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N o b o d y ’s arg u in g now , not w ith B onds batting .500 - yep, .500! - and co n n ectin g for nine hom e runs am ong his first 19 hits. He even hom ered in seven straight gam es, one shy o f the m ajor league record. “W hat h e ’s doing is pretty sp e cial,” first basem an J .T. Snow said. Bonds, a six-time NL M VP, got a m uch-needed day o ff Thursday when the G iants concluded a four- gam e series against the San Diego Padres. He is expected to play all three w eekend gam es in Los A nge les against the Dodgers. “He is really tired,” manager Felipe Alou said. “You can see it in the outfield. H e’s been busy.” T h at’s for sure. B o n d s’ hom er streak end ed W ednesday, ju st short o f tying the mark shared by Dale Long ( 1956), Don M attingly (1987) and Ken Griffey Jr. ( 1993). With the game out I carpt T coupon I 1 CLEANING AREA (A P) — Portland Trail Blazers forward Zach Randolph was disap pointed when he d id n ’t m ake the A ll-Starteam . W inning the N B A ’s Most Improved Playeraw ard Thurs day took som e o f that sting away. R andolph, who becam e a starter ■ $40.00 I Pre-Spray T ra ffic Area I Small Hall Included I J I 2 C LEA N IN 6 AREAS OR MORE $25.00 I PRE-SPRAY TRAFFIC AREA I SMALL HALL FREE L _______________ _ I STAIRS i EACH AREA I (W IT H SERVICE) > USO EACH | UPHOISTON CLEANING SOFA (under 6 f t ) LOVESEAT SECTIONAL CHAIR OR RECLINER THROW PILLOWS o f reach - the G iants lost 11-0 - Bonds asked to be taken out in the eighth inning. Bonds, w ho turns 40 in July, has 667 hom ers, behind only Hank Aaron (755 ) and Babe Ruth ( 7 14). If he stays healthy and keeps up his pace, Bonds could reach 700 this seaso n . He set the sin g le-seaso n hom e run record o f 73 in 2001. T his seaso n , h e’s p erfo rm ed fa n ta sti ca lly at the p late w hile d ealin g w ith q u estio n s about his p erso n al tra in e r’s drug d istrib u tio n case and w h eth er B onds has used ste ro id s. “ H is w eap o n is h is m in d ,” said C epeda, w ho hit 379 hom ers in 17 m ajo r league seaso n s. “H e ’s b ril liant. He am azes m e the w ay he p lay s the gam e o f b aseb all. In all his years, I ’ve seen him look bad at the plate tw o tim es. G uys look bad at the p la te five tim es a day. “He has the best sight. It’s in credible. People should com e to the ballpark ju st to say, ‘I saw Barry B onds.’ I played with Hank Aaron, W illie M ays and Frank Robinson. T h ere’s nobody better than Barry Bonds, and h e’s nearly 40 years 'S / - Barry Bonds old.” How does he keep his body go Rich Donnelly, now a third-base ing a, this late stage in his career? coach for the Brewers, was a coach “T alen t,” G iants trainer Stan for Bonds from 1986-92 when the C onte said. “Talent sums up skiH, slugger firs, cam e up with the Pitts genetics and psychological all in burgh Pirates. o n e.” D onnelly points out that Bonds His team m ates can appreciate has m ade his mark as more than what Bonds is doing, even if the m erely a great hitter. defending NL W est cham pion G i "T he tw o greatest baserunners ants are having a rough April in the I' ve ever seen are Larry W alker and win column. That seems to be w ear Barry B onds,” Donnelly said. “ It’s ing on Bonds, w ho fell six outs not alw ays about stolen bases. ... short o f w inning the W orld Series N obody m akes a play dow n the in 2002. left-field line like Barry Bonds. H e's “I only take com fort in w ins,” still the best at it.” Bonds said. NBA Names Randolph Most Improved Player O ffice: 5 0 3 -2 3 6 -5 5 9 9 MarlneH @ April 28. 2004 $69.00 $40.00 $99.00 AND UP $25.00 AND UP $5.00 EACH CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS (503) 281-3949 Zach Randolph this season and averaged double figures in points and rebounds, eas ily beat C leveland C avaliers for ward C arlos Boozer in voting by sports w riters and b roadcasters with 59 first-place votes and 379 points. “I w anted to be on the All-Star team bu, it feels good to win this aw ard," Randolph said with a big smile. “It feels good.” Randolph averaged 20.1 points, 10.5 rebounds and 2.0 assists for the revam ped Blazers, w ho wen, 41-41 to finish 1 Oth in the W estern Conference, tw o spots out o f the Oregon Air National Guard playoffs. A fter the d isap p o in tm en t o f m issing the postseason, the honor gave the Blazers som ething to cel ebrate. On Thursday, Randolph was the star o f an old-fashioned victory .party, com plete with bal loons, hats and a band. “I'm going to get back here next year and I’m going to get better, he said. The 6-foot-9 forward had 43 double-doubles, tying him for fifth in the league. He had 20 or more points in 42 gam es, and 30 or more points in three gam es. Last year, his second season in the NBA, Randolph averaged 8.4 points, 4.5 rebounds and 0.5 as sists. “This is all Zach R andolph’s aw ard,” Blazers coach M aurice Cheeks said. “ It’s about him. It’s about him going out and working. ... Years ago they talked about Larry Bird com ing to the arena long before anyone else did. And th a t’s the k ind o f thing Z ach R andolph did and really w hat helped him achieve this goal.” Randolph, the 19th overall pick in the 2001 draft out o f M ichigan State, first em erged last season when Rasheed W allace was serv ing a seven-gam e suspension for threatening an official on the load ing dock a, the Rose Garden after a gam e. Randolph started, and the Blazers w en, 5-2. Randolph, know n in Portland as Z-Bo, is the second Blazer to be selected as M ost Im proved Player; K evin D uckw orth received the award in 1987-88. $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 In student loan repayments $ 5 0 0 0 Cash Bonus O v er $ 8 O O /M o n th Educational Benefits WallyTesfa Residential C&R Broker Travel Opportunities Paid Technical Training Multi-Million $ Service Prudential Northwast Proper,*« Northwest Properties 1730 NE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 wtesfa @ f t Fuel tour liitu re An Independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. A ir \atlonnl (iuurd Blazer C. Theo R atliff blocks a shot for one o f the many defensive moves that eared him NBA All Defensive Second Team ^honors. PHOTO COURTESY S am F orencich Ratliff Named to All-Defensive Team PortlandTrail BlazerC. Theo Ratliff has been named to the N BA ’s All- Defensive Second Team. R atliff won the league blocked shots title for the second consecu tive season, averaging 3.61 blocked shots per gam e for a total o f 307 shots, the first tim e an NBA player has blocked more than 300 shots since the 1995-96 season. He averaged 4.41 blocks in 32 gam es with Portland and his 141 blocks were the most in a season by the Trail Blazers since Clifford Robinson rejected 163 in 82 gam es during the 1992-93 campaign. T h e6 -fo o t-10,235-pound center blocked five or more shots in a gam e 30 ,i mes and si x or more shots in a gam e on 18 occasions. R atliff tied a Portland franchise- record when he blocked nine shots on February 24th at Orlando. Bill W alton set the club record with nine blocks on O ctober 22, 1974 and tied it on January 26, 1977. M ychal Thom pson also tied the record on February 20,1981. Breaking Barriers in Golf Sifford first black chosen for Golf Hall (AP)— Charlie Sifford broke a n o th e r b a rrie r. S iffo rd , w ho cracked the PGA T o u r’s C auca sian-only clause in 1961 and was the first black m em ber to win on tour, is the first black chosen for the W o rld G o lf Hall of Fame. Sifford will be inducted Nov. 15, along with 1992 U.S. O pen cham pion T om Kite, Japanese star Isao Aoki and Canadian amateur Marlene Stew art Streit. “T his is very wonderful,” Sifford said from the cerem ony in Savan nah, G a. “I thank all these w onder ful players for accepting me. I know I had som e bad days and tough days. Bu, it looks like everything worked out fine." Streit is the first C anadian in the Hall o f Fame. She won the U.S. Senior W om en's A m ateur title las, year at 69. her sixth decade o f w in ning an elite am ateur title. Kite, a 19-,ime winner and seven tim e Ryder Cup player, was elected through the PGA Tour ballot. Aoki was elected through the Interna tional ballot. T hat brings m em bership in the W orld G olf Hall o f Fam e to 104. No one from the LPG A Tour will be inducted unless Laura Davies w ins tw o tournam ents or a m ajor this year. Sifford was a true pioneer, along with Teddy Rhodes, Pete Brown, Lee Elder, Bill Spiller and otherblacks who kept playing with hopes o f get ting a chance on the PGA Tour. Tiger W oods paid tribute to them when he won the ‘97 M asters for his first major, and he spoke in O ctober about the absence o f blacks in g o lf s Hall o f Fame. "They never had a chance to play," W oods said. “W hether it’s pioneers like Teddy Rhodes or Bill Spiller or C harlie, they fought all those years ju st to ge, on the tour. It’s going to be very difficult for them to gain acceptance because o f the fact they had no playing record on tour. O ne person who should ge, in, w ithout a doubt, is Charlie.” I I