Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 2004, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^ I J o r tla n b (lObeeruc ?r
June 2, 2004
Page AS
Albina Head Start Openings
L aw & J ustice
(5 0 3 ) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204
Murder Suspect Wanted
Richard “Ricardo” Aguilar Hernandez, 22, is
wanted for murder in the death o f Arturo Martinez
Navarro, 25, and wanted for attempted murder in
the shooting of Juan Amaro Benitez, 27. Both men
were shot at about 2 a m. on May 3 at the Pineview
Apartments, 8366 S.E. Causey Ave.
Hernandez is also wanted on a probation viola­
tion for carrying a dangerous weapon and a war­
rant for rape. He has family and friends in both
north Clackamas County and in the Cully neigh­
borhood of northeast Portland.
Police also said he may be
in the company of his 16-y ear-
o ld g irlfrie n d an d uses
TriM et as a primary mode of
Hernandez is about 5 feet
Sinchestall, 165 pounds, with
brown hair and brown eyes. Ricardo Hernandez
He has a tattoo o f three dots on both hands. He may
be armed with the handgun he used in the shooting,
and he should be considered armed and dangerous.
Sandy Boulevard Robbery Investigated
The Portland Police Bureau,
in cooperation with C rim e Stop­
pers is asking for the p u b lic’s
help in identifying a robbery
su sp e ct.
On T hursday, April 1, a man
entered the C & L market at 11626
N.E. Sandy Blvd. P olice said he
bought a beer and then pulled
out a gun dem anding money
from the clerk. D etectives said
the suspect is a H ispanic m ale in
his late 20s, about 5 feet 8 inches
tall and about 140 pounds. He
has brow n eyes and brow n hair
and a goatee.
He was w earing a w hite base­
ball cap w ith an A didas logo on
the front, a black leather jacket,
a light blue shirt and dark pants.
He was arm ed with a chrom e-
colored pistol.
A video Security
camera captures
a suspect in the
C&L Market on
Northeast Sandy
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, any you need not give your name. Call
Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP.
Portland Murder Rate Up
More murders are being commit­
ted in Portland, according to recent
statistics from the FBI. There were
27 murders last year compared to 20
in 2002.
Overall, crimes rose in 2003 from
the previous year, with only two
exceptions. Aggravated assault and
forcible rape reports decreased,
A ll o th e r c a te g o rie s in c lu d ­
ing m urder, ro b b ery , ca r th e ft
and b u rg lary w ere up in 2003.
B u rg la ries w ere up 14 p ercen t
and au to th e ft up 12 p ercen t.
A ssa u lts w ere dow n ab o u t 4
p e r c e n t, arid f o r c ib le r a p e
d ro p p ed 12 p ercen t.
Albina Head Start has openings p.m. and are free for those meeting
for children, ages 3 to 5, for classes federal regulations and income
beginning in September.
Families are encouraged to ap­
For applications and enrollment
ply now. The full day preschool guidelines, call 503-282-1975or stop
services are provided M onday by the Albina Head Start office at
through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 3417 N.E. Seventh Ave.
Made in Pedal Picnic at Peninsula
1970 Cop
A family pedal picnic with games
and prizes and a bicycle helmet
giveaway is coming to Peninsula
Park at North Ainsworth Street and
Albina Avenue on Friday, June 11
from 5:30p.m .to9p.m .
The "bring your own food, but
feel free to share" celebration will
show case fam ily biking options
such as bike trailers, double seats
an d b icy cle ta g -a lo n g s. S ta ff
from North Portland B ikew orks
will perforin free bike inspections
and clow ns on bikes from north­
east Portland’s Brewzirkus Clown
T roupe will perform . K ids m ust
be accom panied by an adult in
order to receive the free safety
The Peninsula Park Pedal Picnic
is part o f Pedalpalooza, a yearly
two-week celebration o f bicycling
in Portland. It is co-sponsored by
the city o f Portland and Shift to
Bikes, a non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting fun through
For more information, contact
DanM iller at 503-816-6491 orvisit
(AP) - A man described by
the Los Angeles Times as a
former low-level associate of
the Black Panthers has been
arrested in connection with a
Berkeley policeofficer’s 1970
slaying that police at the time
called a pol itical assassination.
W arren
Graphenreed, 55, is charged
with suspicion of murder and
A so c ia l stu d ie s
perspectives from lead­
conspiracy to commit murder , teacher at Parkrose High
ing historians.
in the killing of Officer Ronald
School will soon bring
“1 am really looking
African-American his­
forward to being a stu­
tory to the classroom
In a statement, Berkeley
dent again. This experi­
thanks to his selection
ence will certainly influ­
police said Graphenreed “did
ence the way I teach my
not act alone and is only one of to this summer’s Na­
tional Endowment for
U.S. History classes,”
several suspects.”
the Humanities “Afri­
said. “I love to
can Americans and the
^ a rte r Wilson
learn and I love to travel
Chronicle quoted unidentified
Making o f America, 1650-2000.” so this opportunity is a perfect fit
sources as saying the shooting
institute at Tufts University in Mas­ form e.”
was intended to raise the : sachusetts.
Wilson has a bachelor’s degree
suspect’s stature in a black
J. Carter Wilson and 30 other in history from the University of
high school teachers from around California-Davis and earned his
organization that advocated
the country will learn about the master’s degree in education from
violence against police.
African-American experience and Lewis and Clark College.
Tsukamoto, 28, had stopped
a motorcyclist for a traffic vio­
lation. As the officer talked
with the motorcyclist, another
Daryl Dixon recently joned the local office
man approached, exchanged
of Lee Hecht Harrison, a global career ser­
a few words, then fired two
vices company. The southeast Portland resi­
shots from a pistol - one hitting
dent will serve the firm as vice president of
Tsukamoto in the eye.
business development.
At the time, the killing was
P re v io u sly , D ixon w as D irec to r o f
the third targeting an officer in
Multicultural Services at George Fox Uni ver-
sity in Newberg and was proprietor o f Diver­
the San Francisco Bay area
sity Resource Group, a diversity consulting
within a two-month span.
training practice.
Bruce Baker, then Berkeley’s
police chief, called it an “as­
Daryl Dixon
African-American History Studied
Dixon Directs Business Development
A ccepting
A pplications
Pro Boxing at Chinook Winds!
Quality Training
Great Wages
Doors Open 5:30pm • First bouts 6:45pm
Tickets S35. $55 ft $75 I Ringside n r Tickets $150 a $2501
LIVE Thursday, June 3
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LIVE Friday, June 4
Superb Benefits
The NECA-IBEW Local 48 Electrical Training
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IBA Championship Fight
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Robert Guerrero
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vs. Rodney Jones
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a o -2 -4 ,21 u r «
July 12-16 and July 19-23
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Orientations 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
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PLUS 5 A d d itio n al Live Baooui
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PLUS Portland Favorites
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