Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 2004, Page 15, Image 15

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    May 26, 2004
tlK F o r tia n i» (© baeruer
page C3
H istory o f Jazz
& Hip-hop 101
Free concert to empower youth
with cultural and artistic knowledge
The New Griot Project (NGP), an
arts outreach initiative that draws on
the shared musical, cultural and ar­
tistic heritage of jazz and hip-hop to
inform and empower youth, presents
a free jazz and hip-hop concert on
Saturday, May 29 at 7:00 P. M. at the
Matt Dishman Community Center,
77 N.E. Knott Street.
The concert features several Port­
land jazz and hip-hop artists, includ­
ing rapperCool Nutz, jazz trumpeter
Thara Memory, jazz pianist Darrell
Grant, The Original Cats of Jazz, and
smooth jazz group N’Touch, as well
as breakdancers the Rose City Break­
ers, poet Renee Mitchell, Project
workshop students and others.
Arts and Culture Council, The New
Griot Project Workshop teamed
young people with professional art­
Free Jazz & Hip-hop Concert
ists in a 10-day after-school work­
Saturday, May 29, 7pm
shop held at the Blazers Boys and
Girls Club.
Matt Dishman Community
Center, 77 N.E. Knott St.
Students learned about jazz from
trumpeter Thara Memory; were
These performances are the cul­ shown the connection between hip-
mination of a three-week program hop and African music by rapper Mic
sponsored by the Leroy Vinnegar Crenshaw and drummer David Parks;
Jazz Institute at Portland State, and and viewed the work of Portland
conducted in partnership with the painter IsaakaShamsud-Din. Young
Blazers Boys & Girls Club and Port­ emcees, poets and musicians col­
land Parks and Recreation. Funded laborated with faculty artists to
in part by a grant from the Regional compose original poetry and songs
Combs Makes Broadway Debut
Sean Combs and Alexander
Mitchell (AP photo)
(AP) — Sean Combs, the hip-
hop impresario has made his Broad­
way debut in “A Raisin in the Sun”
at the Royale Theatre in New York.
He co-stars with actress Phylicia
Rashad in Lorraine Hansberry story
of a black family’s South Side Chi­
cago apartment in the late 1950s.
Rashad dominates the house­
hold and the play, giving a lovely,
touching perform ance as the
strong-willed woman who wants to
lift her family out of the ghetto on
the wings of a $10,000 insurance
policy left by her late husband.
Combs has a compelling physi­
cal presence, debuting as the
woman’s son, an angry dreamer,
frustrated with his job as a chauf­
feur for a wealthy white man.
on themes of empowerment and so­
cial justice, and will perform these
works on May 29.
In addition, workshop students
created public service announce­
ments (PSAs) for KBOO radio, and
began work on a mural which, when
completed, will be transformed into a
20 x30 ft. outdoor mural on East
The New Griot Project was in­
spired by the West African tradition
of the “griot” as a storyteller who
perpetuates the oral tradition and
historyofavillageorfamily. Thegoal
of NGP is the empowerment of Port­
land youth by putting into their hands
and minds the tools with which toteli
their stories - investing those sto­
ries with knowledge and apprecia­
tion for musical, cultural and artistic
heritage, and assisting them in carry­
ing their message to the larger com­
A ctress Starts R ecord L ab el
Fans in Europe recall first being in­
troduced to Lunden De’LeonasJoanne
Mbutu on the hit German television
series Vitai Signs. Three years later, the
sultry actress has catapulted that
breakout role into a successful career
by starring in more than 50 movies and
television shows.
Today, she’s giving other African-
American talent achance by starting an
independent label for musicians.
The supermodel turned actress
opened the
doors to her
Los Angeles
based record
label Dirrty
records in
Septem ber,
s i g n i n g Lunden De'Leon
aw ard-w in­
ning rocker DH Peligro o f Dead
Kennedys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and
FRIDAY, M AY 28»h, 2 0 0 4
4575 H. Channel on Swan Island
9pm • 2am
Hors d'oeuvres served
Bast dressed and dan<e contest $ 1 0 0 .0 0 each
Tickets $21.50 in advance $25.00 at the door
Tickets available ah
Geneva's - Njeri Hair Design - One Stop Music
A Step Above * Tracy's Unforgettable Hails
Rebecca Kilgore
30 and over
For more information or tickets delivered call:
FO'f K 80'$ music, "Dress to Impress"
go out and listen
to live music...