Page A6 5 ^ JJcirtlanh (Dbsmier Crips Gang Founder Brokers Peace W hile in the “hole,” W illiam s lion, some with tears in their eyes,” begins reading, praying, study­ said Becnel. "Mr. W illiams’ mes­ ster lifestyle and I deeply regret ing w ords, history, and politics. sage helped spark a gang truce that I ever did," writes W illiams, in He then meets a w riter working on between Crips and Bloods.” a formal apology for co-founding a book ab o u t gangs. B arbara In 2000. Williams was nominated the Crips. "I pray that one day my Becnel, played by W hitfield, be­ for the Nobel Peace Prize. apology will be accepted. I also gins visiting T ookie and agrees “To get to real change, you pray that your suffering caused by to help him write children's books have to have system s in place. gang violence will soon come to an an d g e t m e s s a g e s o u t to Then, you put a pow erful voice end, as more gang members wake g an g b a n g ers in Los A n g eles, with that system and you get the up and stop hurting themselves and others." Williams started the Crips in 1971, when he was 16, with Raymond Ix e Washington, who was killed by a rival gang member in 1979, the sameyearMr. Williams went tojail. On April 11, Fox’s FX network - Stanley “Tookie" Williams in a formal apology for co-founding the Crips aired, "Redemption,” the made-for- television movie starring Jamie Foxx which helps create truces. resu lt,” said Hall o f Fam e athlete and Lynn Whitfield. “Stan had the courage to em ­ an d a c to r Jim B ro w n , w h o The movie tells the exhilarating brace humanity in the most inhu­ founded A m er-I-Can, a gang in­ story o f a boy from the South who m ane o f circ u m sta n ce s,” said tervention program. moves to Los Angeles and, to pro­ Becnel during a star-studded pre­ “We have worked for years to tect his neighborhood, unites sev­ miere o f the movie at Fox Studios. put a system in place and have now eral smaller gangs into the Crips. She says she decided to work joined forces with the powerful Known as Tookie, Williams be­ closely with Williams after she wit­ voice o f Stanley W illiams," said comes the King o f the Crips. He n essed a room fu ll o f 4 0 0 Brown, who recently visited with maintains his reign over the gang gangbangers watch a taped mes­ Williams for three hours on death while incarcerated until he is sent to sage of his. row. "Tookie is brilliant and has a solitary confinement for six years. “They gave him a standing ova- fantastic spirit.” continued from A2 May 05. 2004 Vanport Remembered A c o m m em o ra tio n o f the V anport com m unity o f north Portland and the 1948 Vanport f lo o d w ill b e h e ld at th e V ancouver cam pus o f W ash­ ington State University on T ues­ day, M ay 11, from 7 to 9 p.m. in room SSI 10. T h e fre e an d o p e n to th e p u b lic e v e n t w ill in c lu d e a s c re e n in g o f th e s h o rt film “ V an p o rt, A S u rv iv o r’s T a le ” and p rese n tatio n s by flo o d su r­ v iv o rs w ho are a lso fo u n d in g m e m b ers o f the V a n c o u v e r N A A C P, T he W SU V ancouver cam ­ pus is located at 14204 N.E. Salm on C reek Ave. o ff the 1-5 exit at I34lh For m ore inform a­ tion, call 360-546-9643. / no longer participate in the so- called gangster lifestyle and I deeply regret that I ever did. Families Find Relief in School I am my j I am mi >ers son. ite r s brother. I am m y b ro th e r s k e e p e r. I am my s o n s f a ther. _____ - * I arn HrV Nfe.y.Af LYL. and that is how I am going to stay. Brother to Brother is a support and advocacy organization for African American gay and bisexual males and their families living in the Portland metro area. FOR MORE INFORMATION: 503.417.7991 P.O. Box 3182, Portland, OR 97208 PHOTO BY M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Annie Larry (from left), Cynthia Thomas and Ryan Bender launch a new program to help families at Harriet Tubman Middle School in north Portland. H arriet Tubm an M iddle School students can keep their young minds on their studies with the launch of a new pro­ gram to help address the needs of their families. The Tubman Public Access Program helps families in need of housing, food, employment and emergency and utilities as­ sistance. As a SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods Community School), Harriet Tubman pools resources from the school dis­ trict, city, county, state, parents and neighborhoods to help area residents. “One of the goals of SUN Community Schools is to bring school-based services to fami­ lies and children through col­ laboration between schools, nonprofits, businesses, commu­ nity partners and government agencies,” said Cynthia Tho­ mas, program manager for Met­ ropolitan Family Services. These services are acces­ sible by visiting, which con­ nects clients to various partners providing aid. Those interested are also urged to call 503-916- 5636 to make an appointment with a specialist. Temporary Program Assistant (Bilingual English-Spanish) Temporary Program Assistant Conduct outreach to targeted p o p u la tio n s and perform preliminary intake screening, and d o c u m e n ta tio n re g a rd in g allegations of discrim ination in housing transactions. Perform investigations under the direction o f the E n fo rce m e n t Program C o o rd in a to r and E x e c u tive D ire c to r. T h is w ork w ill be conducted in various locations throughout Oregon. Language proficiency will be tested prior to employment. Workday is 8:30- 5:00 Monday through Friday, but some evening and weekend work is required. (Due to restrictions in our federal funding requirements we cannot accept applicants with prior felony convictions. ) Conduct outreach to targeted p o p u la tio n s and perform preliminary intake screening, and d o c u m e n ta tio n re g a rd in g allegations of discrimination in housing transactions. Perform investigations under the direction of the E n fo rce m e n t Program C o o rd in a to r and E xe c u tive D ire c to r. T h is w ork will be conducted in various locations throughout Oregon. Workday is 8 :3 0 -5 :0 0 M o n d a y th ro u gh Friday, but som e evening and weekend work is required. (Due to restrictions In our federal funding requirements we cannot accept applicants with prior felony convictions.) B hot HIR to brother rT n f o b a n ;*s Not W h eth er îoua ^ ’ W in or Lose, ■A B u t H o w Y ou P la y T h e G a m e . The g a m e is ju s t a g a m e , it’s h o w y o u p la y th at m ak es th e difference. If so m eo n e y o u k n o w is g a m b lin g for m ore th a n fu n , th e y m a y h a v e a problem . W a rn in g s ig n s in clu d e: - P r e o c c u p a tio n w it h g a m b lin g - G a m b lin g to e s c a p e - L y in g to c o v e r up g a m b lin g Duration of employment: 5/20/ 04-8/20/04 (528 hours) Rate of pay: $8.00/hr, + mileage reimbursement Deadline to apply: 5pm, 5/12/04 T reatm en t ca n h elp p roblem g a m b le r s p u t th e g a m e back in p e r sp ec tiv e a n d g e t th e ir liv e s back o n tra ck . T reatm en t is free, c o n fid e n tia l and it w o r k s. Deadline to apply: 5pm, 5/12/04 Contact for further information or a full job description: If p la y in g is n ’t fu n an ym ore, c a ll for help: M oloy G o o d , E n fo rce m e n t C o o rd in a to r, 5 0 3 -4 0 2 -1 1 5 7 , 1-877-2-STOP-NOW Fair Housing Council of Oregon 1020 SW Taylor St., #700, Portland, OR L icensed treatm en t p ro v id ers are th ere to lis te n , help and m ake referrals to local trea tm en t cen te rs 24 h o u rs a day. Duration of employment: 5/20/ 04-8/20/04 (528 hours) Contact for further information or a full job description: M oloy G o o d , E n fo rce m e n t C o o rd in a to r, 5 0 3 -4 0 2 -1 1 5 7 , Fair Housing Council of Oregon 1020 SW Taylor St., #700, Portland, OR FHCO is an equal opportunity e m p lo ye r and a d ru g fre e workplace. Rate of pay: $8.00/hr, + mileage reimbursement FHCO is an equal opportunity e m p lo ye r a nd a d ru g fre e workplace. ....... - db'--/:?/*,!? i. ■ ¿a ÉI H M , Or v is it w w w .o r e g o n lo tte r y h e lp .o r g