IUNE2.2OO 4 îlieIJ n r t la n b (© b s e ru e r Page B2 S ports Williams Sisters Defeated Disappointment for Venus and Serena (AP) — V enus W illiam s came up short T uesday in a bid for her first G rand Slam title since 2001, losing to A nastasia M yskina 6-3, 6-4 in the quarterfinals at the French Open. The upset came less than halt an hour after Jennifer Capriati elim i­ nated Serena Williams 6-3,2-6,6-3. So it will be 2001 cham pion C apriati against M yskina in the sem ifinals T hursday, instead o f W illiam s vs. W illiams. “W e’re going to pack our bags and leave,” V enus said. “T h ere’s nothing left for us here anym ore.” The double blow to family pride cam e on a drab, drizzly day. “I’m alive. I ’m breathing. I’m healthy. T hings could be w orse,” Serena said. “ But, I m ean, obvi­ ously I’m not happy.” Her defeat cam e to a chaotic- conclusion. W illiam s failed to re­ turn a shot that skipped off the baseline on m atch point, and C apriati began to celebrate b e­ fore realizing her shot had been called out. Umpire Pascal Maria overruled the call - correctly, as TV replays confirm ed - and ordered the match point replayed. Williams again hit a shot into the net, and Capriati resumed her cel- Serena Williams reacts during her quarterfinal match in the French Open tennis tournament. (AP photo) ebration. The rivals traded smiles and kisses at the net before a glee- ful Capriati bowed to the four sides of the center court stadium. J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Call (503)970-5743 10% off Moss Control CANNOITS - = ^ RIB EXPRESS = z _ (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs HOURS: 11:00-9:00 CATERING ALL EVENTS Low Carb Special: M onday T uesday C I j OSED Wed.& Thurs. 11:00-9:00 Fri.& Sat. 11:00-10:«) Sunday 11:00-8:00 (lc a r b ) Chopped Pork w /side sm. greens $5 00 * * * N ew L oc ation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 b £ jjf' “ I d o n ’t even know w hat hap- pened at the end w ith the call,” C apriati said. “ I w as ju st happy fo rh im to s a y ‘replay the p o in t.’” C apriati has now beaten W il- liam s tw ice in a m onth after los- ing the previous eight m eetings in the rivalry. Tourneys to Draw Top Athletes Basketball, golf events sponsored A local foundation that helps student-athletes achieve is host­ ing a banquet, golf tournament and basketball tournament as part of official Rose Festival events. Canaan Chatman o f the Jour­ neys Foundation,an African Ameri­ can leader from northeast Portland and coach for the Inner City play­ ers, is one of the organizers behind the effort, which will draw top local and national athletes. The events begin with a G olf Challenge at Heron Lakes in north Portland on Thursday, June 10, drawing coaches are from Univer­ sity of Arizona, University of M in­ nesota, Uni versity of Oklahoma and other PAC-10 schools. On Thursday, June 10, banquet at 6 p.m. at the M ultnomah Athletic Club, will raise donations for local student teams that travel nation­ ally. Twelve Journeys graduates will be honored, including Kevyn Green, who will play basketball at the University o f Nevada, T.R. Smith, who will play football at the University o f Oregon and Brittney Davis, who will play basketball at the University of Minnesota. A basketball tournament will take place Friday, June 11 through Sun­ day, June 13 at Grant High School, Lakers Head Back to Finals NBA championship series begins Sunday (AP) — The Lakers love a little drama - and the N BA ’s most enter­ taining show is headed back to the NBA Finals. Shaquille O ’Neal had 25 points and 11 rebounds, and Kareem Rush came from nowhere to hit six 3-pointers in a 96-90 vic­ to ry over th e M in n e so ta Timberwolves in Game 6 o f the Western Conference finals Mon­ day night. Kobe Bryant scored 20 points forthe Lakers, whoovercame Kevin Garnett, their constant bickering with the referees and O ’N eal’s hor­ rific 7-for-20 free throw shooting to win the best-of-seven series. Their fourth trip to the cham pi­ onship round in five seasons will begin Sunday against either D e­ troit or Indiana. The Lakers improved to 9-0 at Staples Center in the postseason, but Garnett and the Timberwolves spent most of the game on the verge o f an improbable upset. Unbowed by the Lakers’ nine championship banners and intimi­ d a tin g hom e c ro w d , th e Timberwolves played tight defense and made enough free throws to take a lead into the fourth quarter. But Bryant and Rush led a 15-6 run early in the quarter, and Slava M edvedenko added two critical baskets in the final minutes. Karl Malone and Gary Payton, who signed with the Lakers last Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe bryantgoes up for a shot against Minnesota Timberwolves' Mark Madsen during the fourth quarter o f the concluding Game 6 o f the NBA Western Confer­ ence Finals. (AP photo) summer for a chance at their first NBA title, joined their teammates in a group hug near the bench before accepting the conference cham pi­ onship trophy. Latrell Sprewell scored 27 points, and Garnett - who fouled out in the final minute - had 22 points and 17 rebounds for the Timberwolves, who nearly extended the best sea­ son in franchise history to a Game 7 in Minneapolis. Though only five players remain from the Lakers’ 2«X) champion­ ship team, the current club has many similarities to the three-time titlists. T hey're almost invincible when even one o f their role players is able to make outside shots - and Rush splendidly filled the role previously played by Glen Rice, Robert Horry and Rick Fox. Wally Tesfa Every Tuesday Get tested. * Get care. 5-8pm (last check-in 730pm) Residential C& R Broker Northeast Health Center NE MLK B Killings worth. 2nd floor (Enter rear door near Emerson) Multi-Million $ Service Prudential » NorthwMt PioptrtiM Se habla espaflol Free HIV Testing For more information about HIV and testing call the Oregon AIDS Hotline I-800-777-AI0S in NE Portland Multnomah County Health Department N o rth w e st P ro p e rtie s 1730 N E 10th Ave. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 C E L L 503 2 6 7 -7 5 8 6 wtesfa@pru-nw.com pru-nw.com & An Independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. showcasing top national teams from the Amateur Athletic Union, includ­ ing the Portland Reds, Portland Pan­ thers, Portland Legends, Seattle Rotary Select, Seattle Friends of Hoop, the Los Angeles Pump N Run, the Atlanta Celtics and the Playaz Basketball Club from New Jersey. Each day o f com petition will begin with local high school teams playing in front o f their family and fans. The tournament will be covered nationally by ESPN, Slam magazine and Fox Sports. “This is a great chance to repre­ sent our region and to expose our community to this national talent and recognize stars in our own back­ yard,” said Chatman, a Benson High School graduate who founded the Journeys Foundation and played professional basketball. He gradu­ ated from the University o f Port­ land in 1995. The mission o f Journeys Foun­ dation is to provide a foundation for student athletes to succeed personally, academically and ath­ letically. For more information about the cost of tickets or schedule of events, ca ll 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -4 0 7 3 o r v isit w w w .joum eysfoundation.org. Fishing Clinics for Kids The G ifford Pinchot N ational F o rest w ill be h o stin g three K ids’ F ishing Day clinics on June 12 as part o f its 16th annual observance o f N ational Fishing Week. Parents are urged to bring their children for these free fish­ ing clinics and a host o f other fam ily-oriented, fun activities. The clinics are scheduled at Mt. A dam s-G uler County Park in Trout Lake, W ash; the L ow er C ow litz Falls, east o f M orton W a sh , a n d th e M e rw in R eservoice at M erw in Park in W oodland, W ash. B esides the o p portunity to learn how to catch fish, other activities w ill include the C o ­ lum bia G orge Fly-Fishers Club fly -ty in g tab le, te e-sh irt fish p rin tin g , fac e p a in tin g , fish anatom y, bug hunt, casting co n ­ test, and special guest ap p ear­ ances o f Sm okey Bear. Food and beverages will be served. For m ore inform ation, call the Mt. A dam s R anger D is­ trict at 509-395-34«), the Cowlitz V alley R anger D istrict at 360- 497-1141 or the Mount St. Helens National V olcanic M onum ent at 360-449-7833. Stoudamire Loses Appeal (AP) — The state Court o f Ap­ peals has declined to second-guess a judge’s decision that an alum i­ num-foil-wrapped package of mari­ juana can be used as evidence at the trial o f N BA star D am on Stoudamire. The Portland Trail Blazer filed the appeal in an effort to get the court to throw out the evidence from an airport search because it was not conducted with a search warrant. Stoudamire was cited July 3 after he walked through a Tucson Inter­ national A irport metal detector while carrying the package, accord­ ing to prosecutors. ♦