May 26. 2004 Page B4 Deejay Yanked from KBOO c o n tin u e d fr o m F ro n t A I The first com plaint, which Berry “W hen we started, there w as no defines as harassm ent, cam e about a other outlet for black music,” said year ago, when Merrick asked Berry for copies o f the songs he plays. B ern. Berry complied with a play list and It took a personal investm ent o f thousands o f dollars in music pur­ M errick approved the songs. Berry chases over the years to bring cur­ said. Additional requests for play rent A frican-Am erican music to his lists continued alm ost monthly for a year, until M errick told Berry his listeners. "It w asn’t until the 90s that record show was being monitored by the com panies supplied stations with station’s board o f directors. M errick could not be reached for current music from black musicians,” comment. he said. “KBOO has a programming char­ For his first eight years at KBOO, Kevin and his brother Ken never ter that attempts to transcend a higher m issed a show or pledge drive and standard o f broadcast ethics," said helped raise tens o f thousands of Victoria Stoppiello, K BO O ’s acting station manager. dollars for the station. She w ould not say if or how Berry On the missed pledge date in ques­ tion, Moflday, April 5. Berry says he violated that ethic, calling his term i­ had a family em ergency and was nation a “private personnel matter." She read from the station's mis­ given an excused absence by the sion statement, saying, "W e choose pledge drive supervisor. But he said KBOO Program Direc­ not to broadcast racist, homophobic tor C hris M errick cited the absence or sexist music that demeans human as the reason to end his service, and beings.” According to Berry, he only plays then in a subsequent letter said the “misogynist and hom ophobic lyrics radio versions o f songs, music that o f music you have played, lead m e to has already been cleansed o f lyrics decide that your program as a whole dem eaning to gays and women. Berry has filed an appeal to the is not acceptable.” Com plaints over music content station, th o u g h he is uncertain were not a surprise to Berry, w ho has whether he w ishes to return. “After putting in all these years, I had several run-ins with Merrick over feel like it’s sort o f a slap in the face,” his show. Traffic Stop c o n tin u e d fr o m AI stop is not the time to make that com plaint. This is a life and death situation, and 1 want you to com e out o f this alive.” Robinson later joined a panel dis­ cussion with several lawyers, state Sen. Avel Gordly, an African-Ameri­ can law m aker w ho represents north­ east a n tf southeast Portland, and mayoral candidate and form er police chief T om Potter. Missing from the discussion were m em bers o f the Portland Police Bu­ reau. Ernest E. Estes, a forum orga­ nizer, said multiple invitations had been extended to Police C hief Der­ rick Foxworth o r a representative from his staff. “It w as a disappointm ent,” Estes said. "This is not a minority com m u­ nity issue. This is a minority com m u­ nity and police issue." A Police Bureau spokeswom an said the chief chose not to attend. Associated Press contributed to this article. he said. His appeal is currently being con­ sidered by the station m anager and will be reviewed by a personnel com ­ mittee and the board o f directors. Meanwhile, KBOO’s staff partici­ pated in cultural sensitivity training called "Living with Diversity” with local acclaim ed consultant Eddy Collins. Before the meeting, Stoppiello j _______ _______________ - ^ 1 (AP) — Breaking with some col­ leagues, two Arizona bishops say they w on’t deny C om m union to Roman Catholic politicians who sup­ port abortion rights. Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix said that instead of refusing to offer Communion, he will attempt to use persuasion to educate politi­ cians about church teachings. "My job is to get to know the key people in the state and appeal to their consciences,” he said. Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tuc­ son didn’t go as far as Olmsted but said Thursday that sanctions against politicians would be “premature.” Several conservative bishops have said Catholic politicians who support abortion rights, such as Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry, should not receive communion. Arch­ bishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis has said he would not give Commun­ ion to Kerry, and Bishop Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs, Colo., in a letter last week, said any Catholic who votes for a politician who backs abor­ tion rights cannot take Communion. The next bishop of the diocese of Richmond, Va., said Friday he would not refuse Communion to parishio­ ners who vote for a political candi­ date who supports abortion rights. FAST TRACK MARKETING Oi P hoto by J aymf . e R. C uti /T he P ortland O bserver Kevin Berry shows o ff some o f the personal collection o f records he shared as host o f ‘Time Sound' on KBOO. The fired deejay disagrees with station management who complained that the content o f rap music on his show was offensive. VISION GOSPEL SOUNDS & MORE 4 0 7 NE Mason # 6 P ortland OR 9 7 2 1 1 (corner of M LK B l v d . ) \ ^ ^ phiW: 287-J0(* ' The latest in Cassettes, CD's, Videos, & etc. 7 Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengthcneth Mr." Email:nancygo5pel(f7 Living Faith Ministries Catholics Tolerate Dissent Bishops Won’t Deny Politicians Communion said, "W e look forward to that as an opportunity to basically enhance our sensitivity to each other’s differ- encestoeducateourselves. W ecom e from different backgrounds, racial and econom ic gniups, so it’s easy to tread on each other’s toes w ithout intending.” Stoppiello said the extra training is unrelated to problem s with Berry and his music. 1710 NE 82nd (o n e b lo ck N. o f the M ax , in sid e the N A T A tra in in g ro o m ) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! C lassifieds /B ids EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity is Oregon's largest university. 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