Page A6 JJorthtnò (©bseruer E ducation lu n e 2. 2 0 0 4 CELEBRATE BLACK MUSIC MONTH Parkrose Art Student Honored Truth Hurts A northeast P ortland student has earned special recognition in the annual Mt. Hood Regional H igh School Art Exhibit. D eShantd Bolds was honored for best tw o-dim ensional work by a junior. “D eShantd is quiet, focused and serious about art history, “ said art teacher B everly Cordova. “T his was his first canvas paint ing and I was very im pressed. I hope to see him in another art class next year.” Lavoria “Elie” Jones of Parkrose. A P arkrose team from C o rd o v a’s B a sic D esign class ran aw ay with the aw ard for Best 3-D work by freshm en. T he ninth graders’ m ixed media to w e r d rew p ra ise from ju d g e s. Team m e m b e rs in c lu d e d M att Barrer, Ressia Bliss, Sarah Bowen, Bolds, a Parkrose student since A m a n d a C u rtm a n , S"1 grade, is enjoying his first art Jody H arding, Nam class. He seems a little surprised by L ee, T y le r M o o re, his success. “I’m planning on go Susan N eum ann, Yen ing to Oregon State University to N g u y e n , D ia n a i j ., m ajor in pharmacy,” he explained. n R eynolds, and Jerem y Bolds, is the son o f Ezekiel and Shoopm an. READY NOW Truth is best known for her work w ith the highly acclaimed producer Dr. Dre, on her first release "Truthfully Speaking". This project "Ready Now" is a revelation-a m uck more intim ate glimpse into both the personality and musicality o f the St. Louis raised lady than her hip-hop debut. — — —-------- — --------------- — — —- — Parkrose High School junior DeShante Bolds is a serious a n student who p,ans fQ pursue g degree in pharmacy in college. Unifying with Diversity A w rite r , te a c h e r and pertise on to create a society m ulticultural education expert that is tolerant, productive and will give a lecture about diver celebratory o f cultural d iffer sity in education at Lew is & ences w ith the context o f cre C lark C o lle g e ’s ating unity. G raduate School “ S c h o o ls o f Education. must find ways Jam es B a n k s’ to respect the d i talk titled, "D iver versity o f their s ity W ith in students as well U n ity — E d u c a t as help to create ing S tudents for a unified nation Diversity, Citizen s ta te ,” s a id sh ip and S ocial B a n k s. “E Justice,” is on Fri p 1 u r i b u s day, June 4, at 7 un u m — d iv e r p.m . in the south s ity w ith in James Banks cam pus chapel. u n ity — is th e Banks directs the C enter for delicate goal toward which our M ulticultural E ducation at the nation and its schools should U niversity of W ashington. He strive.” is a n a tio n a lly re c o g n ize d For more inform ation, call scholar o f m ulticultural edu Lew is and C lark at 503-768- cation. He is noted for his ex- 6004. JC55C Powell Sabin Neighborhood Fun The Sabin Neighborhood Asso ciation and Business Group are seeking volunteers during its Sum mer Celebration on June 19 from noon to 6 p.m. The event will be around Fre mont Place, between 13lh and 15'h avenues, on Northeast Beech Street and other surrounding blocks. Activities will include live mu sic, kid’s activities, art and side walk sales, food specials and cou pons for local businesses. Artists and musicians interested in participating should call Cathe Scott at 503-249-9367 or Fred Smith at 503-281 -2600. Others who want to help with needed volunteer ac tiv itie s sh o u ld c a ll H e a th e r Hutchinson at 503-281 -3262. JESSE "There is disarming airiness to Powell's voice and delivery that's ingratiating enough to suggest more depth to his persona than he's willing to adm it." ~ V H "Sally, urban contemporary is full of singers (both male and female) who get over on attitude or image alone but are sorely locking when it comes to chops, substance, and vocal range Powell, however, has genuine talent." ~ Alex H enderson, All Music G uide. IJLIKTW © M IL L E N N IU M O ffe r G o o d T h ru 6 /3 0 /0 4 i j r ? Attention Seniors: Safeway Pharmacy is your Headquarters for Medicare Discount Card Information. ; . . . . w ___3Í jÉdWfe' See the Pharmacist for details or visit Lean Ground Beef Fresh Express Salad Blends Valu Pack. 80% Lean. SAVE up to $2.99 lb. on 2 5 to 12-oz. bags. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3.29 on 2 B U Y O N E GET O NE EQUAL O K LESSER VALUE U K ! ITEM ONLY. 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