Page B6 íllf5flortlanh © bseruer ‘ H o u s e on M a n g o S tre e t’ Reading touches on Latino issues Sandra C isneros' “H ouse on Mango Street" has been selected as recommended reading and com ­ munity wide discussions for next year’s Everybody Reads program in the Multnomah County Library system. The book is a poignant coming- of-age story set in a Latino neigh­ borhood. It touches on many im­ portant issues such as the immi­ grant experience and identity and assimilation, said Molly Raphael, director o f libraries. “W e are also looking forward to building on the library’s outreach efforts to the Spanish speaking community through this project. Everybody Reads is about bring­ ing people together and making cultural con nections,” Raphael said. Published in 1984, “The House on Mango Street” is a series of vignettes o f a young girl growing up in the Latino section of Chicago and the people in her neighbor­ hood. Beloved by all ages and taught everyw here from inner-city grade sc h o o ls to u n iv e rsitie s across the country , the novel was the winner of the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundationin 1985. The selection is the third annual community-wide Everybody Reads book project coordinated by the M ultnomah County library and made possible by The Library Foun­ dation. In January and February 2004, more than 16,000 people partici­ pated in the second annual Every­ body Reads by reading and dis­ cussing Ray Bradbury’s "Fahren­ heit 451” and attending related events. IUNE2. 2004 Explorando el Columbia Slough Local gem is backdrop for community fiesta A rea residents are invited to jo in the C olum bia Slough W a­ tershed Council for the third annual Explorando El C olum ­ bia Slough on Saturday, June 26 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for festivities celebrating the na­ ture and history o f the C o lu m ­ bia Slough. A ctiv ities w ill be fam ily- friendly with fun for all ages and are especially targeted to the H ispanic com m unity, with ev en ts in both S pan ish and English. H ighlights include free ca­ noe trips, m usic, bird w atch­ ing, environm ental gam es and displays, bilingual storytelling, Folkloric dancing, refreshm ents and more. G uests will also re­ ceive the Spanish recreation Canoers and kyakers enjoy a day on the Columbia Slough, a waterway rich in wildlife that parallels north and northeast Portland. guide to the C olum bia Slough, w hich features outdoor locales for bicycle riding, w alking, p ad ­ U.S. Blamed fo r High Gas Prices (AP) — The U.S. government is responsible for oil prices reaching $40 a barrel, charged Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez last week. “It’s not our fault,” said Chavez, claiming that the U.S.-led war in Iraq has pushed fuel prices to his­ toric levels. Chavez, an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy, told a group of businessmen that the U.S. govern­ ment should take measures to re­ ceive oil “at the prices it wants.” Chavez has repeatedly said Ven­ ezuela, the world’s No. 5 oil ex­ porter and a main supplier o f crude to the United States, considers $30 a barrel a “fair” price for oil. Some members o f the Organiza­ tion of Petroleum Exporting Coun­ tries say there is enough oil on the market. They argue that the high prices are a result o f the war in Iraq and instability in the Gulf, not lack of production within the 11-mem­ ber organization. Shaq and Kobe Make Venezuela TV (AP) — V enezuela’s state TV channel usually slams the CIA and the U.S.-led war in Iraq. But in re­ cent weeks, it’s featured slam dunks by Shaq and Kobe. In a shrewd political move, the leftist governm ent o f President Hugo Chavez has added the Na­ tional Basketball Association play­ offs to a channel frequently de­ voted to anti-American harangues. Chavez’s supporters, many of whom live in poverty, are delighted to watch the NBA for free. “I think it’s great that Channel 8 is showing basketball. I can 't af­ ford cable, and the other stations aren’t showing the playoffs,” said street vendor Juvenal Garcia, who makes roughly $ 130 a month. Cable and satellite TV companies charge at least $25 a month for sports pro­ gramming. But there’s more at stake than just jum p shots and buzzer beaters. Venezuela’s opposition hopes to gather enough signatures to force a recall referendum. dling, and picnicking w ithin the Slough w atershed. E x p lo ran d o w ill be held at Rebels Still Fight After 40 Years Marxist guerrillas dig in despite U.S. moves (A P)— Colombia’s main rebel arm y is celebrating its 40th an ­ niversary and the M arxist g uer­ rillas are literally digging in for the long haul - burying food stores in the m ountains and pre­ dicting victory will eventually be theirs. T he R ev o lu tio n ary A rm ed Forces o f C olom bia, or FA RC, said in a statem ent posted last week on a W eb site linked to the group that it has “an iron will to fight and profound faith that our cause will trium ph.” In the m ountains o f w estern C olom bia that was the F A R C ’s cradle, a local rebel com m ander said his forces have buried food caches and are splitting up into th re e -p e rs o n u n its to ev a d e governm ent troops. A string o f rebel bom b at­ tacks coinciding w ith the an n i­ versary have killed at least 13 people and w ounded more than boring E cuador five m onths ago. B u t M a n u e l “ S u r e s h o t” M arulanda, w ho co-founded the FA R C near this village and at 74 is still the group’s top com mander, has a reputation fo r staying a step ahead o f his pursuers. Forty years ago, M arulanda - w hose real nam e is Pedro A nto­ nio M arin - w as a dem obilized C om m unist g u errilla living in G aitania, a village o f brick houses A man leads his mules through a path overlooking Gaitania in n e s tle d am id to w e rin g g ree n the coffee growing mountains o f the Tolima state, 255 miles m ountains. southwest o f Bogota, that was the cradle o f the Revolutionary C o lo m b ia’s governm ent sent Armed Forces o f Colombia. (AP photo) troops to crush M arulanda and 100. overran in 1998 and that C olom ­ the other C om m unists, fearing C o lo m b ia’s m ilitary - backed bian army troops retook in F ebru­ they w ould trig g er a w idespread by billions o f dollars in U.S. m ili­ ary, U ribe urged the m ilitary and uprising like the one Fidel C astro tary aid and training - has the police forces to keep attacking led from the Sierra M aestra M oun­ rebels on the run, with hardline the rebels. tains in Cuba in 1959. P resident A lvaro U ribe trying to Security forces, aided with U.S. “ It w as the era w hen it was said bring Latin A m erica’s longest- intelligence, have captured sev­ the A ndes w ere going to be the running insurgency to its knees. eral regional rebel leaders, and n e w S ie r r a M a e s tr a ,” s a id In a speech at a m ilitary base in even netted a top rebel co m ­ M alcolm D eas, a L atin A m erica southern C olom bia that the FARC mander, Simon Trinidad, in neigh­ expert at O xford U niversity. T O T A L V E H IC L E D IS B U R S E M E N T ! EVERY USED CAR, TRUCK, VAN, SPORT UTILITY. OVER 300 TO CHOOSE FROM, MUST BE DISPOSED OF IMMEDIATELY! $ 5 9 D O W N !* P A Y M E N T S A S L O W A S $ 7 9 P E R M O N T H !* There will be over $2 million dollars ol used cars, trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles offered to the public with $59 DOWN!* There will be monthly payments as low as $79 per month* on many of these vehicles Additional vehicles will be arriving daily. LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME... YOU WON'T NEED ID Only during this three day sale at Thrifty Auto Centers, you may finance your new vehicle with $59 DOWN and PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $79 PER MONTH'* This is made possible due to special arrangements with many national lending insti­ tutions which have been specifically retained for this event Banks and lenders will be seeking new customers for this three day event IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! At these low prices, you MUST take immediate delivery of your vehicle. Vehicles will not be able to be held on the lot because of consumer demand. You must choose your car. truck, van. or sport utility and take immediate delivery during this three day event! No exceptions will be made. Vehicles will be available from the following manufacturers: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Chevrolet. Pontiac, Nissan, Kia, Mazda. Toyota, Chrysler. Dodge. Jeep, Volkswagen. Honda: along with many others too numerous to mention. NO DEALERS ALLOWED! Because of disposal pricing, no dealers will be able to purchase or trade during this three day event. WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: * Valid Driver's License * Current Pay Stub or 2003 W2 Form * Copy of Current Utility or Home Telephone Bill * Your Current Vehicle Payment Book TRADE-INS ACCEPTED! Trade-Ins will be accepted during this three day event. If you trade your existing vehicle during this three day event, Thrifty Auto Centers will pay off your trade, no matter what you owe! (A portion of negative trade equity may be applied to new loan.) No matter what your trade situation, $59 DOWN and as low as $79 MONTHLY PAYMENTS* will still be available to you! Please bring current title, registration and/or payment book. Lenders will also require proof of insurance. ■'94 Oodce Caravan sKi#FO38OA $59 down, $79,'mo lor 60 mos. @ 4 .1 9 APR, plus lax title & license. BAD CREDIT? BANKRUPTCY? NO CREDIT? Then this sale is for YOU! We have helped thousands of financially troubled customers in the past and we are looking to help you get the vehicle you want... at the price you want to pay. To guarantee the success of this event, national lenders will be providing over 14 million dollars in funding for new loans. UPSIOE DOWN IN YOUR CURRENT VEHICLE? WANT A NEW VEHICLE WITH A LOWER PAYMENT? Don't miss this three day disposal event at Thrifty Auto Centers We want to put you into the car o, your dreams, no matter what your current vehicle situation Let us get you out of your current ride and into the car, truck, van or sport utility you really want to drive. •09% APR For « MONTHS- ’ "4.09% tor 72 monttis. On approved credit A l l VEHICLES ON THE LOT QUALIFY! Every single new and used vehicle on the lot qualifies. You will not hear '“this vehicle does not qualify" at Thrifty Auto Centers. We absolutely must move inventory during this three day sale. ‘ All deals on approved credil Special finance rates, terms ano payments will vary by individual vehicle and are on approved credit through dealer's lender Delivery must occur Oder may not be used with pr or sales or any other advertised Oder See dealer tor complete details 94 Dodge Caravan slk# E0380A. $59 down, $79 /mo tor 60 mos @ 4 19 APR plus $50 administrative tee, title $ license. On approved credit 3 D a y E v e n ti THIS Your trade will never be worth more! Thrifty Auto Centers A V A IL A B L E NE B r u n St 1 NE S acram ento St 45- I W h itak e r P o n d s E n v iro n m e n ­ tal L ea rn in g C e n te r at 7 0 4 0 N .E . 4 7 ,h A ve in P o rtlan d , ju s t n o rth o f N o rth ea st C o lu m b ia Blvd. T h ere w ill be free shuttle buses picking up passengers at the O rtiz C enter on 6736 N.E. K illingsw orth, T he St. Jo h n ’s C om m unity C enter, 8427 N. C e n tr a l, a n d a t th e O ld R ockw ood Fred M eyer Park­ ing Lot in G resham . The buses are scheduled to leave the park­ ing lots at each site a tl p.m ., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m . T he event is also accessible by TriM et bus #75. Bustos m edia, hom e o f La G ranD radio will be providing m usic and entertainm ent d u r­ ing the festivities. 2400 NE 02nd Avenue Portland, OR 07220 1-866-887-4444 F R ID A Y SATURDAY & SUNDAY 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Nobody Beats a Thrifty Auto Centers Deal! Political Ads More Sophisticated Candidates seek ‘culturally sensitive' commercials (A P ) — R each in g H ispanic v o te rs th ro u g h p o litic a l a d v e r­ tisin g in v o lv e s m o re than ju s t tra n sla tin g h ello to “ H o la!” A ds targeted at the n atio n ’s fastest-grow ing m inority group and, arguably, the m ost volatile voting bloc have becom e increas­ ingly sophisticated, covering is­ sues beyond im m igration and civil rights and including elem ents of the H ispanic culture. R e p u b lican and D em o cratic ad m ak ers and stra te g is ts say S p an ish tra n sla tio n s o f E nglish ads a r e n ’t as e ffe c tiv e as “c u l­ tu ra lly se n s itiv e ” co m m ercials ab o u t how e d u c a tio n , jo b s and h ea lth ca re - th e m ain co n cern s am ong H isp an ics - w ill im prove th e ir liv es. A nd, c o n s u lta n ts say, H is­ p an ics w ant to see th e ir c o m ­ m u n itie s in ads, as w ell as p o li­ tic ia n s try in g to u n d e rsta n d th e ir liv es, in c lu d in g sp eak in g th e ir lan g u ag e. “ Y ou have to be m uch m ore p e rs o n a l. T h ey h av e to lik e y o u ,” said S erg io B en d ix en , a D em o c ratic p o llster. T he c h a lle n g e fo r ad m akers is rea ch in g all H isp an ic voters w h ile try in g to av o id alien a tin g c e r ta in s u b g r o u p s , su c h as P u erto R icans, A rg e n tin e an s or B ra z ilia n s by ru n n in g ads that c o n ta in , fo r ex a m p le , a d ia lec t th a t is M exican.