lune 23. 2 0 0 4 ìlie IJorthm h (©hserüer Page A3 nity. L oving tw o people at the sam e this tim e as a learning experience tim e is possible if they w ant to be and m ove on w ith your life. loved h a lf way because you c a n ’t fully love tw o people. Y ou need to Dear Deanna! settle y o u rself dow n and accept 1 w ant to know w hy you respond to the ultim atum . If you c a n ’t do this, G odly questions and put them next be honest w ith her and step aw ay to those hopeless sinners in your c o lu m n ? I ’m a C h ris tia n a n d because she deserves better. w ouldn’t be bothered with the secu­ Dear Deanna! lar s tu ff —Lillie; D allas, Texas I w as in a 5-m onth relationship that ended w hen my boyfriend cheated. Dear Lillie: I ’m w illing to take tim e to w ork D o n ’t you pay enough attention to things out but he d o e sn ’t feel the the B ible to know that a thief w as on sam e. I’m over the cheating issue. the cross right beside Jesus? S in ­ 1 w rote him a letter saying I’ll al­ ners and S aints both have issues, w ays love him , but I w o n ’t wait problem s, pain and loss o f hope. forever. He got m ad and now we G o d lo v es e v e ry b o d y w h eth er d o n ’t com m unicate. I’ve made my th ey ’re in the church or on the R e a l P e o p le . R e a l A d vic e I // mh m culm in i k m iw ii f u r ih Icn rlcw oppi m ieli lo n o ltiy b ih i i í w ib je e h ! Dear Deanna! I’m single playing the field but I have a girlfriend. S h e ’s confident and allow s m e to see o th er w om en. N ow sh e ’s giving m e an ultim atum because there ’ s another w om an I ’ m falling in love with. I feel I can be in love w ith tw o w om en at the sam e tim e. She disagrees and w ants me all to h e rse lf —R ichard; M em phis, Tenn. «J James & t ucky Peterson § « âoMoS, 2@M f®WUM0, ®M®0R Dear Richard: maini» ir ima tkm cremi vhion Y ou’re stuck on stupid. Any w om an that gets involved w ith you and yo ur circus isn ’t confident, th e y ’re foolish. L ove is a com m itted effort o f respect, consideration and d ig ­ OVER 100 SHOWS • FOUR STAGES BLUES HUMS • CRUISES JULY 4TH FIREWORKS Oregon Food Bank S5 and 2 cans of food M o to r City R&B Pioneers BLUES HOTLINE: 503-973-FEST f t (S )> F irn Tech «puoi) BV\R L" * SAFEWAY r w u ■ UVLIC, Ruthie Foster w / Cyd Cassone Monte Montgomery - ftwo «. i H o u s e h o l d “ firl, Dear Nicole: street com er. He restores hope as quoted in Psalm 103 V erse 2-4 that says He redeem s my life from the pit and crow ns m e w ith love and co m ­ passion. He also says, I will give back your health and heal your w ounds in Jerem iah 3 0 :17. G et o ff that holier than thou trip and get back to G o d ’s business o f love and saving souls. It’s clear as w ater but you d o n ’t see it. H e cheated, do esn ’t want to work it out and is m ad because y o u ’re not stupid by w aiting on him. H e’s Ask Deanna is written by Deanna gotten o v er you and the relation­ ship and h e ’s m oving on and you M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or should do the sam e. The 5-m onths askdeannal@ write: Deanna M. P.O. Box 88847. d id n ’t build a relationship; it only Los Angeles, CA 90009. Website: created a w hole lot o f “I like you’’ w ww. askdeanna. com stuff. G et yo u rself together, count St. John's Safeway Opens Largest Blues Festival West of the Mississippi Portland, Oregon • Waterfront Park (S u g g e s te d D o n a tio n ) feelings clear and he has done the sam e but he h asn ’t m ade an effort to help fix the relationship. Should 1 leave him and get on w ith my life? —N icole; T oledo, O hio ™ f ( nl 02 Sup)«!« Spwwnhii a? 0 Cr«St Onw. ferny y Rep. tapfe. M m , Refresh, fcrnger Ware, TiAy\Coffre fntol»yW iD re ye \kfC r(s«n '.WM*mism.Cu.torCentef.8eflrdfr(iws,Brkenstf(irlC««( Cos (V i '^ 5 ' k z Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef London Broil Boneless. Top Round. Thick cut. SAVE up to $3.99 lb. on 2 Introducing i gnu new service lor Our neighborhood senior otieens W alla W alla S w eet Onions Washington grown. The all purpose seasoning. Card price: 50< lb. SAVE up to $1.98 on 2 lbs. ™ EE 9focwy lh°P P " 9 shuttle service' to your nearby Ainsworth / *^ 1 » 4 MLK Blvd Safeway Food D™9 TWICE a Month' l~ j f ' t This Service is FREE to OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE 111 / / SWOTS age 60 and over OnrSnwn GrMMteunrMiim MU*OT*aiNMIr«iNMir. LOOK r o t o u t tn c u u k a i ik a n s k o k w io m n o u t r ItK Y K I k m o u lt t i n t AT r o u t au< turo lAttM Ar r o t c o t t n m otTAnti / / M U A MATCH Safeway Club Price (41SAFEW AY L v/eoooaDmxs amen mmicm cuanta ot «mt art or mi son For Aforr In fn n iH tlio ii C oll SO S-S72 0912 Visit Safeways Web site at w w w Available at Safeway: 1 UNION miar, UUMtl'l 1 Yoplait Original, Ultra or Whips! 4 to 6-02. Selected varieties. Card pnce: 50< ea SAVE up to $3.00 on 10 Mon Tues Wed Thur 23 24 10 to 13-oz. Selected varieties SAVE up to $3.29 on 2 PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 2004 Sun Doritos Tortilla Chips Fri Sat 25 26 BUY ONE GET ONE 3 27 29 Pnces Effective «n- lune thru Tuesday June ?9 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE ?004 Safeway Club Price Now the savings are in the Card! ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD PER DAY!