May 12. 2004 Æl|‘ JJottlanit (Observer Page A7 Kaiser Awarded for Fair Workplace Kaiser Permanente nurse Sue Caulifield accepted an award given to Kaiser for its efforts to create a fair workplace for sexual minorities in both employ­ ment and providing health care services. The award was given by Basic Rights Oregon. Shawnise, Tisiah and Isaiah, ages 9, 7 and 5 Oregon’s Waiting Children S haw n ise has a sw eet sm ile to m atch A gencies reduce fees for the adoption h er great d isp o sitio n . T isiah is fu n -lo v - o f a child in state care, and financial assis- ing and d eterm in ed . Isaiah slow ly re ­ tance may be available to help m eet the veals his jo k in g nature. T h ese liv ely child’s needs. Single adults as w ell as sib lin g s are a terrific th re e so m e , ready couples are encouraged to call. to be adop ted . To learn more about adoption, please Shaw nise, Tisiah and Isaiah, like the call the Special N eeds A doption Coalition hundreds o f children in tem porary foster at The Boys and G irls Aid Society at 503- care, need counseling, structure, and firm, 542-2392 o r toll free 1-877-932-2734, e x ­ loving discipline to make a successful new tension 2(X)2 or the D epartm ent o f Health life possible w ith their adoptive family. Services at 1 -800-331 -0503. ■■■■■MNMWIMaNMNMMMMiaMMMMMNMMHaMMMMNMMMMMMl Blacks Have More Enlarged Hearts Findings may help explain higher deaths (A P ) — R e se a rc h e rs say they m ay have found a new clu e as to w hy b lack s are at g re a te r risk o f d y in g from h eart d isease than w hites. In the la rg e st stu d y o f its kind, b lack s w ith high b lood p ressu re w ere found to have th ick er hearts than w hites w ith h ig h b lo o d p re ssu re . I t’s a c o n d itio n c alled left v e n tric u ­ lar h y p ertro p h y , o r e n larg ed h e a rt. “T h is is a m a rk e r fo r in ­ c reased d am ag e to the h eart and m ay ex p lain w hy th ere is a m ore ad verse o u tco m e o f card io v ascu lar m ortality, heart attack s, stro k e and h eart fa il­ AP Poll: Integration Aids Black Students (AP) — Nearly three-fourths of Americans say integration of the nation's schools has improved the quality of education for black stu­ dents, according to an Associated Press poll that found the view more prevalent among whites than blacks. Four in five in the poll, however, oppose transferring students to more distant schools to achieve racial balance. The public perception about improved education for black chil­ dren comes at a time when black students continue to traiI white stu­ dents in performance on tests for reading and math. The federal NoChild Left Behind Act, passed in 2001, aimed to close that gap by requiring top teachers in all core classes, higher annual achievement by students in all major groups and other i mprovements. The law has come under fire from critics, who argue that it requires expensive improvements without supplying enough money to pay for them. Four in five parents of school- age children prefer schools with black, white and Hispanic students over ones with students of the same race or mostly from another race, according to the poll conducted for the AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs. "People like the idea of racially mixed schools," said Charles Clotfelter, author of the new Fxxrk “After Brown" on the historic court decision that desegregated schools. “They don't like the idea of children being bused across town." The poll of 1 ,(XX) adults was con­ ducted April 16-18 and has a margin of sampling error of plusor minus 3 percentage points. Winters’ Granddaughter Recovers State Sen. Jackie Winters and her family say their prayers have been answered after her granddaughter's surgery was a success. Winters spent much of last week at DoembecherChildrens Hospital in Portland after Whitney McClain, 11. was admitted for surgery fora brain tumor. The benign tumor, the size of an orange, was removed and doctors are cautiously optimis­ tic about Whitney’s prognosis. "The thoughts and prayers of our friends and strangers from across our state and coun­ try were answered," said Winters. "Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Now it s back to work tor Winters, the African-Ameri­ can legislator from Salem, who is running for Congress in the Republican Primary. An Outstanding Combination For your Real Estate and Financing needs... Helping make your dreams come true ure am o ng b la c k s,” said lead sisted even a fte r re ­ re se a rc h e r Dr. Jo rg e K izer, se a rc h e rs a d ju ste d an a ssista n t p ro fe sso r o f m ed i­ fo r age, g e n d e r, and cin e an d public health at W eill c lin ic a l risk factors M ed ical C o lle g e o f C ornell such as blood p re s­ U n iv ersity in N ew Y ork. sure treatm en t and B la c k s s u ffe r fro m h y p e r ­ artery stiffn ess. te n s io n m o re th a n o th e r r a ­ c ia l g ro u p s . In 2 0 0 0 , h e a rt GET OUT AND VOTE!!! d is e a s e d e a th s w e re 29 p e r ­ c e n t h ig h e r a m o n g b la c k s a n d stro k e d e a th ra te s w e re 4 0 p e rc e n t h ig h e r th a n o th e r g r o u p s , a c c o r d in g to th e C e n te rs fo r D ise a se C o n tro l an d P re v e n tio n . In th e stu d y , re se a rc h e rs a sse sse d 1,060 blacks and 580 w h ite s by m e a su rin g th e ir b lo o d p re s s u re , h e a rt w all th ick n ess and v ascu lar tone. T h e fin d in g s re v e a le d th a t b lack s had a hig h er average o f left v e n tric u la r m ass index and w all thick n ess that per- Advertise with diversity in il?c ^ l o r t h i n b (l)b se ru rr • • • • First Time Buyers • Refinancing Second Home • Relocating Many buyer programs • Buying an Investment Property Selling your Home/Free Valuation • 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance Call 503-288-00,^ Shelly Fullwiley Real Estate Broker Direct: 503-704-2716 Office: 503-282-2551 Mil I I W i t M M I’ R O I ’ I R I I I S Em ail:sfullw iley@ com Continuing a own our and businesses Marlene Holiday, Loan Officer Office: 503-236-5599 Direct: 503-752-2688 1-888-888-0861 MarlneH @ T O T A L V E H IC L E D IS B U R S E M E N T ! EVERY USED CAR, TRUCK, VAN, SPORT UTILITY. OVER 300 TO CHOOSE FROM. MUST BE DISPOSED OF IMMEDIATELY! $ 5 9 D O W N !* PAYM EN TS AS LOW AS $ 7 9 There will be over $2 million dollars of used cars, trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles offered to the public with $59 DOWN!* There will be monthly payments as low as $79 per month* on many ot these vehicles Additional vehicles will be arriving daily. LEAVE YOUR MONEY AT HOME... YOU WON'T NEED IT! Only during this three day sale at Thrifty Auto Centers, you may finance your new vehicle with $59 DOWN and PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $79 PER MONTH'* This is made possible due to special arrangements with many national lending insti­ tutions which have been specifically retained for this event Banks and lenders will be seeking new customers for this three day event. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! At these low prices, you MUST take immediate delivery of your vehicle Vehicles will not be able to be held on the lot because of consumer demand You must choose youi car. truck, van, or sport utility and take immediate delivery during this three day event! No exceptions will be made Vehicles will be available from the following manufacturers Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Chevrolet. Pontiac, Nissan, Kia, Mazda. Toyota, Chrysler, Dodge. Jeep, Volkswagen, Honda; along with many others too numerous to mention NO DEALERS ALLOWED! Because of disposal pricing, no dealers will be able to purchase or trade during this three day event. WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: * Valid Driver's License * Current Pay Stub or 2003 W2 Form * Copy of Current Utility or Home Telephone Bill * Your Current Vehicle Payment Book 4.09% APR For' 72 MONTHS- *4 09% (or 12 months. Or approved cœdil P E R M O N T H !* TRADE-INS ACCEPTED! Trade-Ins will be accepted dunng this three day event. If you trade your existing vehicle during this three day event, Thrifty Auto Centers will pay off your trade, no matter what you owe! (A portion of negative trade equity m ay be applied to new lo a n ) No matter what trade situation, $59 DOWN and as low as $79 TH LY PAYMENTS* will still be available to you! Please bring current title, registration and/or payment book. Lenders will also require proof of insurance ' 94 Uo!i°= Caravan sffoKFOSflOA S59 down, $79/mo ,Of 60 mos ' 419 ph '’ iax lll,c * ,icense K BAO CREDIT? BANKRUPTCY? NO CREDIT? Then this sale is for YOU! We have helped thousands of financially troubled customers in the past and we are looking to help you get the vehicle you want at the price you want to pay To guarantee the success o, this event, national lenders will be providing over 14 million dollars in funding for new loans. UPSIDE DOWN IN YOUR CURRENT VEHICLE? W AN T A NEW VEHICLE W ITH A LOWER PAYMENT? Don t miss this three day disposal event at Thrifty Auto Centers. We want to put you into the car of your dreams, no matter what your current vehicle situation Le, us get you out of your current nde and into the car, truck, van or sport utility you really want to drive ALL VEHICLES ON THE LOT QUALIFY! Every single new and used vehicle on the lot qualifies You will not hear " this vehicle does not qualify at Thrifty Auto Centers We absolutely must move inventory during this three day sale 'AH deals on approved credit Special finance rates terms and payments will vary by «dividual vehicle and are on approved credit throuqF dealer s lender Delivery musl occui Offer may no; be used with prior sales or any other advertised offer See dealer tor cúmplele déla Is 94 Dodge Caravan slk «0 3 8 0 A $59 down $79 /mo. for 60 rnos