June 16. 2 0 0 4 P o rtlan b (Observe L'V Dear Anonymous: Prayer, d eterm ination and patience is the solution. Im potency is cau sed by his w eight gain and the m ed ica­ tion. C lean up his diet and intro­ duce a healthy plan o f counting calories, carb o h y d rates and sugar. Y our physician can g ive you a chart o f the av erage daily intake levels. A s his system adjusts to the d i­ etary change, have the physician adjust his m edications and incor­ Real P eo p le, R eal Advice \ n H illin 'tu lli nm kirnun fu r il\ feurlexx approach In reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I’ve been m arried for 1 6 years,have a 2-year old d au g h ter and h av en ’t been with another m an. O v er the last lO years my husband gain ed an excessive am ount o f w eight and halted our sex life. H e’s on m edica­ tion for high blood pressure, diab e­ tes and cholesterol. My sex drive is norm al, but his is co m pletely gone. If w e ’re intim ate, I have to ask him and then it’s literally 2 m inutes. I’m a G od fearing w om an th a t’s a p ­ proached V iagra, w eight loss but nothing w orks and I need a release. H e’s w onderful and I w ould hate for this to end o u r m arriage. — A nonym ous rience and studying the N ew T es­ tam ent for lectures he cam e to b e­ lieve and understand that a C h ris­ tian isn ’t saved by his ow n efforts, but G o d ’s grace. T oss this w ord and grasp E phesians 4: V erse 5 that tells us th ere’s one G od, O ne Faith and one Baptism . ROSE FEST CARNIVAL WORKERS BUSTED T h e sp o tle ss im ag e o f fam ily fun a n d su m m e rtim e bloom s w ilte d w ith the a rre st o f tw o c a rn iv a l w o rk e rs, b u ste d fo r se llin g d ru g s w h ile o p eratin g continued Z A fr ’can A m erican H ealth Coalition, Inc. J V Aerobics Mallory Ave. Christian Church Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm, Granville • 6:3O-7:30pm. Nickerson sight w as gone tw o years later. G laucom a is often m entioned as a cause, though C harles said n o th ­ ing w asev erd iag n o sed . He said his m other never let him w allow in pity. Pilates (Contact AAHC) M att Dishman Tue, 8-9pm Stretching/Body Sculpting Low Im pact Aerobics Daniel’s Memorial Church Tue, 7:15-8:15pm, Granville M att Dishman Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois W a te r A e robics (Contact AAHC) Columbia Pool, M att Dishman, Salvation Arm y St John’s Comumty Center Tue, 6:30-7:30pm M att Dishman Sat. 10-1 lam, Addo (Class courtesy o f Mstt Dishmin) TaLChi (Contact AAHC) Walking Group Peninsula Park Sat, 12:30pm, Woods ___ Lloyd Ctr, I st FI. in front of Sears Tue, Thu, 6:30pm, Woods *'35222» Body Conditioning W ild Oats Market 5at, 9:30-10:30am, Nickerson Chicago Step M att Dishman Fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick from Front "W hen the doctors told her that I easier to deal w ith.” was gradually losing my sight, and C harles began dabbling in m usic that I w asn’t going to get any better, at 3, encouraged by a cafe o w n er she started helping me deal with it by w ho played the piano. The k n o w l­ show ing me how to get around, how ed g e w as basic, but he w as that to find things," he said in the autobi­ m uch m ore p rep ared for m usic ography. “T hat m ade it a little bit classes when he w ent to school. Presents for your health, Wellness Within REACH Activity Calendar F estival organizers are seeking "allies” to assist with added costs o f renting the park from the city o f Portland and o th er expenses. G o o d in the N eighborhood w as originally organized as a show case for the positive aspects o f life in N ortheast P ortland at a tim e w hen it w as considered to be less than a safe place to be. N ow , R oberts says, w ith som e recent w ell-publicized shootings, it helps to re-em phasize the point. from A3 Frank A lan Farris w as charged with possession o f meth. Both w ere fired follow ing their arrests last w eek, but S um m ers w as rehired, follow ­ ing a drug test. **AII classes are free of charge! Remembering the Great Ray Charles continued rides at the P epsi W a te rfro n t V il­ lage. David Ray Sum m ers w asarrested lo r sellin g m eth am p h e ta m in e s w hile operating rides and cam ie Dear Deanna! I’m responding to the colum n where you broke it dow n to S tephanie porate exercise into y o u r daily ro u ­ about talking to h er son about sex. tine. I gu arantee these chan g es will I agree w ith you 100 percent b e­ m ake him feel b etter about h im self cause m ore parents should be real and as you w alk o r exercise to ­ w ith theirch ild ren when it com es to gether as a team , h e ’ll start to feel sex. T hey talk to their kids like it’s a gam e and then w ant to slap them frisky again. dow n if they get pregnant. - N e s h a Dear Deanna! N .; W inston Salem , N.C. I c a n ’t find the w ord denom ination in the B ible. W hy is it used to d e­ Dear Nesha: scribe o u r religious w orld and is it Y ou ’re right. F or the most part, sex e d u c a tio n c h ild re n re c e iv e at o k ay ? —T ro y C . school is nothing m ore than a few Dear Troy: charts and g raphs th at’s a w atered In the church sense, denom ination dow n version o f the real thing. If is a w ord used by m an to unite the real truth about sex m akes kids co ngregations w ith their ow n b e­ fearful and run to celibacy, then so liefs and practices into a single be it. body. T h e re ’s a p ossibility the so- Ask Deanna is written by Deanna called scholars started using this M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: as a church reference after the year askdeannal @yahoo.com or 1512 w h en a p re a c h e r/te a c h e r write: Deanna M. P.O. Box 88847. nam ed M artin L uther turned against Los Angeles. CA 90009. Website: som e o f the m ajor tenets o f the www.askdeanna.com C atholic C hurch. By personal expe­ stage Set f»r Good in the Neighborhood Linda Hornbuckle is part o f a lineup o f musicians set to perform at the annual Good in the Neighborhood celebration. Page A5 Kickboxing Hum boldt Elementary Tue, Thu, 6-7pm, Keller Columbia Pool, 7701 N Chautaqua Daniels Memorial Church. 1234 NE Killingsworth Humboldt Elementary. 4915 N Gantenbein Mallory Ave Oireoan Church (Gym), 126 NE Alberta Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott W eight Mgnt./Conditioning W hitaker Track Tue, Thu, 9 - 1 Oam, Hasan Yoga W ild Oats Market Tue, Thu, 7:3O-8:3Opm, O'Rourke Peninsula Park, 700 N Portland Salvation Army, 5325 N Williams St John’s Community Center. 8427 N Central Whitaker Track, NE 42nd S Killingsworth Wild Oats Market, 3535 NE 15th “ Must be 18 or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the Tint class and for more information at 503-413-1850 or kdempsey@aahc-portland.org. Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class. R a c ia l and E thn ic A p p ro a c h » . to C om m u nity H oalth A Program of th» African American Health Coalition Inc, Sponsored by the Centers lor Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Contact AAHC at 503-413-1850 or visit our web site at www.aahc-pordand.org Father’s Day is June 20th! Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Top Sirloin Steak SAFEWAY F O O D & DRUG Attention SENIORS Boneless. Valu Pack. SAVE up to $2.22 lb. Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Introducing a great new service tor Northwest Bing Cherries Picked at their peak of flavor! SAVE up to $2.30 lb. ou r neighborhood senior d titen s FREE grocery shopping 69 shuttle service’ to your nearby Alnssvorth 4 M L K Blvd Safeway Food 4 D ra g . T W IC E a M onth! 1 ftwvSmwi W W « W f / n r e or » r Shill» • a y w 1 Safeway Club Price lb Safeway Club Price Kellogg s Cereal Northwest Grains! Bread This Service is FREE to seniors age 6 0 and over LOOK r o K o u n s rtc iA i •K K r TKANSKOKrKnoH m o n t e U K V K t K M t O U l l n r i K AT VOVA M IK t i r o tA rm a r r o . l O M w n m u a h fC (SAFEWAY I F O O D A DRUG «FRO» (lWFRICMn CMRIBBTR Of COIItflf Rtt Of ORf&Ofl For M o re frrFornxtfrorv Cott: S 0 Ì- 5 J 2 0 9 H Visit Safeway's Wsb site at www.safeway.com B— Available at Safeway: Iw v c r tR N I UMtOW «a n u ir T R U IU I» ------ 12 6 to 176-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $4.39 on 2 PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 2004 Sun Mon Toes Wed Thur 16 20 21 17 Fri Sat 18 19 22 Pros fffertw NMne-ida, 6 am June 16 m.u Tuesday June 22 2004 Wit 'Wt-*UW».eww»X«BhidSdW,«m I -.y, 24-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to 60< BUY ONE GET ONE FREE OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE Safeway Club Price w a W t . m M»,'W«(M » i . n »■wew»tt|>twj