Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 2004, Page 15, Image 15

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    May 19. 2004
llK p o r t o m i» © b a e ru c r
page C3
Talisman Gallery Presents Local Color
The M ay Show for the T al­
isman G allery will be present
artists Fran Hepp and Joseph
Blanchette. The show will open
on M ay 27th on Last T hurs­
day at 1476 N.E. A lberta St.
The show will run through June
20th. A rtists reception will be
from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on May
A rtist Fran H epp said “Art
is a w onderful form o f expres­
sion and 1 use it to convey the
pow er and strength w ithin
w om en that is so often m isun­
derstood. W hen I study a fig­
ure fora painting, I look for and
try to feel the inner person. It
is fun.”
“ I w ish to rea ffirm the ‘Mt. Tam M ystery Version 2 , ’ b y J o s e p h B la n c h e tte
Plus-sized Painter
Portland is getting a peek into the world o f elephant art as
an O regon Z oo pachyderm creates colorful m asterpieces.
Ram a, the resident elephant artist at the zoo, has a full
collection o f w orks ready for exhibition at the Pearl D istrict’s
M ark W oolley G allery M ay 22 through 24.
The 21 -year-old male A sian elephant, isn ’t the first paint­
ing pachyderm . Elephants in A sia have gone to painting
school, but Ram a appears to be a natural. He is the w orld’s
first elephant to com bine artistic m ethods, creating paint­
ings that are rem iniscent o f P ollock’s paint splatters and
M iro’s subconscious imagery.
R am a’s artistic technique involves collecting non-toxic
paint in his trunk, and spraying it across a canvas creating
colorful backdrops. He then uses a brush to add graceful
R am a, th e artistic e le p h a n t
m eaning o f beauty. M y work
is a m in im alistic rep rese n ta­
tio n , co m m u n icatin g the re ­
la tio n sh ip betw een the tra n ­
scen d en tal and the o rdinary
not av ailab le in the various
d o g m a s o f a b stra c tio n or
c o n v e n tio n a l
r e a lis t
sty le s...,” said artist Joseph
B lanchette.
Talism an G allery is an art­
ist ow ned cooperative in the
A lberta art area. T alism an has
betw een one and tw o Group
Show s annually androtates
tw o person shows.
G allery H ours are T h u rs­
day and Friday from l-6 p .m .;
S atu rd ay 11-5; S un d ay 1-4
‘Roll 'm ," oil on ca n va s, b y Fran H epp
Supermodel Wins Case
(A P) — Superm odel N aomi Cam pbell has won an
appeal in a privacy case against a new spaper that pub­
lished photographs o f her leaving a drug counseling
meeting. Reversing a low er court decision, the Law Lords, |
B ritain’s highest court, ruled 3-2 that the Daily M irror N a o m i
invaded C am p b ell’s privacy.
C am pbell
- =
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