W A Walk With Cancer African-American Biographies Shared Survivor creates documentary fo r women o f color Black history restored by Harvard professor Ï See story, page A3 See story, Metro Section B I Í K > danrilann ®hseruer itv of n f Roses Rnsp«’ ‘City ^*4 Established imrn in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXIV • Num ber 22 T,Weekin TheReview Iraq President Named A pow erful Sunni Muslim tribal leader and critic o f theU .S.- led occupation was named president o f Iraq’s incoming gov­ ern m en t T u esd ay , after Iraqi leaders re- ‘-------- -------------- je c te d the A m eri- Ghazi Mashal cans’ preferred can- W al-Yawer www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday • June 2. 2004 / SUMMERTIME B100MS 1 V S' - didate for the post. After the selection of Ghazi Masha] A jilal-Y aw ertothe largely ceremonial position, officials announced the entire interim government due to take power on June 30 - and the body moved quickly to begin its work. Minority Prison Population Rises Am erica’s inmate population grew by - 2.9percentlastyear,toalm ost2.1 million people, with one o f every 75 men living in prison or jail. The inmate population ' continued its rise despite a fall in the crime rate. In 2 003,68 percent o f prison and jail inmates were members of racial or ethnic minorities. An estim ated 12 per­ cent o f all black men in their 20s were in jails or prisons, as were 3.7 percent of Hispanic men and 1.6 percent o f white men in that age group. Smoking, Worse Than Thought The list o f diseases linked to smoking grew longer Thursday. Add acute my­ eloid leukemia, cancers o f the cervix, kidney, pancreas and stomach, abdom i­ nal aortic aneurysms, cataracts, peri­ odontitis and pneumonia. Bush Overruled in Oregon A federal appeals court ordered the Bush adm in istratio n not to m eddle w ith O regon’s assisted suicide law, ruling that doctors in Oregon may prescribe lethal doses o f medication to terminally ill patients. The court said U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft cannot sanction or hold Oregon doctors criminally liable for prescribing overdoses, as the state’s voter-approved D eath W ith Dignity Act allows. Human Rights Casualty of War ' The U.S.-led war on terror has produced the most sustained attack on human rights < and international law in 50years, Amnesty International said in its annual report. Kerry to Accept Nomination « Bowing to pressure, John Kerry decided to accept the nomi­ nation at the Demo­ cra tic p re sid e n tia l convention in July, John Kerry scuttling a plan to delay the formality so he could narrow President B ush's public money advantage. K9t Gore Calls for Resignations A1 Gore issued a fiery denunciation o f Bush administration policy in Iraq and demanded the resignation o f Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA direc­ tor George Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. Rose Festival promises family fun The Portland Rose Festival is in bloom, with most o f the main events beginning Thursday, June 3 and continuing through Sunday, June 13. “D isco v er the W o n d e r” is the them e o f th is c la ssic sp e c ta c le w ith re tu rn ­ ing a ttra c tio n s su ch as the d o w n to w n Pepsi W aterfro n t V illage carnival w ith n ig h tly c o n c e rts, the Q u e e n ’s C o ro ­ n atio n on T h u rsd a y , Ju n e 3, a F ire ­ w orks S p e c ta c u la r on F rid ay , Ju n e 4, and the T riM et S ta rlig h t P arad e on S atu rd ay , Ju n e 5. The G rand Floral Parade, the second largest all-floral parade in the country, is on Saturday, June 12. Neighborhood Rose Festival events will include the Art on Alberta celebration on Thursday, June 24 and G ospelFest on Saturday, June 19from 1 p.m. to 6 p .m . at The Pepsi Waterfront Village draws thousands of people to Tom McCall Park downtown during the annual Rose Festival. The city's largest civic event opens Friday with food, rides, games and souvenirs. Major entertainers also will fill the waterfront's main stage for eight consecutive nights. Jefferson High School, featuring local and national talent. T he G ood in the N eig h b o r “ H ood" m u ltic u ltu ra l m u sic and food festiv al is S atu rd ay , Ju n e 26 th ro u g h S u n d ay , Ju n e 27 at K ing S ch o o l P ark, at the 4 8 0 0 b lo c k o f n o rth e a st 6 lh A venue and H u m b o ld t. The festival officially opens Thursday, June 3 when the 2004 Rose Court ad- dresses the crowd at the Q ueen’s Coro­ nation at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. This y ear’s concert series features tal­ ent ranging from country to rock to hip- hop, including Andy Griggs and Melody Guy, Presidents of the United States of America, The Katinas, Amanda Perez and the Y ing Yang Twins, the Violent Femmes, Latin Expression and more. Doris’ Return Institution fo r African-American cuisine is back B v J aymf . e R .C dti T he P ortiand O bserver -’s . .! f llWb Loyal patrons can look forward to his signature dishes, including ribs, catfish and chicken wings. A Portland institution for quality southern style soul food and atmo­ sphere is returning to the city at a new location. A community staple for 15 years, Doris’ isnowbeingrun by original owner Rosa Dean's sons, Keith and James. Doris’ Café will reopen at 3606 N. Williams Ave., between Fremont and Beech, on Saturday, June 12, with grand opening festivities including music and of course, great food. According to Keith Dean, the new restaurant has a homey atmosphere. There are also plans to expand Doris’ by renovating a building on the same block. The new beginning for the popular restaurant, most recently located on Northeast Russell Street, comes with the return of Chef Jewell Thomas, an original with Doris’ Café, when it started at another location on Williams. “By 2006, we plan to have a full service restaurant with live gospel and jazz music, nightly," he said. “T hat’s the future of Doris’ Café.” For more information, call the res­ taurant at503-460-2595. « w — Keith (left) and James Dean are reopening the Portland land­ mark Doris' Café at a new location at 3606 N. Williams Ave., offering southern style soul food. P hoto by M ark W ashwotos / T he P ortland O bserver s TriMet Cameras to watch each Interstate Max station Security added to Yellow Line o §”2 2 £ 1» Q£ o £ ~ •u -C ) sd O' a> C C Z, 3 □ ¿ - á Closed circuit television cameras for security each w eekday. purposes will be added to all 10 Interstate Max The record is stations. 4.000 daily rides The transportation agency is using savings »uglier than trips from the construction of the light-rail system set in O ctober —“ and monies from the TriMet general fund to pay 2000. for the security improvements. The addition In addition, security cameras will be added to of more frequent the existing Rose Quarter, Lloyd Center, Skidmore service to some Fountain and Portland Airport Terminal Max sta­ bus lin es, re ­ tions and two park-and-ride lots. The Sunset gional job growth Transit Center and the Gresham Garage Max and record gas stations will have existing cameras upgraded. The prices are all attributed to the ridership gains. cameras should be in place by Sept. 30. The high gas prices means more people are TriMet is also announcing new ridership looking for a cheaper alternative for their com­ records. Passengers using both buses and trains munity and for getting around the region, TriMet have reached an all time record of 308,100 trips officials said. TriMet Okays Fare Increase tlMM Keeping up with inflation, TriM et is increasing its fares by a nickel on Sept. 1. A standard two zone fair will increase to $1.35, with all- zone single fares becoming $1.65. Monthly passes will increase by two dollars. F o r h o n o red citiz en s, •'-» monthly passes will increase by a dollar, while youth and student fares, which can be used by anyone under 18, or through high school, will be re­ duced with a monthly pass for $ 17, a half month pass for $8.50, a single fare for $1.05, with books o f 10 tickets costing $10. The transit agency also chose to simplify ticket vending m a­ chines by dropping rarely used ticket selections and lifted restric­ tions on how many children age 6 and under can ride with a fare­ paying passenger. Tickets and passes arc avail­ able onl i ne at tri met .org or by call- ing 503-238-RIDE weekdays be­ tween 7:30a.m. and 5:30p.m. Tick­ ets are also available in person at the TriM et Ticket Office at Pio­ neer Courthouse Square or at Fred M e y er, S afew ay an d m ost Albertson Stores.