May 05. 2004 5 1?e 'fJnrtlanò © bseruer PageA5 Mother’s Day óí A rich taste and classic appearance Twelve coils of very fluffy and te n d e r buns are to p p e d w ith a sticky, candy-like caram elized concoction with crunchy pecan halves. M akes 12 Rolls Ingredients: Topping • 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar • 1/3 cup light com syrup • 3 tablespoons butter or m arga­ rine • 1 cup pecan pieces or halves Dough • 3/4 cup warm water ( I 00°F to 110°F) • 2 en v elo p es F leisch m a n n ’s Active Dry Yeast • 3/4 cup warm milk (100°F to 110°F) • 1/2 cup sugar • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened • 1-1/2 teaspoons salt • 5-1/2 to 6cups all-purpose flour • 2 large eggs Cinnamon-Date Filling • 2 tablespoons butter or marga­ rine, melted • I tablespoon ground cinnamon • 1 (8-ounce) package chopped dates Heat brown sugar, com syrup, and 3 tablespoons butter in sauce­ pan over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Stirconstantly. Pour into greased 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Arrange pecans evenly in bottom o f pan. Place 1/2 cup water in a bowl. Sprinkle in yeast; stir until dis­ solved. Add remaining water, milk, sugar, softened butter, salt, and 2 cups flour. Beat 2 minutes at m e­ dium speed ofelectric mixer, scrap­ ing bowl occasionally. Add eggs and 1 cup flour; beat 2 minutes at highspeed. Stir in enough remain­ ing flour to make a soft dough. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 8 to lOminutes. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Punch dough dow n; roll to 24 x 18-inch rectangle. Brush with m elted butter; evenly sprinkle with cinnam on and dates. B egin­ ning at short end, roll up tightly as for je lly roll. Pinch seam to seal; cut into 12 equal pieces. Place in prepared pan; cut sides up. Cover; let rise in warm, draft- Tempt Mom's sweet tooth with sticky buns free place until doubled in size, about 30 to 45 m inutes. Bake at 375°F for 30to 35 minutes or until done. Invert onto serving tray. N U T R IT IO N IN F O R M A T IO N : P er S erving (Serving Slice: o n ero ll,S erv in g W eight: 5 .9 ounces) C alories: 550 Cholesterol: 7 0 mg D ietary Fiber: 4g lo ta lF a t: 21 g Sodium : 450 mg S ugars: 33 g S atu rated Fat: 9g C arbohydrates: 84 g P ro tein : lOg Olive Garden Brings a Taste of Italy to Portland Ken LaVelley, general man­ ager o f the new Olive Garden restaurant in southeast Portland. La Valley named general manager Olive Garden Italian Restaurant has ap p o in ted P o rtlan d resid en t Ken LaValley as general manager o f the new restaurant located at The Portland Mall at 9830 S.E. Washington St. in Portland. The Tuscan Farmhouse-design Olive Garden will opened Monday, May 3. As general manager, LaValley is re- sponsible for leading a team that main­ tains the highest quality o f service in the restaurant. Under his leadership, the restaurant team will deliver great food, wine and service that consistently exceed guests’ expectations. “Ken is passionate about delighting guests with a genuine Italian dining experience," said Dave Pickens, execu­ tive vice president o f operations for Olive Garden. "His track record of op­ erational excellence makes him a great leader for our restaurant’s service and culinary teams.” LaValley has 20 years o f restaurant industry experience. He has been with Ol i ve Garden for more than 14 years and most recently served as a general man­ ager at the Olive Garden in Clackamas. While at Oli ve Garden in Clackamas, LaValley spent one week in Tuscany learning the time-honored traditions of Italian cooking, working side-by-side Olive Garden Executive C hef Romana Neri at Olive G arden's Culinary Insti­ tute. Each year, Olive Garden sends culinary managers to Italy to train at the Institute and visit O live G ard en ’s Riserva di Fizzano restaurant, which serves as the source of inspiration. Olive Garden has begun accepting em ployment applications. Apply in person at the restau ran t M onday through Saturday between 8 a m. and 5 p.m. For more information, call (503) M other’s Day is Sunday May 9th! Attention Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Steak SENIORS Valu Pack. Bone-in. SAFEW AY F O O D & DRUG Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! Introducing a SAVE up to $4.50 lb. great new senate for Tomatoes on the Vine Ripe and full-flavored SAVE up to $2.00 lb. our neighborhood senior citizens. FREE grocery shopping "shuttle service to your nearby Ainsworth & MLK Bfvd Safeway Food & Drug TWICE a Month* This Service is FREE to seniors age 60 and over. te w WU NQT K GromytM-n- jnd PffW iTTW * ftr or any t w Safeway Club Price Safeway Club Price Folgers Coffee Safeway W heat Bread t o o k r o n o u n SAOCtAL ~ *A X TRANSPORTATION" TROLLS Y S tR V IC t S C N tD U L S FLYSR A T y o u r m l a r l v o SA FSVM Y F O R C O M P L M DSTAILSf fpotw«r«d By (A)SAFEWAY I >7 F O O O A DRUG RfRlCRf! RIRtRKA« CMNIMR Of CORIRKRCf Of ORfCOfl For M o rr Inform ation Crt//. SO J S 7 2 0 0 1 2 Visit Safeways W eb site at Available at Safeway: I umow M OMW Tm w um 34 5 to 39-oz. cans Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3.30 PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 2004 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur 5 9 1O 6 Fri Sat 7 8 22.5-oz Crushed or 100% Whole Wheat. » SAVE up to $1.59 on 2 - BUY ONE GET ONE 11 Pnc« E lt e « WRtetU». 6 «n May 5 ttmi te l» » M»» II, 2004. Safeway Club Price Now the savings are in the Card! 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