PaP 6 2 _________________________ Ilp Jlortlanh © b s e ru e r__________________________ l9' 2004 S ports Coach, Mentor Inspired by Youth Jenean Dunn honored for volunteerism Jenean Dunn of north Portland was hon­ ored as Portland General Electric’s Outstand­ ing Volunteer for her dedication to youth basketball. Dunn volunteers a, Jefferson High School, her alma mater. She also serves as a volunteer coach for the West Coast Saints, an AAU girls’ basketball team based at the Moore Street Salvation Army in north Portland that she helped set up last spring. In addition to her commitment to the stu­ dents at Jefferson, Dunn’s volunteer projects also include activities with Hands On Port­ land, Junior Achievement, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Oregon Mentors, Self Enhance­ ment, Inc., SOLV, Special Olympics and Start Making a Reader Today. The Portland General Electric Outstanding Volunteer Awards program recognizes indi­ viduals who have demonstrated steadfast com­ mitments to theircommunities. Dunn, along with five others, was honored by PGE CEO and president Peggy Fowler at a special reception April 12 at the World Trade Center in Portland. “With almost 1 (X),(XX) hours in 2003, PGE employees, retirees and their families have truly embraced volunteerism and the idea of giving back to the community,” said Carol Dillin, vice president o f public policy at PGE. “Community involvement has become such a Blazer Legend to Host Rose Parade The former voice of the Portland Trail Blazers, Bill Schonely, will serve as grand marshal o f the June 12 Grand Floral Parade at the Portland Rose Festival. Schonely spent 30 years with Blaz­ ers broadcasting; was named Broad­ caster of the Year and twice-named Sportscaster o f the Year by the Or­ egon Assn, o f Broadcasters. Jenean Dunn (left) helped form the West Coast Saints, an Amateur Athletic Union girls' basketball team. As a volunteer coach, Dunn encourages team members, such as Jamie Jones (right), to engage in community service activities, which she says builds leadership. Rowland to Wed NFL’s Roy Williams W ally Testa Residential C&R Multi-Million $ Service Prudential Northwest Properties Northwest Properties 1730 NE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 wtesfa @ g l An Independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Kelly Rowland (A P ) — K elly R o w la n d o f D estin y ’s C hild and D allas C o w ­ boys safety Roy W illiam s are g et­ ting hitched. R ow land said she and her fiance h av en ’t set a date for the w edding. W illiam s proposed in N ew Y ork last week in a room tilled with friends including fellow D estin y ’s C hild singer B eyonce. T he tw o, both 23, h a v e b e e n to g e th e r a b o u t six m onths. Row land won a G ram m y last year for collaborating w ith N elly on the hit "D ilem m a" and released a solo album, "Simply Deep," in 2002. She. B eyonce and M ichelleW illiam sare headed back to the stu d io next m onth to record a new D estin y ’s C hildalbum . W illiam s is going into his third season w ith the C ow boys and m ade the Pro-B ow l earlier this year. Last season he had 72 tackles, including 55 solo tackles, tw o sacks and tw o interceptions. Negro League Players Win Pension (A P) — M ajor L eague B aseball will provide m ore than $1 million in pensions to form er N egro Leagues players. T he fund w ill benefit 27 players, all o f w hom played after Jackie R obinson broke b aseb all’s color barrier in 1947. “ I am pleased that we are able to com e to the aid o f form er N egro L eague players w ho are in need," com m issioner Bud Selig said M on­ BIG CITY PRODUCE day in a statem ent. M ajor L eague B aseball and the B aseb all A ssistan ce T eam w ill handle the program . Baseball set up a program in 1997 to p ro v id e p e n s io n s to N e g ro L eagues players before 1948. T he new fund will benefit ad d i­ tional players w ho spent parts o f at least four seasons in the N egro part of our com pany’s culture, and the Out­ standing Volunteer Awards program recog­ nizes and celebrates individuals, like Jenean, who epitomize the volunteer spirit of PGE.” A 25-year PGE employee, Dunn is an area lighting specialist and was nominated for this award by Gail Fenton, lighting specialist at PGE, Marshall Haskins, athletic director at Jefferson High School and Katie Swartz and Barbara Caplan of Oregon Mentors. A lifelong North Portland resident and JHS alumna, Dunn has been volunteering at her alma mater for the past 12 years. She cur­ rently serves as a mentor to several Jefferson students and has been a volunteer assistant coach for the girls’ basketball program. Haskins said he nominated Dunn because of her unfailing commitment to students. “Because of Jenean’s involvement, girls at Jefferson are participating in extracurricular activities, graduating from high school and going tocollege,” Haskins said. “More impor­ tantly, they have the knowledge that some­ body is and will always be there to help support their dreams and goals.” “Volunteering shows unity and builds lead­ ership,” Dunn said. “My students come up with new ideas and concepts every day, which makes giving back so much more rewarding for them. They inspire me.” Olympic Hopeful Supports Drug Crack Down Track and field sta r Maurice G reene talks to the m edia at th e U.S. Olympic M edia S u m m it in New York Monday. (AP photo) (A P) - O lym pic track and field hopeful M aurice G reene has a m essage for M arion Jones, Tim M o n tgom ery and anyone else im plicated in the latest steroids m ess: D eal w ith th e c o n s e ­ q u en ces. G reene said M onday he stands are dating and have a son together, w ere am ong several athletes w ho testified before a grand ju ry on possible tax and drug violations by the Bay A rea L aboratory C o -O p ­ b eh in d the U .S . A n ti-D o p in g A gency rule that can bar an ath­ lete from com peting in the A th­ en s O lym pics w ithout a positive drug test. O n S unday, Jones said she w ould go to court if US A DA held h er out because o f the rule. Jones and M ontgom ery, w ho to be undetectable so they w eren ’t supposed to find it,” G reene said. “W hat do you d o if you know a person that possessed som e o f the stu ff o r had som e dealings with this com pany? "T here is no room in o u r sport for drug cheaters w h atso ev er.” erative. “T h e w h o le th in g w ith th is B A L C O case, they m ade the stu ff U S A D A has the p o w er to bring a drug case against an a th ­ lete in lieu o f a positive test w hen the agency has “o th er reason to believe that a potential doping violation has occurred, such as adm itted d o p in g ,” according to its rules. G reene and M ontgom ery have had a heated rivalry o v e r the last three years. M ontgom ery took the 10 0 -m eter w orld record from G reene in 2002, and G reene has repeatedly stated he w ants the m ark back. L eagues, starting before 1958. 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