Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 16, 2004, Page 19, Image 19

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    June 16, 2004
A rtw orks inspired by the spiri-
tu alp o w ero fN ativ eA m ericaan d
other peoples o f the world m the
early 20 century will be on dis-
a*1’' ^ J o rtla n h Oftbspruer
page C3
play from June 24 through July 27 N E A lberta St
in a special exhibit by M auricio
Eyes and Hands is the theme of and execution, which marks a pro­ and whimsy.
R o b alin o at The O nda A rte / the show, suggesting the neces- fessional artist. Robalino invents
An artist’s reception will kick­
Latina/Cross Roads Gallery, 2215 sary coordination befween vision fantastic worlds charged with vi­ off the exhibit on Last Thursday,
brant color, dynamic composition June 24, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
An ongoing senes d questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession
The planet mars is explored in a new SkyVision show at OMSI.
Mars, a new digitally animated
space show, is showing at OM SI’s
Harry C. Kendall Planetarium for
the summer season.
The museum’s newest ultra-high
definition, full-dome SkyVision
show takes the audience on a great
voyage of discovery. Mars forges
through the science and fiction of
the Red Planet, fast-forwarding to
the space age and the dusty,
cratered world o f the Mariner, Vi­
king and Pathfinder missions.
Theawe-inspiring4.5 billion yeai
old history of Mars unfolds in spec
tacular high-definition 3-D graph
ics: the relentless pounding by
meteorites, the opening of deep
canyons, the raising of towering
volcanoes and the evidence of long-
vanished oceans.
Mars will show at noon, 2 p.m.
and4 p.m. daily. Admission is $5 for
adults, children and seniors.
Motown Miniseries Coming
(AP) — A 12-hour series about entertainment empire with artists
the famed Motown Records music that included Diana Ross and the
empire and its founder. Berry Goidy, Supremes; Smokey Robinson and
is being developed for NBC.
the Miracles; the Temptations; and
“Berry Gordy’s Motown” will Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5.
d ra m a tiz e G o rd y ’s rise from
The series isn’t expected to air
D etroit’s inner city to the head of an until the 2005-06 season.
Part 2: CHIROPRACTORS: Just how qualified
are they to take care of your health?
i Know m at
physicians need
four fu ll years of
medical school to
become doctors.
H ow much training
do Chiropractors
actually get?
hours of governm ent approved me pay for
classes in these health-related
Chiropractic care?
subjects as any doctor graduating
from m ed ical sc h o o l. M ost i It varies from one insurance
importantly for you, we also spend j carrier to another. But for many
four full years studying the spine, people, C h iro p ra c tic care is
I joint relationships and adjustment covered. C h e c k w ith your
I p ro ced u res.
W h a t’s m ore, c o m p a n y 's
p e rs o n n e l
Chiropractors stay up to date with departm ent. O r feel free to call
the latest health care developments us. In fact, for answers to any
Following our under-graduate by attending on-going seminars.
questions you m ight have about
college training, Chiropractors
your health, just call us at the
must also complete an extremely W ill my health
num ber below.
demand ing four-year curricu lum. insurance help
By the time we graduate, we’ve
received a degree of competency
a n a to m y ,
c h e m istry ,
b a c te rio lo g y ,
to x ico lo g y ,
2124 N.E. Hancock Street
pathology, physiology, diagnosis
Portland, Oregon 97212
and x-ray. In fact, today’s doctor
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
of Chiropractic have as many
Flowers' Chiropractic Office