Committed to Cultural Diversity IUNE 2. 2004 Votes are In M etro Trace o f gospel propels American Idol winner See story, page B4 Íí?l ^ o rtla n h (©bserver SECTION C o m m u n ity n I e 11 cl it r Arts Scholarship Etended The African American Visual Arts Scholarship at Portland S tate U niversity application deadline has been extended to July 31. The com mittee is seek­ ing young A frican-A m erican artists and offering to pay $3,000 per year. For information, call 503-725-3397o r503-725-5560. Going Green Our Garden, Inc. is holding its S* annual Our Garden Kids Party and Plant Sale from noon to4 p.m. Sun­ day, Juneôat King Plaza,3939N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. Plan On It A Juneteenth Planning Com m it­ tee will meet Friday, June 4 at 6:30 p. at the Philadelphia M is­ sionary Baptist Church, 236 N.E. Mason. For more information, call 503-282-2216. Ya Gotta Regatta You gotta go to the 10* annual Columbia Slough Regatta small crafts show and paddling event from9a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, July 26at the lowerColumbia Slough. Better Homes A Fix-It Fair is a free neighbor­ hood resource for building a bet­ ter home and growing a greener garden from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 5 at Helensview High School, 8678 N. E. Sumner. Birth Ready W hether you need childbirth preparation classes, or ju st a re­ fresher, Providence Health Sys­ tems has a workshop for you. Prepare for pain, take a weekend seminar or prepare big sisters and brothers-to - b e throughout th e su m m e r by v is itin g or call 503-574-6595. A Walk with Cancer Creating comfort in knowledge for women of color by J aymef . R. C un T he P ortland O bserver The worst time to learn o f the shortage o f culturally-specific information about breast cancer is the day you’re diagnosed. One longtime northeast Portland resi­ dent is becoming a fi Immaker so other women w on’t have to experience her isolation. N orm a Roland knew she w as at high risk for cancer. H er father and several brothers suffered from lung can cer and being African Am erican put her in a higher risk group. Roland was conscientious about her diet and punctual with mammograms. Yet in Sep­ tember of 2002, she was diagnosed with breast cancer— the most com mon type of cancer among African Americans. “I didn’t go into it with the frame o f mind that I’m going to die. I made up my mind that positive thinking will help the body heal,” Roland said. Her survivor’s attitude pulled Roland through a yearof chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. W hat she w asn' t prepared for was feeling out of touch with the literature and videos designed to comfort and educate her. “I looked at the material that was written and there really w asn’t anything available for women of color. There weren' t any women that looked like me and that I could relate to based on race.” R oland found o th e r w om en in her oncologist’s waiting room echoing this same sentiment. Canine 101 The Oregon Humane Society ex­ plains problem pooches at Ca­ nine 101 classes on Saturdays, June 5 and 19 at 11 a.m. A $10 donation is suggested. For more information, call 503-285-7722or visit w w w.oregonhum Women Speak Women have a voice at Women in N AACP, a new w om en’s group, m eeting from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the first Saturday o f each month at the American Red C ro ss B u ild in g , 3131 N. V ancouver. For questions, call 503-249-6263. photo by M ark W ashington AT he P ortland O bserver Norma Roland has embarked on making a video documantary to teach other minority women about breast cancer in a style inclusive to them. “A lot o f women I ran into said this is fine if you’re w hite’ but women o f color look at things differently. Cancer is cancer and it has no color but women o f color have different issues and dialogue that they d o n ’t feel should be open to others.” Roland, who is a retired TriM et custom er service supervisor, immersed herself in medi­ cal studies. She interviewed doctors and patients, read medical journals and spent long hours at the library to become an expert in her disease. “I can 't save the world but there needs to be something out there for women o f color so if they’re diagnosed with cancer at least there can be a videotape that they can relate to,” said Roland. A spokesw om an with the A m erican C ancer Society said the agency is taking steps to reach people o f color, beginning Celebration grows with voter drive An annual celebration representing freedom for African Americans has a strong political feel this year. The 9* annual Juneteenth celebration is moving to the Jefferson High School campus this year, to accommodate the 5,000 expected participants from Friday, June 18 through Sunday, June 20. All performers, visitors and vendors are encouraged to register to vote. A “Rock the Vote” team will be prepared with forms and a camera to get as many as possible included in the politi­ cal process. “This is an election year so it's certainly an opportunity to empower youth and give them the opportunity to be respon­ sib le v o te rs,” said W oody Broadnax o f House o f Exodus Juneteenth Celebration North­ west. The Juneteenth committee has also partnered with the lo- Rose Smith cal chapterof Big Brothers and Sisters, to bring exposure to Amachi, a program that pairs adult mentors with children of incarcerated parents for fun and meaningful relationships. Rose Smith, a Project Hope social worker with Big Broth­ ers Big Sisters, said volunteers in the program often introduce kids to restaurants, movies and sporting events. Health campaign says use your feet Interest In Adoption? A Healing Song Sankofaa Health Institute offers a free diabetes support group from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Thurs­ day at Alberta Simmons Plaza, 6707 N.E. MLK Blvd. For mote informât] on, call 503-285-2484. NAACP Meetings i “They have these dates to help these children have fun,” Smith said Juneteenth has a full schedule o f three days o f fun, including a Basketball Ex­ travaganza tournam ent on Friday, June 18; a Fun Center with artisans, food and games; a Juneteenth history lesson; a Freedom Trail Parade; and an Old School R&B concert on Saturday, June 19. The Juneteenth com mittee is still seek­ ing vendors and volunteers. For more information, call 503-282-2216. Ten Toe Express Now Boarding A free information meeting for prospective adoptive parents is held the third W ednesday o f ] every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Belmont Public Library, 1038 S.E. 39* Ave. Form ore informa­ tion, call 503-226-4870 or visit The Portland Branch o f the NAACP holds two monthly ex­ ecutive com mittee meetings, on the second T hursday o f the month and the Thursday before the fourth Saturday o f the month. General membership meetings are held on the fourth Saturday o f each month. For more infor­ mation, call 503-284-7722. with a prostate can cer cam paign geared tow ard A frican-A m erican men. A newsletter called Neighborhood Health Matters is distributed quarterly to 350 orga­ nizations throughout the community, in­ clu d in g ch u rch es, sch o o ls, and retail stores. A local Cancer Society staff member who sits on the African American Health Coalition’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Ad­ visory Panel is currently working com m u­ nity leaders and volunteers involved in the American Cancer Society’s Body & Soul program, which encourages church mem­ bers to eat more fruits and vegetables to reduce their risk o f cancer and other dis­ eases. W ith her can cer in rem ission, Roland has begun a new jo u rn ey . She team ed up with a professional film m aker and is learn­ ing the industry ropes w hile creating a d o cu m en tary to teach o th er m inority w om en about breast cancer in a style inclusive to them. The docum entary sits half-finished while Roland researches grants and other funding possibilities. She is planning to distribute the video to doctors’ offices throughout the nation, beginning with Portland. “It’s still a work in progress, but I know it’s G od’s will and the project will get done,” Roland said. The film depicts her “walk with cancer,” showing Roland before and after surgery, discussing types o f cancer and talking about prevention and the importance of nutrition and exercise. tK & uneteenth U a arty o Jans Juggling Meds An Aging Forum at the Provi­ dence Center, 4805 N.E. Glisan, helps older adult learn how to manage multiple medications at 6:30p.m. W ednesday, June 16in the social room. To register, call 503-574-6595. B Walkers traveled round trip from the North Prescott Street Max Station on Interstate Avenue to discover this little known scenic river walk on Swan Island. Area residents and workers are being en­ couraged to use their feet to travel. With the opening o f the Max Yellow Line on Interstate Avenue, the city is distributing a free walking kit that includes a digital pedometer to count steps, a walking map, guided walking schedule and a coupon book for local busi­ nesses with more than $100 in savings. K aiser Permanente and the African Ameri­ can Health Coalition are among the partners in the cam paign to get a health message across to a target audience — the 12,000 households that live closest to the new mass transit service. “This is an exciting opportunity to use fed­ eral funds to promote walking to North Portland residents first as transportation choice and second as a way to stay healthy,” said Com m is­ sioner Jim Francesconi w hooversees the city’s transportation bureau. R ecent m edical new s reports indicate in­ activity and poor nutrition are taking their toll on A m erican 's health and life ex p ect­ ancy. C urrent C enter for D isease control g uidelines allow for the accum ulation of m oderate intensity physical activity o ver the course o f the day. M ultiple, shorter w alks also have com parable im provem ent in card io ­ respiratory fitness and health. For a free Ten Toe W alking Kit or more inform ation call 503-865-TO ES or e-mail tentoe@