____________________________ rii. ÿjortlanh © b sertie r__________________________ M3y ”■2004 UFO Filmed by Mexican Military Expert says phenomenon may have been gas Los Lobos Launches ‘The Ride’ Members o f Los Angeles-based Latin rock band Los Lobos is pictured at Disney's Third annual Fiesta Latina in this file photo. Los Lobos' new album 'The Ride' was ju s t released by Hollywood Records. It is said to be an eclectic collection of stripped-down, bare-bones rock with a dollop of Latin and a dose of down-home soul. (AP photo) Governor Lashes Out at Multiculturalism (A P) - M aryland G ov. R obert E hrlich is standing by his dism issal o f m ulticulturalism as “bunk.” O n a co n serv ativ e radio talk show , the R ep u b lican g o v ern o r s a id h e “ r e j e c ts th e id e a o f m ulticulturalism ” and that young im migrants should learn English and assim ilate into A m erican culture. E hrlich has since tried to clarify his position. “W e celebrate o ur ethnicities," Ehrlich said, but A m eri­ cans share a “singular culture." His rem arks cam e after state C om p­ troller Wi I liam Donald Schaefer com ­ plained at a public meeting that he had trouble understanding a restau­ rant w orker w ho spoke poor English. “ I d o n ’t w ant to adjust to an ­ o th er language,” the 82-year-old S chaefer com plained. "T his is the U nited States. 1 think they ought to Maryland Gov. p o t« adjust to us.” Robert Ehrlich On ra_ Ehrlich said on the radio that his dio, Ehrlich re­ v ie w s a re “ v e ry s i m i la r ” to ferred to m ulticulturalism as “crap." S chaefer’s. “T h e la st m e ssa g e we w ant to send o u t is to sepa­ rate ourselves in d if f e r e n t cu ltu res,” he said. “T his is a m e ltin g After Hours Emergency Numbers in Multnomah County City of Portland/Multnomah County Information and Referral................503-823-4000 Police Non Emergency................................................................................. 503-823-3333 Mental Health 24 Hour Crisis......................................................................503-988-4888 Aging and Disability Services 24 Hour Help Line..................................... 503-988-3646 W inter Shelter Line........................................................................................503-721 -1500 Alcohol and Drug Help Line.........................................................................503-244-1312 Statewide Toll Free....................................................................................1-800-923-HELP Animal Services..................................................................................503-988-7387 (Pets) United Way.......................................................................................................503-228-9131 Central C ity Concern.................................................................................... 503-294-1681 M ultnomah County Circuit Courts.............................................................. 503-988-3957 ( A P) — A series o f brightly lit, rapidly m oving objects Filmed in the skies over M exico could have been caused by a scientific ph e­ nom enon involving gases in the atm osphere, a scientist said T hurs­ day. V isible only with infrared equip­ m ent, the hauntingly fast-m oving lights w ere captured by air force cam eras on M arch 5 but m ade pub­ lic only this w eek, sparking ram ­ pant speculation they w ere flying sau cers. Julio H errera, a nuclear science researcher at the N ational A utono­ m ous U niversity, said the bright blurs could have been caused by electrical flashes em itted sponta­ neously by the atm osphere. “T hey are very strange p h enom ­ enon and there is little inform ation about them ,” H errera said o f the atm ospheric flashes in a phone in­ terview . He said m ore data than is avail­ able on the videotape w ould be necessary to determ ine if that hy­ p o th esis w as co rrect, including precise inform ation on atm ospheric conditions at the tim e the lights ap peared. T he C am peche coast on the G u lf o f M exico, w here the objects were film ed, is M ex ico 's main oil and gas (A P) — A fter a four-year d e­ clin e, illegal im m ig ratio n from M exico is spiking as several thou­ sand m igrants a day rush across the border in hopes o f getting work visas under a program President Bush proposed. M any also are try­ ing to beat tighter security to com e in June. The U.S. border patrol said d e ­ tentions - w hich it uses to ju d g e illegal m igration rates - ju m p ed 25 percent to 535,000 in the six m onths ending M arch 31 com pared to a y ear ago. N ear Sasabe, a tow n bordering the A rizona desert th a t's the busi­ est illegal border crossing area, an average 2,000 people arrive daily. O n a recent day, at a break in a barbed-w ire fence outside Sasabe, about 300 m igrants scram bled out o f 10 trucks and four vans w ithin 30 m inutes with their sm ugglers, w ho led crow ds along a w orn trail. As the sun set, they disappeared into rolling hills that hide the treacher­ ous desert. R audel Sanchez, a 22-year-old farm w orker, said he w anted to get back to his jo b at a M innesota ranch. Juvenile Justice After Hours Line................................................................ 503-988-3475 Adult Community Justice After Hours line................................................503-988-3230 Child Abuse Reporting Line.........................................................................503-731-3100 producing region. O il platform s there release or bum o ff som e o f the gas they produce. T he objects w ere recorded fly­ ing at m ore than 11,000 feet over southern C am peche state using a video cam era equipped w ith an in­ frared lens. Infrared equipm ent can only detect heat em anating from objects; it is unable to provide an im age o f the objects' exact form. In the videotape, the objects appear to accelerate rapidly and change course suddenly. At least Sanchez crossed into the U nited States through Sasabe three years ago, but says the jo u rn ey is getting more difficult. He w alked three days in the desert and w as out o f w ater w hen he w as caught in A rizona and deported. U ndeterred, he said he planned to take a bus to A ltar, a northern city about 70 m iles from the border w here m igrants hire sm ugglers. From there, he planned to head back to Sasabe and cross again. “It's already very hard to cross, but it's going to be even harder,” he said in N ogales. “ I need to try again, at least one m ore tim e, and if I fail. I’ll go back hom e.” • • • • • First Time Buyers • Refinancing Second Home • Relocating Many buyer programs • Buying an investment Property Selling your Home/Free Valuation 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance Shelly Fullwiley Real Estate Broker Direct: 503-704-2716 Office: 503-282-2551 M il I I W l l M M P R O P E R T IE S Email:sfullwiley@comcast.net American Red C ross......................................................................................503-284-1234 Domestic Violence Services: W omen’s Crisis Line ( translation available) 503-235-5333 Continuing a dream...to own our communities...homes and businesses Bradley-Angle House....................................................................................503-281 -2442 Volunteers o f A m erica................................................................................... 503-232-6562 Salvation Army West Women & Children Shelter..................................... 503-244-7718 Yolanda H ouse................................................................................................503-977-7930 (The numbers above are provided as a public service from The Portland Observer) one crew m em b er testified that the objects surrounded the air force jet. T h e p l a n e ’s c a p ta in , M a j. M agdalenoC astanon, said the m ili­ tary jets chased the lights “and I believe they could feel w e w ere pursuing th em .” V ega G arcia gave the tape to U F O specialist Jaim e M aussan, w ho has spent 10 years studying u n id e n t if ie d f ly in g o b je c ts . M aussan im m ediately concluded the video w as evidence o f the ex ist­ ence o f U FO s. Mexican migrants walk toward the United States near the town of Sasabe in northern Mexico. (AP photo) An Outstanding Combination For your Real Estate and Financing needs... Helping make your dreams come true Transportation H otline.................................................................................. 503-988-4884 Multnomah County After Hours Nurse Triage (Bilingual-Spanish)..........503-988-3333 This image made from video shows unidentified flying objects in the skies over southern Campeche state filmed by Mexican Air Force pilots. The series o f brightly lit, rapidly moving objects could have been caused by a scientific phenomenon involving gases in the atmosphere, a scientist said. (AP photo) One crossing sees 2,000 people arrive daily Multnomah County Emergency M anagem ent........................................... 503-988-4233 Health Department Information & Referral (Daytime Only).................... 503-988-3816 * Illegal Entry From Mexico Rises Sheriff’s Office............................................................................................... 503-988-4300 City o f G resham ...................................................................... 503-618-CITY (618-2489) / Marlene Holiday, Loan Officer Office: 503-236-5599 Direct: 503-752-2688 1-888-888-0861 MarlneH@majesticmortgage.com M any m igrants are betting on the approval o f B ush’s m igration proposal, w hich faces an uphill battle in C ongress. A bout 75 per­ cent o f those arrested are M exican, w hile the rest are from C entral A m ericaan d o th erp laces, U.S. cu s­ tom s officials said. In January, B ush proposed a guest-w orker plan that w ould give legal status to undocum ented m i­ grants already w orking in the United S tates and to those outside the country w ho can prove they have been offered a job. M exicans living in the U nited States have criticized B ush’s pro­ posal. M any say they w o u ld n ’t apply, fearing it could be a trap to deport them . But in M exico, the program has given m any m igrants hope that they m ight be able to seek som ething better north o f the border, and that is enough to convince som e to cross now rather than later. Latino Health Conference L atino health disparities, access to health inform ation and m edical resources is the agenda behind a health providers conference at the U niversity o f P ortland in north Portland. The Salud Fam iliar-L atino F am ­ ily H ealth C onference, hosted by the T he S usannah M aria G urule F o u n d a tio n ta k e s p la c e at the college’s B uckley C enter, 5(XX) N. W illam ette B lvd., on Friday, M ay 21 and Saturday, M ay 22 T he keynote speaker i s Dr . Fabi - ana W allis, directo r o f the L atino M ental H ealth S ervices Psychiatry D epartm ent at Beth Israel D eacon­ e ss M edical C e n te r in B o sto n , M ass. H er presentation is titled “L atina W om en and D epression: Towards becom ingC ulturally C om ­ p e te n t.”