page C4 Ih' F o r tia n i» (P b s c ru e r Full of Life Trippin’ through Town Pregnancy sculptures by D orian Stranger are on display at M ilagros from M ay 27 through June 20. The show, Boutique for Little M iracles and their M am as, is at 5429 N.E. 30 Ave. For more information, call 503-493-414 1. Laugh on Alberta The Com edy Show on The Alberta is at 9 p.m. M ay 27 at Ste. B. A dm ission is $ 10. GLIDE Fi lm Fests and the 2003 Portland W om en’s Film Fest at 3 0 16 N.E. K illingsw orth. The festival is at 8 p.m. Friday, M ay 2 1. For more in- formation, call 9 7 1 -570-6930or go to the Pageant H and2M outh Theatre presents Jim m y Blue: A Tw ilight Pageant in the Parks on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. from June 11 through 27. T his free, outdoor s p e c ta c le w ill be p e rfo rm e d at G ra n t, Laurelhurst and W allace Parks. For reserva­ tio n s , c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 3 5 -5 2 8 4 or v is it w w w .hand2m Strummin’ and Hummin’ The Black Notes will do their thing at B ookie’s “ Soul Food 2004” event on May 2 1, on a life broad­ cast on 8 9 .1 fm K M H D with D is­ ciples in Song from 4 to 5 p.m. on May 29, at the Rose Festival Fam ily Day at Peninsula park from l to 2:30 p.m . on June 5, at the Candlelight Room from 9:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. on June 18 and at the K ennedy School from 8 to 10 p.m. on June 24. We Are One! Kukatonon (W e Are O ne), a children’s A frican dance troupe, presents its spring fundraising event at Self E nhancem ent, Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Ave, M ay 2 1 at 7pm. Short Films Zonkers Films and ITISNESS present an evening o f selected short films form the 2002 and 2003 Portland International Short Short tM R W Carpet A T ake a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Blazers Street Jam Blazer Street Jam 3-on-3 basketball to benefit the Special O lym pics O regon is on July 16-18. For inform ation, visit w w w.blazersstreetjam .com . Le Femme Fllmposium! Le Fem m e F ilm posium is from M ay 22-23 at Itisness, 3016 N.E. Killingsworth. Visit w w w .zonkerfilm . Mississippi Street Fair A M ississippi Street Fair is on M ay 20 and 22. Local cuisine. G randfather’s rib-off contest, ch ild ren ’s gam es, artists’ booths, m usical perform ances, m agic and puppet show s, a giant com m unity yard sale, and a horse draw n trolley are all part o f the fun. M ain event are from 10 a.m . to 7p.m . The streets are closed betw een Skidm ore and Frem ont. For more information, call 503-287-0154. Comedic Victory L aughter will be heard from C hinook W inds C asino and Convention C enter from June 10-13, during the PHOTO COURTESY OF JEm ilN DS.UO M Pacific N orthw est C om edy Com petition. T ick­ ets are $ 12 per round or $50 for al I si x shows. For CLEANING SOMCF more information, call 5 4 1 -996-5776or800-992- TIXX. Upholstery Cleaning Commercial