® t j e ^ p o r t la n h ( B b s e r u e r May 05. 2004 Page B7 en jo PARKING FACILITY Operator Feliz Cinco de Mayo Portland Guadalajara S is te r C ity Association’s Cinco de Mayo Fiesta is a fam ily-oriented, f u n - f i 11e d event featur­ in g fo u r sta g e s o f live en ter­ tainment. de­ lightful activities for chil­ dren, artisans and vendors from the United States and Mexico, a world- class carnival and delicious food from throughout the region. The fiesta is at W aterfront Park, from M ay 5 through 9, from 11 a.m . to 11 p .m . W e d n esd ay through Saturday and 11 a m. to Toxic Lead found in Candy Many Mexican candies still contain lead (A P )— More than 100 brands of candy sold in California, most of them from Mexico, have tested positive for dangerous levels of lead in the past decade and little has been done about it, a newspa­ per reported. In nearly every case, the candy - mostly marketed to Latino kids - stayed on store shelves and no action was taken against the Mexi­ can manufacturers, the Orange C o u n ty R eg ister rep o rted in S unday's editions, citing state and federal records. The public was rarely informed o f test results, the new spaper found. “Children are eating poison,” 9 p.m. Sunday. A dm ission is $6 for adults and $5 for kids and seniors, w ith free adm ission b e­ fore 2 p.m. W ednesday through Friday and firew orks at 9:45 p.m. Friday. For m ore inform ation, visit w w w .cincodem ayo.org. said Leticia Ayala, o f San Diego- based Environmental Health Coali­ tion, a nonprofit group that urged the state to better regulate Mexican candies. State officials said they lack the resources to tackle the problem and have little jurisdiction over M exi­ can candy manufacturers. "W e have a lot more responsi­ bilities than looking for lead in candy,” said Jim W addell, chief of the state H ealth D ep artm en t’s Food and Drug Branch. Lead poisoning can cause brain and nerve damage and result in intelligence and behavioral prob­ lems, particularly in children. Con­ cerns about lead poisoning led to a ban on lead-based house paint in the 1970s and on lead compounds in gasoline in the 1980s. The state Department of Health Services has conducted more than 1,500 tests on Mexican candy since Mexican Pop Star Fined Menudo's original six members, from left, Miguel Cancel, Ricky Melendez, Johnny Lozada, Ray Reyes, Charlie Masso, and Rene Farriat, pose for a photo at the Fashion Cafe in New York, in this June 1 7 ,1 9 9 8 file photo. (AP Photo) Menudo Revived! Producers see gap in ‘tween’ market (AP) — Menudo, the popular Puerto Rican teen pop band of the ‘70s and ‘80s, is being revived. M enudo Entertainment bought all the merchandising and property rights about a month ago from Latin record executive O scar Lloyd, and is working with talent agencies and radio stations in its search for band members, company spokeswoman Cathy Callegari said Wednesday. “O ur aim is to target the ‘tween market,’’Callegari toldThe Associ­ ated Press. “We feel there’s a void there. W hat happens is, artists start Immediate full time and part-time openings. Seeking dependable, well groomed, positive individuals young like Britney Spears and they get old really quick and move into a new age o f fans.” Auditions for boys ages 10 to 16 are planned for this summer in the United States and Latin America. Plans are for finalists to be nationally televised and judged by a celebrity panel with worldwide viewer voting. Five band members and two al­ ternates will be selected. Callegari said the new group will eventually record an album in both English and Spanish, but the boys don’t need to be bilingual. (AP) — A jury has awarded $57,500 to a public relations firm that sued Mexican pop star Paulina Rubio for not performing at the 2003 Los Angeles Auto Show. The SuperiorCourt jury found that Rubio and manager Ricardo Cordero breached a contract with Pacific Communications Group, which sought more than $1 mil­ lion in damages. Judge Malcolm Mackey threw out claims for pu­ nitive damages. Rubio, 33, wasn’t incourt when the ju ry ’s verdict was read. She had testified earlier in the trial. A complaint filed in April 2003 claim ed Rubio had failed to ap­ pear in a planned 20-minute per­ formance for the news media at the unveiling of a new Mercedes- Benz model. Latin singer Paulina Rubio shows off her wardrobe during an interview for the Billboard Latin Music Conference, Wednesday, April 28, in Miami Beach, Fla. (AP Photo) ‘Zapata’ Faces Criticism (AP) — "Zapata,” the year’s day, acknowledging that his epic, most anticipated movie in Mexico, whose full title is “Zapata, The already has drawn criticism for Hero’s Dream,” at times strays from failing to accurately depict the historical fact by failing to depict country’s famous revolutionary EmilianoZapata's violent dark side. hero. Distributed by the Mexican com­ Writer-director Alfonso Arau pany Videocine, it will open in 650 faced the Mexican media Tues­ theaters across the country Friday. $8.00 + starting wage 1993 and found high levels of lead Overtime/advancement potential in one o f every four samples, the Medical & Dental. 401k avail. newspaper reported. Drug test/Background check As many as 15percentofCalifor- New hires must have acceptable nia children who suffer lead poi­ documentation to confirm both soning - about 3,(XK) over the past identity and eligibility to work. three years - have eaten Mexican candy, according to state statis­ Apply 12:00-12:30PM, Mon, Wed tics. About three-quarters o f them & Thurs at City Center Parking are Hispanic. 130 SW Stark, Portland. AFFORDABLE « JJ & LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-W E MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/M etro area (N, NE, 8E, SW & NW) HOUSE EOK S/ CONTACT: Marie Smith 503-282-6390 1,232 Square feet, 2bed- rooms/master bedroom has full bathroom, 2nd bedroom has full bath­ room n ex t to it. Li vingroom, dining room, laundry room, kitchen and large spare room / re c /rm /3 rd b ed ro o m . Large 2 car parking in driveway. Large cemented patio with overhead cover. W ood storage shed, garden space/on side o f backyard. Completely fenced/ wall on front of house. Has gas heat. House is seven years old, includes security on windows and doors. Nice area quiet neighbor. Property Ref: 11344 407-North East Mason Suite #5 Portland, OR 97211 Specializing in: Complete hair care • Extensions • Color U pdo’s • Weekly client discount • Eyebrows 503-287-7774 Now Hiring Barber/Stylist O Lord, our Lord how Majestic is your name Psalms 8 :1 L in d a s Aland S ervice Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs Residential-Offices 16th Annual Conference Luncheon & Trade Show “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” M a y 6 , 2 0 0 4 ,1 0 : 0 0 am - 4 :0 0 pm O REG O N C O N V E N TIO N CEN TER - Exhibit Hall A All businesses are welcome to attend our Free Trade Show! P rogram O u tlin e • Trade Show 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (Closed 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm for lunch) • Workshop 10:30 am - 11:30 am “Insured Your Business Future" (See Below) • Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm ($45.00 per lunch) Please visit the Silent Auction booth near OAME's booth ( I f you want to donate to the Silent Auction, please bring your item(s) to the Silent Auction booth in the morning o f the trade show - Thank You) FREE Workshop: “Insured Your Business Future” (Insurance Options for Small Businesses) Insured - Bonded 503-288-1489 Linda J. Scott Owner Coupon 10% off on first cleaning CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out Room A103 O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q PRESENTERS: Christine Zinter, AON Benefits Consultant - employee health insurance; Andrea Marzette Port of Portland Risk Manager; and Don Shanklin, BR & R Bonding • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs TOPIC COVERED: Insurance options for small businesses, Employee health insurance - options, affordability, process; and Business insurance - what’s required to keep doors open, project insurance, insurance and bonding requirements Il you are a workshop ¿¿luncheon attendee, you will get a chance to win a IIP Digital Camera donated by Office Depot. L im it to only 4 0 attendees. The prize w inner w ill he announce during lunch To register for the workshop, please fill out the spaces below and bring to the workshop: N am e:_____________________________ Company: __ Address, City & Zip: __ _ ________________________________ ______________ Phone:______________________ Fax:___________________ E-mail:______________________ Visa/MasterCard # ■ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ Expire D ate:___________ __ Ye«, I am attending the luncheon & workshop and would like to be placed on the drawing to win a the HP Digital Camera (Please check): YesD No □ z CATERING ALLEVENTS Low Carb Special: HOURS: M onday 11:00-9:00 T uesday CLOSED Wed. & Thurs. 11:00-9:00 Fri. & Sat. 11:00-10:00 Sunday 11:00-8:00 (1 carb) Chopped Pork w /slde sm. greens $5» * * * N ew L oca i ion * ★ * 5 4 1 0 N .E . 3 3 I rd 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6