'¡¡Jortlanò COhserucr Page A8 lune 16. 2004 (S)SAFEWAY Come work for a progressive Company that values diversity and Was featured last year in Fortune Magazine as one o f the “50 Best Companies for M inorities” . New Beginning for Career Seekers We have immediate openings for various retail positions including store management. To apply, call 503-657-6400 to Find the hiring office near you. Safeway provides training, benefits and advancement opportunities. EOE M/F/V/D Next Stop, Opportunity TriMet is hiring Bus Operators piioto by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver Machelle Tarrant (left), a program support specialist with the Portland Community College Metro politan Workforce Training Center and Helen Warren, the center's administrative assistant, help connect students and the community with job-seeking resources and skills. S tart p a rt time and drive your career forward to full time employment. TriMet offers fully paid medi cal. dental and vision benefits after one month o f employment and pays $11 48/hour to start, $13 54/hour after 6 months and $20 86/hour after 3 years Requirements: • Two years strong customer service • Five years good driving record • Solid work record To find out m ore about this jo b and other career opportunities at TriMet. you may visit our web site at trimet org/jobs, call our job line at 503-962-7640 or slop by TriMet at 4012 SE 17th Avenue IriM tt Is an equal opportunity employer committed tn developing an orgnni/atlon th a t« reflective o f and sensitive to the needs o f the diverse community we serve, Including the elderly and persons with disabilities Want to do something DIFFERENT? Want to apply your special skills in a new and challenging way? Want to work with highly qualified personnel and state-of-the-art technology? Then consider becoming a member of the finest Navy in the world. We're looking for talented, energetic professionals to serve in the U. S. Navy. We offer unique training, competitive pay and benefits, worldwide travel, tuition assistance, and the pride that comes with making a difference. For more information with no obligation, call us toll- free at 1-800-914-8498 or e-mail us at lpt_port@cnrc.navy.mil H H H I H flH k H R H M rw M w M Si ah rf& w W w V B h > f | u « . A H wl i i i 'i i «$ o \ ia iiiim , \i" u h m ie n ni mi. " u m iis ii iiiiM, m w «y PCC...operates the largest workforce training system in the state in partnership with Worksystems... Services range from on-site in form ation sessions at O ne Stop C areer C enters to w orkshops on labor m arket conditions, develop ing transferable skills and more. The college operates the largest w orkforce training system in the s ta te in p a rtn e rs h ip w ith W orksystem s, providing recruit ing, training, testing and placem ent services at four m etro area loca tions. In addition, the program will provide an array o f basic and inten sive jo b -search services fo r jo b seekers. A n a d d itio n a l c o m p o n e n t funded by this grant is a C areer P athw ays program , w hich offers a full sch e d u le o f short-term credited and non-credit training classes to m eet the needs o f dislocated, un e m p lo y e d an d u n d e re m p lo y e d w orkers. T hese services are de signed to provide critical skill up grades and get people to work within four to six m onths. C areer Pathways includes vocational training for non native English speakers and profes sional-technical workers. Careers Open in Nursing Profession Vancouver s Cla C lark C ollege w ill add space for 25 new nursing students and m ove its R egistered N urse degree pro gram to the new C lark C enter at W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e r s ity Vancou v eras a result o f $25O,(XX) in new funds appropriated by the 2(X)4 Legislature. T he new m oney w as approved this spring to increase enrollm ents in high dem and program s offered by com m unity colleges. C lark cu r rently serves about 180 students each y ear in its tw o-year nursing program . L ast fall m ore than 160 qualified applicants w ere turned aw ay due to lim ited space. “T his is a great opportunity we h av e to m e e t th e d e m a n d fo r healthcare professionals to serve College expands training program Clark College President R. Wayne Branch the grow ing population in S outh west W ashington,” said Clai k Presi dent R. W ayne B ranch. “W e are excited about continuing o u r part nership w ith S outhw est W ashing ton M edical C enter and building a new one w ith the new L egacy H os pital under construction in Salm on Creek.” T he C ollege considered several alternatives in search o f increased space for its nursing program . “ In the absence o f available space on cam pus and lack o f funding to ex pand existing facilities o r develop a new one elsew here, locating the nursing program at the C lark C enter becam e the best solution to solve our space problem in the short term ,” B ranch said. T he three-floor, $19.8 m illion C lark C en ter w ill include 14 class room s; six technology com puter labs; four science labs; a m ultipur pose, and a physical education- health lab. Jefferson Grad Broadens Education Tl m ¿ o af 2004 Honda Accord 4DR EX-V6NV T ested Vehicle Inform ation: Price: $28,860; Engine: 3 .0 L i ter S O H C 24-valve VTEC V6; T ra n sm issio n : 5 -S p e e d A u to m atic The 2004 H onda A ccord is one o f the best selling m idsize se dans on the m arket. The A ccord EX is an a ffo rd a b le luxury sedan with a com bi nation o f high technology and quality is for every day operation. In 2003 the A c cord debuted w ith new en g in eer ing and design with a sm ooth exterior, new pow er train and e x panded the cabin for m ore nxtm . The V 6 can com pete o r beat S om e o f the casualties o f the Portland a re a ’s so-called jo b less recovery have a chance to receive new training and em ploym ent su p port. W orksystem s, Inc. is providing a $4.36 m illion grant to Portland C om m unity C ollege tocreate a D is located W orker Program to provide innovative services to em ployees and business during layoffs and closures. T he grant, renew able for up to four 12-m onth extensions, will serve m ore than l,8 0 0 p eo p lein M ultnom ah and W ashington coun ties. PCC will provide rapid-response services fo r em ployees and busi nesses during layoffs and closures w ith this grant. i m n m «$ îlie jLînrtlanb ODbsmicr IF o r fd Dislocated worker program will serve hundreds oth er fam ily sedans but I am not finding that it is w orth upgrading from the four-cylinder engine. It offers pow er but lacks the quick acceleration for the pow er hungry driver. The suspension provides a com fortable ride and grips the road w hile cornering. The interior offers an upscale style w ith leather seals. T he EX m odel has im proved head p ro tec tion. O th er new features are the XM S atellite R adio that com es standard on EX V -6 m odels. A new clim ate control system is also available. The A ccord is a g reat fam ily car. T he N ational H ighw ay T raffic and Safety Ad- m in is tra tio n (N H T SA ) rated the A ccord w ith a p er fect fiv e sta rs fo r sa fe ty . It h o ld s a reputation for quality an d d u rab ility .F ro m m y ow n experience, H onda offers e x cellen t safety and for those shop ping for a vehicle for their new teen ag er d riv er o r fam ily, I w ould definitely recom m end the H onda fam ily o f vehicles. A Jefferson H igh School stu dent w ho w as valedictorian in 2003 and the M odem D ance Lab D ancer o f the Y ear is keeping her career options w ide as she broadens her education and studies overseas. K ether H ayden ju st finished a se m e ste r stu d y in g F ren ch la n guage, culture, literature, history and art at the S orbonne in Paris, France. “ I am living in the heart o f the city and have a room in the Zen C enter w here I live w ith tw o P olish stu dents and one A rgentinean stu dent. I am having a great tim e,” H ayden w rote recently from an Internet café in the Latin Q uarter o f Paris. T his m onth she plans to travel to Belize to w ork on an active archeo logical dig though a S anta M onica C ity C ollege program . “T he dedicated staff and all the opportunities I had at Jefferson were w onderful preparation fortheexpe- riences I’m enjoying now .” Hayden said. “I hope otherfam ilies will look at all the benefits o f having their students attend Jefferson. Diversity in the Classroom c o n tin u e d fr o m A 6 posed o f m ore than 30 percent ra cial m inorities. T o adequately attend to cultural diversity in the classroom , teach ers m ust look first at their ow n cul tural background and understand how their biases affect their inter actions w ith students. T hen, teach ers can exam ine the backgrounds and needs o f the student popula- tion and understand their students' cultural biases as w ell. C lassroom instruction can he designed to con nect the content o f a course with stu d en ts’ backgrounds. High schixil teacher Julie Jam es said, “T he challenge to the teacher is being able to consistently recognize and value the creative w ays that students express them selves and to use these actions, words, or habits to talk about diversity issues." T o celebrate the diversity o f classroom s, w hich will lead to rela tionships in w orkplaces, teachers can incorporate som e strategies to share cultural differences. T eachers should prepare their students for a diverse w ork force by carefully balancing academ ic c o n te n t w ith in stru ctio n al p ro cesses, build on w hat students al ready know , use group w ork and connect lessons from the real world.