lune 23. 2004 il,r ^ o r t l a n ò (iDhserup r page C3 Waterfront Blues Festival Independence Day fun at downtown park R o sie L e d e i H u b ertS u m lin M ary Flower G ra m m y - a w a rd w in n in g bluesm an K eb’ M o’ and the young blues-rocker Jonny Lang will head­ line the 2004 Safew ay W aterfront Blues Festival, presented by First Tech C redit Union. The 17th annual blues festival opens at noon on Friday, July 2 and concludes at 9 p.m ., M onday, July 5, at Tom M cCall W aterfront Park. The largest blues festival west o f the M ississippi, the W aterfront B lues Festival annually attracts M arch Fourth a n d th e M arch Fourth D a n cers will b e p erfo rm in g a t th e W aterfront B lu e s Festival. m ore than 120,000 blues fans from across the U.S. T he festival offers close to 100 perform ances on four stages. This y ear’s festival offers m o re w o rk s h o p s, m o re B lu es C ruises on the “Portland Spirit,” more films and special programming than ev er before and fabulous fire­ w orks on July 4. T he festival will celebrate the late H ow lin’ W olf and spotlight the blues-based m usic o f Louisiana and Texas. A dm ission is $5 plus tw o cans o f nonperishable food per day. The festival is the m ajor annual fund­ raiser for O regon Food Bank. This y ear’s stellar line-up in­ cludes K eb’ M o’, the gospel-in­ fused blues o f the H olm es Broth­ e rs, th e ro c k -b o o g ie -b lu e s o f C anned Heat, Robert Belfour with M ark L em house and Roy Book Binder will kick-off the festival on Friday, July 2. Enjoy blues, rhythm and blues, and funk from the G u lf C oast states o f Texas and Louisiana on S atur­ day, July 3 with Z ydeco Sw am p Romp, a day-long celebration o f this C ajun-blues m usical-hybrid, C y ril N ev ille and the U ptow n A llstars and more. W inners o f the recent Interna­ tional Blues C om petition in M em ­ phis wi 11 perform on Sunday, July 4. Bill R hoades’ annual H arm onica Blow-off, featuring national and reg io n al b lu es h arm o n ica aces L eon B lue backed by an al I -star band, wi 11 per­ form, Sunday, July 4. The evening will end with spectacular firew orks over the W illam ette River. On July 5, y o u ’ll enjoy A ngela Strehli and Tracie N elson with the Texas H om s and m uch more. The N orthw est Film C enter will again present Reel B lu es.ase rieso f bluesfilm sat 10p.m. .Friday, July 2, and Saturday, July 3. For inform ation and line up, visit w w w .w . Artist Evokes Tranquility, Chaos T he sum m er season brings new artists to the Talisman Gallery. 1 ÿ « ì A rtist R aina Im ig's w ork is on display through July 2 5 a t th e Talism an Gallery in n o rth e a st Portland. The new show, featuring artists Dan Bronson and Raina Imig, will open with an artist’s reception irom 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursday, June 24 and runs through July 25. Bronson presents a new series o f m onochrom e and infrared figure studies printed on metallic photographic material, inspired by the ethereal beauty and quiet dignity o f painter M axfield Parrish. Im ig’s images explore them es o f illusion and reality in a series o f abstract paintings, inspired by the m ysteries o f chaos and order. For more inform ation, visit the gallery w ebsite at w w w .talism . A r tis t u a n B ronson c re a te s u n u su a l p h o to s in sp ired b y p a in te r M axfield Parris!