- _ A 6 ___________________________________________ • J J n r t l a n b O O b se ru e r May 19,2004 Activist Supports Senior Causes Northeast Portland resident Jean Mitchell was honored for her d e­ cades of dedication to improving the lives o f seniors throughout the local community. From rallying support for senior causes to helping establish the non­ profit organization Elders in Ac­ tion, Mitchell has made a positive difference in people’s lives. She was given the Elders in Ac­ tion Timeless Treasure award at a banquet at the Oregon Zoo on Apri I 29. “Jean is one of those people who simply inspire," said Becky Wehrli, executive director o f Elders in Ac­ tion. "Her dedication is tireless and her efforts are felt throughout the community. It just shows the power that one person can have when it comes to making Portland a better place to live.” Mitchell is active in her church and has been a member o f the Madeleine Parish Choir in north- P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Adam “The Great" Parsons (left) with Roger Ullenberg, a.k.a. Cosmo the Balloon Wizard, create smiles with their magician craft in northeast Portland days before they leave for a tour o f duty to entertain the American military. Mystifying the Troops continued from Front world three times.” You get to go places m ost p e o p le d o n ’t g e , to g o ,” U llenberg said, recalling a past High- Achieving Juniors ‘ Iti I I I It III \ l S » trip to the restricted K w ajalein islands, which is hom e and work to 23 m ilitary personnel, 2,000 support staffand family and 1,000 children. The perform ances are ripe with Portland State University’s admissions department, with the assistance of PSU Presi­ dent Daniel Bernstine, estab­ lished the Viking Scholars pro­ gram, which recognizes jun­ iors at Oregon high schools who earned at least a cumula- LIU M I N I s u m m I I. I liU M I - l III h U I I I S I T L I I patriotism and bring a bit o f the debut his M agic Flaying Carpi states to the troops. Eddie the Illusion. Eagle, a star o f U llen b erg 's per­ The group said they woul form ance, is sure to bring some prom ote their entire act at fest: smiles. vals and events in O regon upo P arsons said he is excited to th eir return in June. tive 3.25 grade point average during high school. This year, approximately 2,500 high-achieving students were nam ed 2004 V iking Scholars, including kids from north and northeast Portland. Students from the local area include Desiree S. Hudso of Jefferson High School ani Nora Darlow, Larrisha Wells Leila George, Heather Mor gan, J e n n ife r B rannon Hendricks N. Orem and Can Schnur; all of Grant Higl School. Jean Mitchell east Portland for more than 50 years. Through Catholic Charities, her family has hosted two Cuban fami­ lies who immigrated to the U.S. and lived with them while settling in Portland. S cheduled F lights TO "D m . Â atvfâiK d, Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino U I «nr k i : . , nt ____ J , From PORTLAND, OREGON To LAUGHLIN, NEVADA >3 n u v r v i Or M IK r M L K A u t b M o n d a y - F rid a y 4 - N ig h t S ta y and T h u rs d a y - S u n d a y 3 - N ig h t S ta y ‘¿.‘ “L"" R esor T 1 866 228 2735 www.rivarstdera40rt.com H (Price Includes All Taxes & Fees) | SPACE n a n s ARE NON REEU W W M I CHANGE ANO CANCELLATION PENALTIES APPLY PACE INCLUDES A U TAXES ANO TEES SCHEDULED AIR SERVICE PROVIDED BY SUN ( DUN TRY AIRLINES • III I II |{ I l \ \ \ l |\< , . Thrifty Auto Centers Inc. “CLEANSWEEP SALE” HHtDREGOl'&r' Thrifty Auto Centers Inc. $100 D I -A DOWN $500 Test Drive B E I TEK (, BLUER LE FREE I No Payments ‘Til August ‘(M 2400 NE 82nd 1 9 7 9 CHEV 4X4 CLASSIC 1 9 9 8 FORD F 150 4X4 2 0 0 1 BMW X-5 4X4 #EO515 #HGA #E0414 CANYON «RAN» OPENING! lii— * $5888 2 0 0 0 TOYOTA RAV4 2 0 0 2 DAKOTA SXT 1 9 8 1 CHEV LOWRIDER # E0378 #E0452 #393336 $6888 $8888 EAGLE MAY 29-31 • IO AM - 5 PM EXPLORE THE LATEST EXHIBIT IN OREGON ZOO’S $ 1 2 ,9 9 9 "THE ORE A T NORTHW EST" 1 9 9 5 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 1997JEEPGRAND CHEROKEE #GO474 #E0503 2 0 0 2 MAZDA B 30 0 0 LOW MILES #0481 1-866-217-1911 O REG O N 2400 NE 82nd, Portland OR 97220 V2 mile north o f 1-84 on 82nd Ave Across from Madison High School RATES AS LOW AS rhw la a Row Festival Sanctioned Evant ZOO © M E T R O 3.99% EO512 fa v iry v i KIDS: USE YOUR DISCOVERY PASSPORT TO LEARN ALL A B O U T A M A Z IN G BALD EACLES F LYING OVERHEAD A N D MYSTERIOUS SALM ON FLITTING TH R O U G H THE WATER! \ IM I I SO N | III \ \ | « \ | \ \ \ \ \ \ . 111|<|| |^ \ | i n i I N 11 !<%.< « > \| WWW.ORECONZOO.ORC • TAKE M A X TO THE ZOO! CALL 903-238-RlPE iw u m r ir f