Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 2004, Page 5, Image 5

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lune 23. 2004
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Page AS
H ealth
Health Centers Offer HIV Tests
Planned Parenthood will offer these advances mean little if people United States does not know they
free HIV tests on Monday, June 28 are not getting tested,” said Linda are infected.
to anyone who visits one o f its six Bryant of Planned Parenthood. “For
Planned Parenthood will be of­
Oregon health centers. The ser­ those people that have shared fering the OraQuick Rapid HIV-1
vices will be offered as part o f N a­ needles or had unprotected sex with antibody test that provides results
tional HIV Testing Day.
multiple partners, getting tested is in as little as 20 minutes. Patients
“O ver the past several years, the first step in taking control of can get directions to a Planned
there have been tremendous strides their life.”
P a re n th o o d h e a lth c e n te r at
in diagnosing and treating H, V dis­
Approximately one in four of the www.ppcw.org or by calling 1-800-
ease and related infections, but people with Hl V/AIDS living in the 230-PLAN.
First Aid Techniques Save Lives
Dr Billy R Flowers
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural heaing profession
Part 3. ALLERGIES: W hy Chiropractic
ften works more effectively than drugs.
N o thing else
has ever re a lly
helped m y
allergies. W h at
can C h irop ractic
possibly do?
F irst, ta k e a look a t th e
w ord itself. “A lle rg y ”
is a s h o rte n e d form o f
“a lte re d e n e rg y .” W ay back
w hen
p a tie n ts
f ir s t
c o m p la in e d
o f a lle rg ic
k now th a t th e c e n tr a l n erv o u s | p r o b le m , n o t ju s t th e
system c o n tro ls th e b o d y ’s flow sym ptom s, C h iro p ra c tic ca n
o f en erg y . W e also know th a t o f t e n p r o v id e c o m p le t e ,
i w h en th e sp in a l co lu m n is o u t la stin g relief. W ith o u t drugs
o f a lig n m e n t, it in te rfe re s w ith o r drow siness. For h elp w ith
th e c e n tr a l n erv o u s sy stem ’s your allerg y -related problem s
flow o f energy. W h e n th o se o r answ ers to any q u e stio n s
n erv e s le ad in g to th e eyes or you m ig h t h av e a b o u t your
n o s e o r t h r o a t a r e b e in g h e a lth , your w ill fin d th a t
i n t e r f e r e d w i t h , “a lte r e d C h i r o p r a c tic is o f te n th e
en erg y" sym ptom s resu lt. By a n s w e r .
C a l l us fo r a n
c o rre c tin g th e source o f th e a p p o in tm e n t to d ay .
sym ptom s, it was o b v io u s to
th e p h y sic ia n w ho c o in e d th e
term th a t som ehow , th e body’s
Flowers' C hiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
e n e r g y c o n f ig u r a t io n h a d
s h i f t e d a n d c a u s e d th e
p ro b lem . C h iro p ra c to rs now
Phone: (503) 287*5504
* * AI1 c,asses are free of charge!
Marge Moore,
representing the
Baptist Church,
practices CPR at a
Community Cross
Training session
conducted by the
American Red Cross
Oregon Trail Chapter.
A group o f inner-city residents
received vital lifesaving training this
month at the American Red Cross
in northeast Portland.
Nearly 30 people paid only $3 to
leant first aid and CPR with Commu­
nity Cross Training. S^ich training
typically costs $44.
Nonprofit local businesses lo­
cated in or serving north and north­
east Portland were invited to par­
ticipate in a training program to
contribute to the safety and well­
being of the community.
“W ith the slow economy we
faced in recent years, some local
businesses and organizations may
have had to cut lifesaving training
from their budgets," said Jeff Jobe,
general manager for the Heathman
Hotel, where the training was held.
“I believe Community Cross Train­
ing helped people get training so
they can be ready to respond dur-
ing an em ergency situation.”
Participants included Com m u­
nity Cycling Center, Urban League
o f Portland, Community Energy
Project, Ride Connection, Albina
Headstart, Sierra Club, Vancouver
Avenue Baptist Church, Early Head
Start Family Center, Sisters o f the
Road, CEC, Inc., AmeriCorps, Can­
cer Care Resources, Friends o f
Trees, the Eritrean Center and the
Rebuilding Center.
Doctors Urged to Test for Alcohol Misuse
All adults, including pregnant
women, should be screened by their
physicians for alcohol misuse and
referred for counseling if neces­
sary, according to an updated rec­
ommendation issued today by the
U.S. P reventive S ervices Task
The independent panel o f ex­
perts based its conclusion on a
report from a team led by Dr. Evelyn
P. W hitlock and a consortium of
clinicians and researchers from
Oregon Health and Science Uni­
versity, Kaiser Perm anente’s C en­
ter for Health Research and the
Portland Veterans Affairs Medical
Women who drink more than
seven drinks a week or more than
three drinks per occasion, and men
who drink more than 14 drinks a
week or more than four drinks per
occasion are considered to be risky
or hazardous drinkers, according
to the Task Force.
Harmful drinking is defined as
behavior exhibited by individuals
who are experiencing physical, so­
cial or psychological harm from al­
cohol, but who do not meet the
criteria for alcohol dependence as
outlined in the D iagnostic and Sta­
tistical M anual o f M ental Disor­
ders, Fourth Edition.
“Alcohol misuse, tobacco use,
poor diet and physical inactivity
accounted for almost 40 percent of
deaths in the United States in 2000,"
said Whitlock, senior investigator
at Kaiser Perm anente's Center for
Health Research. “We found that
the research supporting behavioral
interventions delivered in primary
care to reduce risky and harmful
alcohol use is second in quality and
relevance only to that for tobacco
Avoiding Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Women are
often at greater
risk than men
D r . J ennifer W ider
If you're having sex, pay close
attention. Sexually transmitted dis­
eases are on the rise in this country
and it seems that people aren’t pro­
tecting themselves properly. A new
survey conducted by the Ameri­
can Social Health Association re­
veals that a large number o f people
fail to use protection regularly when
having vaginal, anal and oral sex.
This new finding has serious
implications for women. Women
are at greater risk than men for ac­
quiring STDs from heterosexual
In addition, STDs often cause
more severe and frequent health prob­
lems fi ir wc xne n than they d<) ft ir men.
Symptoms may appear right away,
but more often for women recogniz­
able symptoms don’t appear at all.
As a result, many women do not
receive proper medical attention until
severe problems have occurred.
High-risk behavior including fail­
ing to use a condom, sex with many
partners, and a partner who has had later in life, especially for widows
many sexual experiences, signifi­ and divorcees.
cantly raises a person’s chance of
Dr. Jennifer Wider represents the
contracting an STD. STDs can be Society for W om en’s Health Re­
caused by viruses and include: search, a non-profit group based in
herpes, HIV, human papillomavirus Washington, D.C.
(HPV) and hepatitis B; or by bacte­
ria and include: chlamydia, gonor­
rhea and syphilis.
Chlamydia can have devastat­
ing effects on women and can re­
sult in pelvic inflammatory disease
and infertility. Roughly 70 percent
o f chlamydia infections produce
vague symptoms or no symptoms.
Roughly one out of every four
Americans will bediagnosed with an
STD at some point in their lifetime
with younger people affected dis­
proportionately. According to the
National Institutes of Health, nearly
two-thirds of all STDs occur in men
and women under the age of 25.
But older Americans are not im­
mune. According to the American
Social Health Association, adults
over the age o f 65 are in one of
fastest-growing AIDS rates seg­
ments o f the population. Seniors
have not received formal sex edu­
cation the way younger people have
and there are gaps in knowledge
that can lead to riskier behavior
\ African American Health Coalition, Inc.
A. \
Presents for your health,
Wellness Within REACH Activity Calendar
Mallory Ave. Christian Church
Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm,
Granville • 6:30-7:30pm, Nickerson
Low Impact Aerobics
Daniel’s M em orial Church
Tue, 7 :1 5-8: 15pm, Granville
M att Dishman
Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois
W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC)
Columbia Pool, M att Dishman,
Salvation Arm y
Tai Chi (Contact AAH C)
St John’s Comunity Center
Tue, 6:30-7:30pm
African Dance
M att Dishman
Sat, 10-1 lam, Addo
W alking Group
Peninsula Park
Sat, 12:30pm, Woods
Lloyd Ctr, I st FI. in front of Sears
Tue, Thu, 6:30pm, Woods
Body Conditioning
W ild Oats M arket
Sat, 9:30-10:30am, Nickerson
Chicago Step
M att Dishman
Fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick
Hum boldt Elem entary
Tue, Thu, 6-7pm, Keller
(Class courtesy o f M itt Dishmin)
W eight Mgnt./Conditioning
W h itak er Track
Tue, Thu, 9 -1 Oam, Hasan
W ild Oats M arket
Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O’Rourke
Columbia Pool. 7701 N Chautaqua
Peninsula Park, 700 N Portland
Daniel’s Memorial Church. 1234 NE Killingsworth
Salvation Army, S325 N Williams
Humboldt Elementary. 4915 N Gantenbein
S t John’s Community Center, 8427 N. Central
Malory Aw Christian Church (Gym). 126 HE Alberta
Whitaker Track, NE 42nd & Killingsworth
Matt Dishman. 77 HE Knott
W ild Oats M arket 3535 NE 15th
’ ’ Must be 18 or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the fin. class and for
more information at 503-413-1850 or kdempsey@aahc-portland.org. Please receive approval from your
doctor before beginning exercise class.
R a c ia l an d e th n ic A p p ro a c h « « to C om m u nity H o a lth
A Program of the African American Health Coalition, Inc
Sponsored by the Centers tor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Contact AAHC at 503-413-1850 or visit our web site at wwwaahc-portland.org
STD Clinic
th e word out.
i . j
Pilates (Contact AAH C)
M att Dishman
Tue, 8-9pm
Get tested.
Get treated.
Stay healthy.
HIV Community Test Site
50 3-988-3775
42G SW Stark St.. 6” Floor
Downtown Portland
Call for an appointment
Limited walk-ins
Sliding-scale fee
No one turned away for
Multnomah County I h e a lth Department