-1388. Operating Engineers Local 701. P o rtla n d C ity C o m m issio n e r Jim Francesconi even called for the agreement to be extended tootherconstruction projects in other parts o f town. The Community Coal ition, an ad hoc fed- eration of chambers o f commerce, minority contractors, Trades Union Women and oth­ ers first raised the diversity workforce is­ sues in 2002. “Women and minorities consume a lot of social resources if they're unemployed. With this approach, we can see income coming back to our communities. It's a hand up,” said Andre Baugh, a spokesman for the coalition. “The workforce now is not diversified and this lays the groundwork for correcting that,” Baugh later told the Portland Ob­ server. “In the next generation a majority of the workforce will be minorities and women. They w on’t have to be pioneers, they will have mentors, their participation will be normal." He noted that there was early resistance by trade unions to change workforce diver­ sity goals. “What I heard this week was that the unions are embracing this, which is a mindset change,” he said. “Some o f the issues have been addressed, not all, but at least the fram ework’s changed. We can move for­ ward without having to argue the basic points. We heard a lot o f excuses, a lot of posturing, but at the end o f the day they embraced it." ■M M Fish Advisory Issued for Willamette River Chemicals found in catfish and other species Fish taught from the W illameiie River In toxic, according to an advisory from the Oregon Dept. of Human Services. Due to the high levels of chemicals found in fish sampled within Portland Harbor, DHS has developed special recommendations for the Willamette between the Fremont Bridge, down­ town and the mouth o f the river at Sauvie Island. High levels o f polychlorinated biphenyls, called PCBs, are found especially in carp, bass and catfish. The chemicals are known to cause cancer and liver, thyroid, immune system and developmental problems. Those who should avoid eating resident fish from the harbor include women of childbearing age, particularly those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, children, and those with weak immune systems or with liver or thyroid prob­ lems. Others should limit their consumption of resident fish from the harbor to no more than 8- ounces o f fish per meal, per month. The health concerns do not apply to non­ resident and migratory fish, such as salmon and steelhead,which are considered an excellent high-protein, low-fat food source. Health Department officials will host a public meeting on Tuesday, June 29 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Johns Community Center, 8427 N. Central, to discuss recent fish data and public health impli- cations. ’ . V 1 J , i f P o rt land may be photo by M ark W ashington /T he P o rtiand O bserver W arnings a b o u t dangers on the W illam ette River sta n d the te s t o f tim e. Now h e a lth d e p a rtm e n t o fficia ls have issu e d a new a dvisory th a t fish caught in the river betw een dow ntown P ortland a n d th e m o u th o f the C olum bia River m ay be toxic.