£*!c'jjortlanh © bseruvr Page A6 A p ril 28. 2004 TURF WAR ~TJJW*I continued » B . Ä 'W ' » . < ■' - -Àtri1? » "'> ; / / & ' •*&» •» 4 r I photo by M ark J Y . . '” : ..„• W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Sgt. Harry Jackson discusses increasing gang violence in the neighborhood surrounding Peninsula Park at North Albina Avenue between Portland Boulevard and Ainsworth Street with student Anuj Ezekiel, as part of a ride-along activity for Environmental Middle School. Shooting Inquest to Air on TV, Radio The public inquest into the police shooting death of James Jahar Perez, an unarmed black motorist killed in a traffic stop in north Portland, begins Wednesday, April 28 at9:30a.m. Less than 30 scats are available to the public at the Multnomah County Court­ house, available on a first come-first serve basis. Officials from the district attorney ’ s office are looking into reserving an overflow courtnxan. accommodating 100 people to view the inquest on closed-circuit television. The inquest can also be seen on Northwest Cable channel 49 and KBOO radio station 90.7 FM. O r­ egon Live is carrying a continuous s tre a m o f th e in q u e s t at w w w .o re g o n liv e .c o m /s p e c ia l/ policeshooting/. A rrangem ents also were being BETTER DEALS m ade Tuesday for Portland C om ­ Inquest proceedings will continue munity Media to air a delayed tape Thursday, beginning at 8:30a.m. with o f the inquest in its entirely. a video demonstrating police training “ Between the internet, radio and techniques. Witnesses will testily for cable television, every citizen w ish­ the rest o f the day and continue into ing to follow the proceeding will Friday, beginning at 9 a.m. and possi­ have access to it. This will be the bly spill into Monday. most accessible public inquest ever A fte r a ll te s tim o n ie s a re held in Portland’s history and th at’s g iv e n , th e ju r y w ill c o n v e n e a good thing,” said Scott Farris, a an d retu rn w ith the m a n n e r and spokem an for the mayor. c a u se o f d e a th . O i l M ’lB I S O N I M l I K I K O O P I III I I U I O M I U I BETTER FINANCIER Thrifty Auto Centers Inc.ÿ “$1 DOWN GETS YOU AROUND” S1D0W N 2 0 0 1 FORD F 250 POWERSTROKE 2 0 0 1 CHRSLERPT CRUISER C28105 #E0350J06936 Thrifty Auto Centers Inc. 1 9 9 9 DODGE 1 5 0 0 4X4 #007121114 » HASSLE FREE BUYING #E0432 641909 S1D0W N 1 9 9 9 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT #006442421 NO PAYMENTS FOR 120DAYSOAC S1D0W N 2 0 0 1 MITSUBISHI GALANT 1997JEEPGRANDCHER0KEE 1 9 9 9 HONDA CIVIC #E0230108135 #005 726272 #E0326 072127 S1D0WN S1D0WN 1 9 9 7 NISSAN PATHFINDER 2 0 0 0 TOYOTA M R2 1 9 9 7 HONDAACCORD #E0192436930 015765 #E0187 028544 BETTER DE S1D0WN 2 0 0 1 BMW 3231 1 9 9 7 ISUZU RODEO 2001B M XX5 «E0415 D57389 #E0308321608 M68321 2400 NE 82nd • 1-503-255-5500 GOOD CREDIT RATES AS LOW A S 3 . 4 9