Toxic Fish in Willamette Waterfront Blues Fest Stage prepared for Independence Day fun 0- * Fishing advisory posted See story, Focus Section C See story, Metro section B ffîirse riie r ‘City of Roses’ Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIV • Number 24 Week in TheReview Wednesday • lune 23, 2004 Qetting Ready for the Rail Clinton Book Hits Shelves Eager for a few seconds of I face time with their idol, hun­ dreds of Bill Clinton’s fans) Selena Malone, a recent high school graduate, demonstrates poise and restraint preparing for this weekend’s Les Femmes Debutante Ball. lined up Tuesday near a Man­ hattan bookstore where he I was scheduled to sign copies of his new memoir, “My Life.' S. Korean Hostage Beheaded An Iraqi militant group be-1 headed its South Korean hos­ tage, officials said Tuesday, just hours after a go-between said the execution had been delayed and there were nego­ tiations for the man’s release. | Smoking: Quit It At least half, and perhaps as I many as two-thirds, of people who begin smoking in their youth are eventually killed by the habit, according to a mam­ moth 50-year medical study | by British researchers. U.S. Admits Rise In Terror Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Rom-1 ney, whose state is the only one to recognize gay mar­ riages, urged passage of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions, even as the conservative who wrote a federal law denying recognition to such marriages said that current law was| sufficient. M ark W ashington / T he Secretary of State Colin I Powell announced a sharp in­ crease last year in victims of terrorism worldwide, correct­ ing findings that were used to bolster President Bush’s claim of success in countering this | scourge of violence. Same-Sex Marriage Amendment PHOTO BY P ortiani ) O bserver D e b u ta n te s o f 2004 by J aymee R. C u n T he P ortland O bserver If you’ve ever heard that debutantes are back in fashion, one local group reminds us that they never left. Les Femmes has a long history in Port­ land. dating back to the 1950s. The African- American civic group annually helps young women learn social graces, proper behavior and training in the finer points o f life. This began during a time when finishing school was reserved for wealthy, white women. This year, Les Femmes is presenting 14 young ladies to the community at the Les Femmes annual Debutante Ball at 7 p m. Saturday, June 26 at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel at 8235 N.E. Airport Way. All o f the debutantes being honored are graduates from area high schools and are eligible for the Les Femmes college scholar­ ship fund. According to Pauline Bradford, a histo­ rian for Les Femmes, the organization affords members many opportunities, from making continued P ushing B a ck against aids Symposium to tell reality of disease African Americans were misled about th e d a n g e ro u s an d d e a d ly c o n s e ­ quences o f AIDS, a disease th a t’s a f­ The global HIV/AIDS epi­ fecting them at record rates, experts demic is threatening efforts to | say. O rganizers and health officials have achieve sexual and reproduc­ created a free com m unity sym posium tive health goals that are sup-1 discussing HIV and AIDS in the A fri­ posed to improve the lives of can-A m erican com m unity on Friday, women and reduce poverty, June 25 from 4 to 9 p.m. at S elf E nhance­ the head of the United Na-| m ent, Inc., 3920 N. Kerby Ave. tions population agency said. “ Back in early 80s, we heard in the A fric a n -A m e ric a n co m m u n ity th at U.S. to Hand Over Saddam AIDS is a white, gay m ale disease. U n­ The United States will hand I fortunately, that was a lie,” said M ardica over legal authority but retain H icks, an event organizer and executive physical custody of Saddam vice president o f New Earth M anage­ Hussein and an undetermined | m ent Corp. number of other former re­ A ccording to the C enters for D is­ photo by M ark W ashington AT h e P ortland O bserver gime figures to the interim I ease C ontrol statistics, although A fri­ Mardica Hicks (from left) leads a discussion on HIV/AIDS prevention in the African- Iraqi government as soon as can A m ericans m ake up ju st 12 percent American community with community advocates Hilton Levias and Taha Gad. AIDS Threatens Reproductive Health Iraqi courts issue warrants for their arrest and request the | transfer, a U.S. official said. by J aymef . R. C im T he P ortland O bserver B O r-, O © CZ5 o f the national population, 19 percent o f reported AIDS cases today are from A frican A m ericans. The local sym posium is the resu lt o f collaboration betw een SEI, the P ort­ land chapter o f The Links, an A frican- A m erican organization, C ascade AIDS Project, the M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth D epartm ent, Portland State U niversity and other organizations. A rea residents who attend the sym ­ posium are “going to leave with an understanding that we are all at risk for HIV and A ID S, that this disease is 100 percent preventable, and that we as a com m unity can turn this around,” Hicks said. The objective is to get inform ation out to A frican A m ericans about the d ise ase’s devastating im pact on the com m unity, to identify risky behavior, to stress the im portance o f g etting tested and to inform participants about continued yf on page A 6 Excessive Force Resolution Submitted Advocates push for change at City Hall zu ii © on page A 6 Community advocates led by the Albina Ministerial Alliance have submitted a reso­ lution to the Portland City Council to toughen local laws holding police officers account­ able for use o f excessive force. An ad hoc coalition o f the A frican- A m erican group o f church leaders, pre­ sented the resolution at a C ity Council m eeting last w eek during a public co m ­ m ent segm ent. It called for the removal and severe disci­ pline of Officer Jason Sery, who shot and killed unarmed African-American motorist James Jahar Perez on March 28 in the St. Johns community o f north Portland. T he reso lu tio n also stip u lates that Portland’s police officers should receive community-approvedcultural diversity train- Finally, the resolution addresses racial profiling, stating that no police action should be made on the basis o f race. “We have marched in the streets. We > We have marched in the streets. We have felt the community's anger and frustration. Now we are taking our words to City Council for policy changes. — Dr. LeRoy Haynes, chalrof the Albina Ministerial Alliance ing and that officers receive 22 weeks of training in the police academy, as a com bi­ nation o f field, classroom and consultation training, prior to the 14-weeks of on-the-job training currently in place. have felt the com m unity's anger and frus­ tration No w we are taki ng our words to City Council for policy changes," said Dr. LeRoy Haynes, chair of the AMA. The proposed new regulations also are 1 a response to the death of Kendra James, an African-American woman shot and killed by police while trying to flee a traffic stop in May 2003 on the North Skidmore Street 1-5 over­ pass. “We have said ‘neveragain’ and yet many o f the policies and much o f the training that led to the death of Kendra James continue on, as we saw with the death o f James Jahar Perez," Haynes said. City commissioners did not address or d is c u s s th e p ro p o sa l d u rin g la st W ednesday's session and the resolution could virtually be ignored unless a com m is­ sioner takes up the cause. The AMA urges churches, citizens and other groups to support their resolution through letter writing and calling city politi­ cians. To get involved, call Haynes at 503-287- 0261.