Page B2 nò (©bseruer May 12. 2004 FOCUS Women of Africa W om en o f A frica is a collection featuring lyri­ cal and m oving songs by leading fem ale artists throughout the A frican continent. T h eC D c e le b ra te s the im portance o f w om en in co ntem porary m usic o f this culturally diverse region. W om en have alw ays played an essential role in the preservation o f A frican culture. From lullabies sung to sleepy children to chants o f celebration, wom en are bearers o f tradition. Unlike som e areas in the w orld w here fem ales are d isco u r­ aged from taking part in public m usical p erfo r­ m ance, in sub-S aharan A frica, m usic is an essen ­ tial social activity for all m em bers o f the co m m u ­ nity. W om en o f A frica features favorite songs by w om en from A lgeria to Z im babw e, ranging from revered artists such as A ngelique K idjo, T arika and W om en o f M am bazo to rising stars such as Judith Sephum a, N aw al and K aissa. Women o f Africa is a celebration o f soulful and inspirational music by female artists from across the continent. WE ARE ONE Champagne Rhone, a fourth grader at Woodlawn Elementary School in northeast Portland, moves with power and grace with the Kukatonon Dance Troupe at Self Enhancement, Inc. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEFFHtNDS.COM Laughing Through It I VI I I K IS M I S I A Portland Jam N ight plans to heal the co m m u n ity ’s ills through laughter at the W ave T h eatre in north P ort­ land. T he live m usic and sketch im prov co m ed y is at 9 p.m . Fridays. Tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. F or m ore inform ation, call 503-7 3 5 -4 1 8 4 o r visit w ww .jam . Titanic Exhibit At OMSI T itanic Science: Real A rtifacts, T he T rue S tories exhibit w ill open on Saturday, M ay 29. Forinform 503-797-4533. Chris Isaak with Special Guests C hris Isaak will ap p ear at A rlene S chnitzer C oncert Hall on A ug. 5 at 8 p.m . T o ch arg e by telephone, call 503-2 2 4 -8 4 9 9 or 800-992-8499 or o rd er o nline at w w w .ticketw . Trippin' through Town T ake a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip- hop and soul influencing P ortland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N .W. First Ave. Urinetown: The Musical African dance troupe to perform at SEI A chi Idren ’ s African dance troupe K ukatonon, m eaning "W e are O ne,” has a spring fundraising event at Self E nhancem ent, Inc. 3920 N. Kerby Ave. on Friday, M ay 21 at 7 p.m. T he troupe is under the direction o f gifted A frican dance instructors R o lia M a n y o n g a i-J o n e s fro m L iberia and R uby B urns-Johnny and set to the rhythm and rum ble o f Caton Lyles and Hakim M uham m ad on D jem be drum s. T ickets are $ 12.50 for adults and $6.50 for kids. For m ore inform a­ tion, call 5 0 3 -9 16-6282. Army Life Exposed in‘Streamers’ U rinetow n is the story o f tw o kids w ho fall in love in a city in the m iddle o f a w ater shortage. T he m usical is the w in n er o f the 2002 T ony A w ards. It o p en s on June I and runs through the 6'" at K eller A uditorium . For more information, call 503-790-A RTS o r503-241 - 1802. Musical Event An Evening with John Farrell, a m usician and w riter, is from 7 - 8 p.m. M ay 15 at the H ollyw ood T heatre, 4 122 N.E. Sandy BI vd. Ticket are $4 for kids, $7 for adult and $12.50 for a fam ily. F or m ore inform ation, visit w w w .hollyw Josh Randall (from left) Kenneth Dembo and Russell Dodge star in “Streamers, " a drama by David Rabe that centers on the story o f a young gay man in the straight world o f the U.S. Army in 1966 and discussions with his straight, very drunk sergeants. The Portland Community College Theater Arts production is sched­ uled on May 20, 21 and 22 and May 27, 28 and 20 at 7:30 p.m. each night at the PCC Sylvania Campus. For tickets, call 503- 977-4949. Annual Alberta Art Hop Le Femme Filmposium! Le F em m e F ilm posium is from M ay 22-23 at Itisness, 3016 N .E. K illin g sw o rth . F o r in fo rm atio n , visit www .zonkerfilm . T he 5,h A nnual A lberta A rt H op w ill be held on Saturday M ay 15 from 1 1 a.m . to 3 p.m . There w ill be art pieces, d isplays and dem o n stratio n s by artists, a parad e featu rin g co m m u n ity g ro u p s, m arch in g bands, m usic, food and m uch m ore. Mississippi Street Fair A M ississippi Street Fair is on M ay 20 and 22. Local cuisine. G randfather's rib-off contest, children's games, a rtists’ booths, musical perform ances, m agic and pup­ pet show s, giant com m unity yard sale and a horse draw n trolley are all part o f the fun. M ain ev en ts are from 10 a.m . to 7p.m . For m ore inform ation, call 5O3.287.OI54. Storytellers at Kennedy School T he Portland S torytellers G u ild presents Pit Stops, Panoram as, Pancakes Journey and T ravel Story. Show s are S aturday, M ay 15 at 7 p.m. in the C o m m u ­ nity R oom o f the M cM enantins K ennedy School, 5736 N.E. 3 3 rd Ave. A suggested d onation is $3 for children $4 for adults and $ 10 for fam ilies. |Jorthtnò Observer 2001 « The Best Places to Getaway fo r Vacation This Summer Ester Lee Motel ALPINE CHALETS Sea Gypsy Motel 3803 S.W . Hwy 101 Lincoln city, Oregon 97367 I - 888 996-3606 www.esterlee.coin 7045 Otter Crest Loop Road Otter Rock, Oregon 97369 1-800 825 -5768 w w w The W haler Motel 145 N.W. Inlet Ave 155 S.W. Elizabeth Street Lincoln city, Oregon 97367 Newport, Oregon 97365 1 800 341-2142 1 800 499-9444 Alta Crystal Resort at Mountain Rainier THE INN AT ARCH ROCK Bella Beach Property Management 68317 State Route 410 East G reen W ater, W ashington 98022 1 -800 277-6475 www.altacrystalresort.coin 70 Sunset Depoe Bay, Oregon 97341 1- 800-767-1835 w w w The O ’Dysius Hotel The Seashore Inn 120 N.W. Inlet court 60 N. Prom Lincoln city. Oregon 97367 Seaside, Oregon 97138 1 800 869 8069 I 888 738-6368 Elizabeth Street Inn 232 S.W. Elizabeth Street Newport, Oregon 97365 I 877 265-9400 WWW, Inn at Spanish Head Seaside Inn Bed and The Resort at the Mountain Breakfast Hotel 6 8 0 10 East Fairway Ave 5 8 1 South Prom enade W elches, Oregon 97067 Seaside. Oregon 97138 503 622-3101 I 800 772-7766 4009 S. W. Hwy 101 Lincoln city, Oregon 97367 I -800 452-8127 Best Western Landmark Inn 4430 S.W . Hwy 101 Lincoln city, Oregon 97367 1- 800 883-8893 www.bestwestem,com/landiriarkinnlincoln 40 Bella Beach Drive Depoe Bay, Oregon 97341 I 866 994 -7026 D’Sands Condominium Motel 171 S.W. Hwy 101 Lincoln city, Oregon 97367 1 800 527-3925 w w w Hotel Elliott 357 12 street Astoria, Oregon 97103 1 877 378-1924 w w w , Gearhart by the Sea 1157 N M arion Gearhart, Oregon 97138 1 800 547-0115