Page B4 Jlortlanò ©bseruer S ports f May 05. 2004 PARTNERSHIP F m rittín g Svtoiante «t w» . Chaapiaÿ Unn. Helpline (Make The Call): 800-923 HELP Linea de Ayuda (Spanish): 877-515-7848 Youthline (Teen Helpline): 877-553-TEEN An Outstanding Combination For your Real Estate and Financing needs... Helping make your dreams come true • • • • • First Time Buyers • Refinancing Second Home • Relocating Many buyer programs • Buying an Investment Property Selling your Home/Free Valuation 100% Financing Option with Closing Cost Assistance Shelly Fullwiley Real Estate Broker M il I .E W I I M M D irec t: 5 0 3 -7 0 4 -2 7 1 6 O ffic e : 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -2 5 5 1 P R O P ! R l II S Continuing a own our and businesses Marlene Holiday, Loan Officer Office: 503-236-5599 Direct: 503-752-2688 1-888-888-0861 Majestic Mortgage Service» Ine. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Bound for Nationals in Florida The Portland Disciples celebrate qualifying for the national AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) basketball tournament. The 8 h grade team from Portland and Vancouver won the Oregon AAU championship April 2 5 in Eugene and will travel to Virginia Beach. Fla. for the national tournament. MMMEEMMMMMHi The Kid Grows Up Kevin Garnett voted league MVP The Salvation Army Moore Street Community & Worship Center - P resen ts - Biddy Soccer Summer League Minnesota Timberwolves forward Kevin Garnett with the NBA Most Valuable Player award Monday. Garnett easily beat two-time win­ ner Tim Duncan and Jermaine O'Neal in the MVP voting by sports writers and broadcasters. AP photo) For G ir ls & B o y s A g e s 5— 12 (A P) — The Kid is all grown up, and he has an NBA M VP aw ard to prove it. K evin G arnett got 12 0 o f 123 first-place votes to beat two-time winner Tim Duncan May 24, 2004—July 17,2004 * tMOTJN CLEANING SONKS M Carpet <4 Upholstery Cleaning Commercial 4 Residential Services Bardy Trophy Co. Since 1924 — MBW PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2004 | CARPET COUPON I 1 CLEANING AREA I Pre-Spray Traffic Area for the honor M onday. G a r n e t t ’s te a m m a te s a t ­ tended a packed new s co n fer­ ence at the Tim berw olves’ arena, and he praised them repeatedly. “I w ou ld n ’t be nothing w ith­ out th o se k n u ck leh e ad s, b e­ lieve m e,” G arnett said. “I t’s a team gam e, and I’ve alw ays kept that p ersp ectiv e.” He has played at an MVP level for years, but this w as a b reak ­ through season for the W olves. They earned the top seeding in the W estern C onference play ­ offs w ith a franchise-best 58-24 record, then ended a string of seven straight first-round exits from the postseason by beating the D enver N uggets. “T his is best situation I could ev er think of, or dream o f,” G arnett said. P la y in g e v e ry w h e re from c e n te r to p o in t g u ard , the 7- fo o te r av e rag ed 2 4 .2 p o in ts, a le ag u e -le ad in g 13 .9 reb o u n d s and 5 .0 a ssists th is se aso n - and his p la y o ff sta ts are even b etter. Plaques • Trophies • Awards $40.00 (503) 282-7787 fax (503) 282-3182 Custom Certificates Executive Gifts Metal & Plastic Signs I^Small Hall Included $25.00 I PRE-SPRAY TRAFFIC AREA Shon i 903 250-0222 EACH AREA I Cel: -------------------J STAIRS (W IT H SERVICE) $ >30 EACH | UPHOtSTHK CLEANING LOVESEAT SECTIONAL CHAIR OR RECLINER THROW PILLOWS Z? D irect: 5 0 3 -5 1 7 -5 7 9 1 integral Main: 503-748-7777 R e g in a ld R. Lee, Account Executive Fax 503-517-5751 A local company serving your voiee& data needs INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME 0FF1CES:BL00MINGT0N. ILLINO IS Master Barber 903 577-0404 Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday - 10am to 7pm OFF.: (503)286-1103 FAX: (503)286-1146 STATE FARM Reggie Brown 32 13 NE M.L.KIng Jr. Blvd. - Portland. OR 97211 111 S W Columbia, Suite 725 Portland, OR 97201 LOCAL LONG DISTANCE & INTERNET FOR BUSINESS Mr. Between Cook & Fargo - Formerly: MUSIC GALORE SOFA (under 6 ft) (A P )-T V sports announcer and shooting death of limousine driver former NBA star Jayson W illiams Costas ”G us” Christofi, 55. Collec­ was acquitted Friday o f the most tively, the charges carry a maximum serious charge against him, aggra­ penalty o f 13 years in prison. vated manslaughter. The jury said The defense argued that the it could not agree on the charge of shooting was accidental, saying a reckless manslaughter. malfunction in the gun’s firing mecha­ Williams, 36, was convicted on nism caused the weapon to go off. four of the six lesser charges, re­ Prosecutors contended Williams was lated to tampering with evidence handling the shotgun so recklessly and attempting to cover up the that it amounted to a crime. REGGIE'S BARBER SHOP I 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE I SMALL HALL FREE L ________________ Former NBA Star Acquitted T E L E C O M *“* 2500 NE MLK Jr. BLVD • Portland, OR 97212 , I Jayson Williams (left) and his attorney stand as the ju ry enters the courtroom Friday for his acquittal on m anslaughter charges in the accidental shooting death o f his limousine driver. He was convicted o f tempering with evidence and trying to cover up the crime. (AP Photo). ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 IR $69.00 $40.00 $99.00 AND UP $25.00 AND UP $5.00 EACH CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (503) 281-3949 jV fE A T LINKS • PORK RIBS • BRISKET • BEEF RIBS • CHICKEN • TURKEY 8701 SE Powell Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97266 a Tuesday - Friday Lunch 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesday - Friday Dinner 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Saturday All Day 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Special Orders Gladly Accepted! Paul Houge (5 0 3 ) 7 7 7 -9 7 9 5 F ax (5 0 3 ) 7 7 7 -6 6 3 4 1 887-860-0047 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (803) 289-8418 To Go Orders • Catering Patio Seating » Sauce Shipping Available HOME OF THE • SMOKEY BROWN SUGAR • MILD • MEDIUM • HOT