PascA‘l________________________________________ J J o r t l a n ì » ( D b s e m e r ________________________________________ m « 2,2004 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of The Portland Observer Florida’s flawed List of Felons B y D onna B razii . e Three and a half years after the State o f Florida issued an error- riddled list o f felons that kept thousands of eligible citizens from voting, the eli­ g ib ility o f th o u ­ sands o f those vot­ ers still hasn’t been restored. It’s u n co n scio ­ nable that nearly four years after the de­ bacle in Florida and th o u san d s o f d e ­ serving voters were prohibited from casting a ballot that the state still hasn’t corrected the wrongs o f 2(XX). I call on Governor Jeb Bush to direct his Division of Elections to immediately begin a process to verify every single name contained on its 2000 and 2004 felons lists or to pro­ hibit counties from using the lists. We know that in 2(XX) former Sec­ retary o f State Katharine Harris and the Division of Elections provided Florida’s 67 counties with a seri­ ously flawed list. There is no ex­ cuse for Jeb Bush to remain silent w h ile ev e n on e Florida voter runs the risk o f losing his or her vote because of benign neglect. B ecause reform measures simply do not match the recom­ mendations set forth by such bi-partisan g ro u p s as the N A A C P an d the United States Com ­ m issio n on C iv il Rights, an untold number o f U.S, citizens will lose their voices in the upcoming election. How many more innocent American citizens will be denied their right to vote before Florida, and the entire United States electoral process, is truly reformed? Donna Brazile is chair o f the Democratic National Committee's Voting Bights Institute. She was campaign manager fo r Al Gore in the 2000 Presidential Election. Tearing Down the Prison Is Not Enough Administration must tear down its assumptions, too B y R ev . J esse L. J ackson in this case, a text based on a p r e te x t le a v e s A m erica w ith a false context. T he Bush A dm inistration’s plan to tran sfe r symbolic power on June 30th has more to do with this fall’s elec tio n than it does with the state o f re a d in e ss to govern in Iraq. Just Rev. Jesse L as the timetable to hype the need for a war with Iraq was based more on the fall 2002 election schedule than it was on the supposed imminent danger we were facing from weapons of mass de­ struction, now we are supposed to The P resident spoke on Iraq again and once again failed to connect his policy with the real­ ity on the ground. He announced that the A bu G hraib prison will ev en tu ally be torn dow n, but neglected to tear down the incor­ rect assum ptions that have m is­ g u id ed his in te rv e n tio n there from the beginning. This was a war based on false­ hoods and misdirection; until that is confessed, there will be no salva­ tion. And the President continued to mislead, referring to “terrorism” in almost every paragraph, trying to cover the shame of Abu Ghraib with the cloak o f 9 / 11. I have often said that a text w ithout a context is a pretext; but believe that Iraq will be prepared to govern itself July 1— with the help o f our 1 3 8 ,0 0 0 tro o p s, o f co u rse . T his strain s logic. President Bush now belatedly asks for inter­ national help to get us out o f the hole he has dug us into, the same help his m inions so loudly spumed going in. Jackson Our historic allies are demanding seats at the reconstruction table and partner­ ships in redevelopment; we need their help, and we should not now spurn their offers and conditions for that help. The truth is, to get full interna­ **AII classes are free of charge! African American Health Coalition, Inc. tional cooperation, America will need to change leadership and direction. This Administration has turned worldwide sympathy into worldwide mistrust, uniting the world against U.S. intervention. G eorge W. Bush is still trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Even Secretary Powell has now adm itted that we w ent into Iraq on flawed information. Until our leaders alter the false as­ su m p tio n s u n d er w hich they w ent to w ar, this tragedy will co n tin u e. One m ore point: the President attem pted to lay the blam e for Abu G hraib on “a few A m erican troops who dishonored our coun­ try and disregarded our values.” T h at’s a sham and a scam. The A newly formed coalition of African American pastors against same-sex marriage, recently held a rally in Arlington, Texas calling for Wellness W ith in REACH Activity Calendar Aerobics Mallory Ave. Christian Church Kickboxing Humboldt Elementary Mon, Wed, Fri, 6-7am, Pierce • 5:30-6:20pm, Granville ■ 6:30-7:30pm, Nickerson Tue, Thu, 6-7pm, Keller Low Im pact Aerobics Daniel’s Mem orial Church ity; no one has been fired; no one has even been reprim anded. In­ stead, the P resident is trying to dum p this scandal o ff onto our low -ranking troops. And he ig ­ nores the crucial fact— it is “p re­ This was a war based on falsehoods and misdirection; until that is confessed, there will be no salvation « cover-up o f the prisoner abuse em ptive w ar” w hich dishonored was know n to his office, the P en­ our country and disregarded our tagon, and top m em bers o f his values. staff for weeks and m onths before Rev. Jesse L. Jackson is a long it finally leaked out to the public. time civil rights leaderandfounder But no one has taken responsibil- o f the Rainbow Coalition. A Civil Rights Movement of Our Time B y J asmyne C annick Presents for your health, attem pt to evade the G eneva C o n ­ ventions was crafted in his own office by his ow n law yer; the “ to u g h g u y ” a p p r o a c h w as pressed hard from the highest lev­ els o f his A dm inistration; and the transgender African American were slavesjust like heterosexual African Americans were. Slavery was not based on on e’s sexual orientation; it was based on the color o f one’s skin and that also included black gays and lesbians. ment. But I also think it's important to remember that Bayard Rustin, an African-American gay man, was an instrumental part of the very civil rights movement that these black pastors are trying to say gays and lesbians have had no part of. How Slavery was not based on one’s sexual orientation; it was based on the color o f one s skin and that also included black gays and lesbians. Pilates (Contact AAH C) M att Dishman Tue, 8-9pm Tue, 7 :15-8; 15pm, Granville Stretching/Body Sculpting W a te r Aerobics (Contact AAHC) Columbia Pool, M att Dishman, Salvation A rm y African Dance M att Dishman (Class courtesy o f Mott Dishman) M att Dishman Jasm yne Cannick Tue, Thu, 7-8am, Lois Tai Chi (Contact AAHC) S t John’s Comunity Center Tue, 6:30-7:30pm Sat, 10-1 lam, Addo Body Conditioning tty W ild Oats M arket W a lking Group Peninsula Sat, 9:30-10:30am, Nickerson Sat 12:30pm • l ^ ^ J ^ J J J h W o o d s ChicagoStep M att Dishman W eight Mgnt./Conditioning U. of Portland Indoor Track Fri, 6:30pm, Kendrick Tue, Thu, 9 -1 Oam, Hasan J & a constitutional amendment ban­ ning same-sex unions. The Not on My Watch Coalition issued state­ ments contrasting the civil rights movement with the gay rights movement and citing that “homo­ sexuals” were not slaves like blacks were. G ay, lesbian, bisexual and Letter to the Editor Yoga W ild Oats M arket - Tue, Thu, 7:30-8:30pm, O'Rourke Columbia Pod, 7701 N Chautaqua Peninsula Park, 700 N Portland Daniel’s Memonal Church, 1234 NE Killmgsworth Salvation Army, S32S N Williams Humboldt Elementary. 491S N Gantenbein St John’s Community Center. 8427 N. Central Malory Ave Qtrenan Chunh (Gym). 126 NE Alberta II. of Portland Indoor Track. S00 N Willamette Matt Dishman. 77 NE Knott Wild Oats Market 3535 NE 15th “ Must be 21 or older to participate. Please contact AAHC before showing up to the first class and lor more information at 503-4I3-I8S 0 or Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class. R acial and Ethnic A p p ro a c h « * to C om m u nity H a a lth A Program of me African American Haalfti Coalition. Inc. Sponaored by me Center, lor OriresM Control and Prevention (COC) Contact AAHC at 5O 3-4I3-I85O or visit our web site at w w w These types o f groups seem to al­ is that for irony? ways fail to acknowledge that there I think the time is now for black are African-American gay and les­ g ay , le sb ia n b ise x u a l and bian couples advocating for the right transgendered persons to stand up to marry. in the churches that preach anti­ African Americans do not own gay m essages. U nless we do, the civil rights movement. For many groups like this are going to con­ people my age (26), the same- sex tinue to believe that we don’t exist, marriage movement is the civil rights especially in church. movement of our time because we Jasmyne Cannick represents the were not around in the 60s. Nobody National Black Justice Coalition is try ing to steal the civil rights move­ and is from Los Angeles. Do the Math Okay, another police shooting, another killing. Chief Foxworth points out yes, but hey— we separated them be­ fore they could go to Applebee’s and compare notes. We really are trying. We had detectives inter­ view the officers in a shorter time frame (less than 24 hours). W e’re getting some of those (89 is it?) rules activated that came down on us last year from the Police As­ sessment Resource Center. Hey- be patient, let the process work— w e’re trying. We even had an in­ quest this time. The logic seems to be that with every unprovoked killing o f a per­ son of color, the police bureau will right a few wrongs that should have never taken place at all. In the past few weeks, the cover of “just a rou­ tine traffic stop" has been revealed to be an excuse. It now even has a name: it's a “pretext stop.” Listen up white folks who actu­ ally believe that if youjust follow the rules the cops w on’t kill you. See, they admitted that they d id n 't really care if you didn ’ t come to a complete stop (Kendra Jam es' life) or failed to signal properly (James Perez's life). What they cared about was: you might be somehow connected to drugs. It was, “let’s go give a look- see, and hey if we kill you in the process-w ell, too bad.” It’s the “livability” of the neighborhood that’s at stake, remember. I n 1 ight of the P A RC recommen­ dations, if two wrongs were righted after the Kendra James killing and two wrongs were righted after the James Jahar Perez ki 11 i ng, there are just 85 recommendations to go. And you wonder why the undercurrent in the city now is one of “bum baby bum ?” -L in d a Kanzinger Northeast Portland