May 19. 2004 î,!r JInrtlanb © b sem er rage D J Soccer League Teaching Fundamental R eligion D ribbling • P assing • Shooting S elf-C ontrol • Team w ork COST PER CHILD Baritone Singer Performs Friday $30.00 per child $20.00 per child ♦ I f p a rtic ip a te d in 2 0 0 4 B id dy B a s k e tb a ll L eag u e * Family Rate $55.00 for Two Kids $80.00 for Three Kids M usic and w orship com bine during concerts and a special pre­ sentation with Dr. Ricky Little at Stone Tow er Church in northeast Portland on Friday and Saturday, May 21 and May 22. Little is a classically trained bari­ tone singer and performs a variety o f music styles. He is a native of W inston-Salem, N.C. and holds a b a c h e lo r o f a rts d eg re e from Oakwood College, and a master of arts in vocal pedagogy and a doc­ tor o f musical arts in vocal perfor­ mance from the Ohio State Univer­ Dr. R icky Little sity. Congratulations Newlyweds He has perform ed at some of the most prestigious halls in the world and before royalty and heads of states as well as former President Bill Clinton. Little’s Friday concert begins at 7 p.m.; and is followed by a Satur- Kathleen Huff and Jessie Capers married on Saturday, May 15 at the House o f Prayer in northeast Portland with Pastor Marcia L. Taylor, officiating. Registration Due By Thursday May 20, 2004 Required Copy o f B irth Certificate Practice Times 5 & 6 y rso ld M onday 5:3()pm to 7:()0pm Gaines on Friday 7& 8y rso ld Thursday 5:30pm to7:00pm Gam es on Saturday day presentation at 11 a.m.; and a Saturday concert at 5 p.m. : all at the ch u rch , lo cated at 3010 N.E. Holladay, off Sandy Boulevard. For more information, call 503- 281-8596. 9,10, 11 & 12 yrs old W ednesday 5:30 pm to 7:30pm Games on Saturday Games Times TB A SPACE LIMITED First Come First Served! 'Wine Sought for Inmates 503-493-3925 Minister wants exception for Communion (AP) — Jesus didn't drink grape juice at the Last Supper. A W iscon­ sin minister says jail inmates who want to take Holy Com munion shouldn’t either. Wisconsin law forbids deliver­ ing "intoxicating liquors” into a prison, but the Rev. Joseph Fisher is trying to convince state officials to allow him to bring full Com m un­ ion to members o f his church who are incarcerated, “W e're talkiqgjibput less than an ounce o f wine,” said Fisher, who leads Pilgrim Lutheran Church, a member o f the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church. The situation is a clash between religious freedom for inmates who believe their sins can’t be forgiven with grape juice and corrections officials who say serving wine would be illegal and potentially counterproductive to its efforts to treat inmates suffering from alco­ holism. Fisher notes the state Department of Corrections already makes excep­ tions for religious observances, in­ cluding permitting American Indian inmates to smoke tobacco during ceremonies in prisons that are desig­ nated as smoke-free. “They w on’t make an exception fo ra Lutheran to receive the L ord’s supper properly,” he said. Fisher, along with two state law­ makers, has spent three years try­ ing to convince corrections offi- i cials to interpret the law more liber­ ally to allow him to deliver C om ­ munion behind bars. Grolhman and Leibham are members of Missouri Synod churches. But Tom Borgen, warden of Fox Lake prison and head o f an agency com mittee that reviews religious practices, said while tobacco use is governed by prison rules, state law prohibits alcohol. “W e’re not in a position to just simply disregard the law,” he said. Living Faith Ministries 1710 NE 82"d (one bhx’k N. of the M ax, inside the N A TA training room ) Service Times Sunday 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Everyone Welcome! P.O Box 11648 Portland, OR 97211 503-284-8527 ©bsemer J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance D avid & Sherrie Littleton Pastors F I N ,4110 NE Fremont, 503-282-2118 W O n C Bardy Trophy Co. Since 1924 E John L. Scott PTL • Washington Square Office This office is independently owned and operated Plaques • Trophies • Awards M ortgage Consultant P. O. Box 5842 Portland Oregon 97228-5842 Email pweasystreetOI 9m in .co m Fax: 289-2576 Serving Oregon and Washington Bonded (5 0 3 )2 8 2 -7 7 8 7 fax (503) 282-3182 em ail: sales®> w w w .b a rd ytro p h m Custom C e rtificates E xecutive G ifts M etal & P lastic Signs w w w -a m e r ie a lle n d in g .c o m Licensed Also 503-290-0222 Frontloader • Stacked Units • Coin Ops Ce ||. 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OR 97212 P A U L B ro k e r U (503)780-4094 Fax:(503)671-0121 • Office: (503) 671-0221 Address: Washington Square Office; 9020 SW Washington Sq. Dr # 100; Portland, OR 97223 E-M ail: harolds in fr C a j u n C u i s i n e N Harold Strong [ f f ir â l 2^- 10% off Moss Control M E R IC A ¿ lu h n L Scott-« £AT'TjNO UKg IT Call (503)970-5743 A "The Just Shall Live B\' Faith” Romans 1:17 ■^Cool Running Cafe A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! i SRI»???? Advertise with diversity in call 503.288.0033 or email: . ¡B » ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 IK M EAT MARCE LITTE FRUIA, DC. LINKS • PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY 8701 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97266 Tuesday - Friday Lunch 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday Friday Dinner 5:00 pm 9:00 pm Saturday All Day 11:00 am - 9:00 pm S p e c i a l O r d e r s G l a d ly A c c e p t e d ! (HIIOrtMTK UU Chiropractic Clinic Paul H o u g e 4«S N W. lath RvantM. Suit« 5 1- 887-860-0047 Portions Ofl 97809 Phon«: (SOS) U S -4140 82 38 N D e n v e r A ven ue. Portland, O r. 97217 Phone: (8 0 3 ) 289-9 418 I (503) 777-9795 Fax (503) 777-9934 To Go Orders • Catering Patio Seating • Sauce Shipping Available HOME OF THE • SMOKEY BROWN SUGAR • MILD • MEDIUM • HOT