Page B4 UINE 2. 2004 Mosque Loudspeaker Issue on Ballot Young Mother New American Idol (A P ) — A n o is e -o rd in a n c e Fantasia wins with Gospel-tinged performances I change that w ould allow m osques to broadcast calls to prayer on loud­ speakers w ill be put to a vote in a M ichigan tow n a fter op p o n en ts gathered hundreds o f petition sig­ n atures. The m ore than 6 3 0 signatures subm itted to the H am tram ck City C le rk ’s office w ere enough to force the C ity C ouncil to rescind the am ended ordinance o r put it to a vote. “W e decided not to rescind the am endm ent, so it goes to the bal­ lo t,” c o u n c il p re s id e n t K aren M ajew ski said T uesday night. T he council had voted u nani­ m ously last m onth to allow the B angladeshi A l-Islah M osque to broadcast the call to p rayer five tim es a day. T he issue has divided this blue- c o llar city o f 23,000, w hich once w as overw helm ingly Polish and R om an C atholic but now has a siz­ able M uslim population. It w as not im m ediately know n w hen the vote w ould be held in this enclave surrounded by the city o f D etroit, but it is likely to be in the next few m onths. In the m eantim e, M ajew ski said, the m osque can g o ahead w ith its calls to prayer. (AP) — An estim ated 31.4 m illion people tuned in to w atch F an tasia B a rrin o ’s tearsta in ed victory at the co n c lu sio n o f “ A m erican Idol.” That was down slightly from the 33.7 million who w atched R uben S tuddard beat Clay Aiken at the end of last season. Barrino, who wowed view­ 19-year-old single mother from High Point, N.C., who had a 1.3 m illion-vote edge over Diana DeGarmo when the re­ sults were announced. Speaking to reporters back- stage. Barrino said she “always had a dream, always wanted to sing, and it seemed I couldn’t get my foot in the door.” She kicked it down in the way she looks, to the way she sounds, to her personality. ... S he’s ju st got it.” D eG arm o, a b ubbly 16- year-old from Snellville, Ga., vowed the contest w asn’t nec­ essarily over. “I’m definitely recording an album ,” D eGarm o said back- stage, adding with a smile: “ A nd F an tasia, you b etter watch out because I’m com ­ ing with one.” A sked ab o u t th o se who m ight be critical o f her single parenthood, Barrino replied: “I feel like a good mom. I’m a strong wom an now. ... D on’t look down on me. Pray for me because I’m trying.” - American Idol Judge Paula Abdul on talent con The “A m erican Idol” finale testwtnnerFantasla Barrino may seem like the Super Bowl ers with her rich, gospel- four-month Fox TV talent con­ o f karaoke, but this year it tinged perform ance of pop test, em erging from among truly reached the level o f m o­ Fantasia Barrino reacts after she was announced the winner of tunes, including the Gershwin 70,()(K) contestants to claim the m entous sporting event pro­ 'American Idol’ during the live finale in Los Angeles. (AP photo) s ta n d a rd “ S u m m e rtim e ,” title, a record contract and a portions. Thousands gathered c la im e d the v ic to ry last shot at music stardom. ducer who was among those label,” Cowell said after the at the G reensboro Coliseum in W ednesday for her 2-year- Am erica got it “ 100 percent who fell under B arrino’s spell. cerem ony. G reensboro, N .C., to cheer Judge Paula Abdul praised for B arrino and at the G eorgia old daughter, Zion. “There aren ’t many other right,” said Simon Cowell, the “I fought so that my child usually acerbic “ A m erican artists in A m erica right now B arrino for having “ev ery ­ Dome in A tlanta to support can have the best,” said the Idol” judge and music pro- that I’d prefer to have on my thing, from her name, to the DeGarm o. ' Everything, from her name, to the way she looks, to the way she sounds, to her personality...She's just got it. & bi Foster Parent Dies Mae Fern Haynes A funeral was held Thursday, May 27 in Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church for Mae Fern Haynes, who died May 21 at age 73. Mae Fern W arren was bom July 27,1930, in Linden, Texas. She moved to Portland in 1957 and was co-ow nerof Pink Pelican Record Shop and a foster mother for more than 100 children, m any through Oregon Adult and Family Services. In 1989, she married Nathaniel. Survivors include herhusband; stepson, Nathaniel Jr.; brothers, Sylvain W arren and W illiam W arren; one grandchild; and one great-grandchild. Her son Darzell Mack died in 1970. Arrangements by Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel. Living Faith Ministries I Services for Former Jeff Student 1710 NE 82nd (o n e b lo ck N . o f th e M ax, in sid e the N A T A tra in in g ro o m ) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! Morzetta R. “Morzie” Baker A funeral service was held Saturday, May 29, in Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes for Morzetta R. “Morzie” Baker, who died of kidney disease May 22 at age 25. Ms. Baker was bom May 21,1979, in Portland, where she lived all of her life. She attended Jefferson High School. Survivors include her mother, Brenda Thompson; father, Melvin Baker; brother, Larry Summerfield; grandmother, Myrtle Kelsaw; and great-grandmother, Christine Culp. Remembrances to the National Kidney Foundation. 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