April 28. 2004 _ "'J J o rtlattò (Jßbsvrhcr Page A5 H ealth Hair Color] Basics $ Saving Lives Organ donations increase survival rates Questions black women want answered Clairol receives about l.OOOcalls a m onth to its toll-free hotline for relaxed and textured hair at 1 -800- 221-4900. The top five questions women asked are answered below: Q : How often should I color? A nd do I color first or relax first? A: Always relax first, then color. Color should be re-applied to the roots and regrowth every four to six weeks. If you are using a pennanent haireolor (one that contains ammonia oris mixed with developer), wait one week and one sham poo betw een coloring and perming/relaxing procedures. Q : Is it ever okay to perm /relax and color on the sam e day? A: Yes! If you use tem porary or sem i-perm anenthaircolor(onew ith no am m onia that is not mixed with any developer), such as Clairol Pro­ fessional Beautiful C ollection or Jazzing, you can actually im prove the appearance o f your hair by doing your color and perm /relax on the sam e day. This adds luster and enhances color th at’s faded as a result o f the relaxer service. Be sure to read the package label and direc­ tions o f other types o f haircoloring. particularly perm anent or oxidative haireolor, require w aiting at least one w eek and one sham poo be­ tw een treatm ents. Q : How soon before and after I color should I sham poo my hair? cally relaxed, it will lighten very quickly. Highlighting is preferable to overall lightening for relaxed hair because it protects the integrity of the hair. Highlights should be placed starting about l/ j inch aw ay from the scalp. By applying this way, the chemical in your next relaxer treat­ ment will not overlap onto the high­ lights, which will protect your hair. Q : W hat if I want to go all-over blonde? A : T o g o all-o v er b lo n d e, use a p erm an en t h aire o lo r that lifts and to n e s like C lairo l T ex tu re s & T o n e s to a c h ie v e an o v e r a ll h o ney blonde. If you w ant to go lig h ter than that, see a salon p ro ­ A: W ash your hair ju st prior to fessio n al. It is im p o rtan t to note coloring if it is heavily coated with th a t if you are g o in g fo r a very styling aids. Im m ediately after co l­ lig h t b lo n d e sh a d e , n a tu ra l, oring, you can sham poo your hair u n relax ed h air is p referred to p ro ­ if you w ish, although products like te c t the in te g rity o f th e hair. Beautiful Collection or Jazzing re­ H aircoloring can be stress- free if quire o nly a th o ro u g h rinsing. you take the tim e to learn the steps A gain, it’s im portant to read the that will protect your hair. T he b a ­ package instructions. sic ru les to keep in m ind are to Q : W hat is the best way to lighten alw ay s read the in stru ctio n s ca re­ my hair? fu lly b efo re ch o o sin g the p ro d ­ A: If your hair has been chem i­ uct th at is rig h t fo r you. Wash your hair just prior to coloring if it is heavily coated with styling a^ s .^ While more than 12 per­ cent o f the U.S. pop u la­ tion is A frican A m erican, 35 percent o f patients w ait­ ing for kidney transplants are black. T his stagger­ ing percentage may be at­ tributed, in part, to the escalating num ber o f A f­ rican Americans with con­ ditions that can lead to the need for an o rgan transplant, such as dia­ betes, high blood pres­ sure and heart disease. D espite this rapidly grow ­ ing need, there rem ains a critical shortage o f A fri­ can-A m erican organ do­ nors. T o ra ise a w a re n e ss about this public health crisis, the C oalition on D o n atio n s is releasin g new radio and print pub­ Derrick Floyd walks with his son a fte r, lic service advertisem ents kidney transplant. that urge A frican A m eri­ cans to becom e organ and tissue “Since the transplant, there’re donors. D ebuting in April — D o­ so many things I can d o ... walk my nate Life M onth — the ads fea­ dog, go to the park with my family. ture D errick Floyd, a 39-year-old Having a new kidney has given me kidney transplant recipient and another chance at life,” Floyd said. father o f tw o, w ho recently c e l­ “I can never forget that I’m alive ebrated 14 years o f m arriage. today because som eone, at some point said — I’m going to becom e an organ donor.” S ta tis tic a lly , A fric a n A m ericans have the best chance o f being m atched for a kidney transplant if the donor is also black. For many black patients awaiting kid­ neys, the lack o f available organs m eans longer w ait­ ing periods on transplant lists and, in too many in­ s ta n c e s , y e a r s sp e n t at dialysis centers. “I realize that the black co m m u n ity is in u n d ated with im portant health m es­ sag es,” says T ina E vans *1 C a in e s , c h a ir o f th e M Coalition’s National African q A m erican C am paign. "The good news is that w ith or­ gan and tissue donation, you have the pow er to save lives. But, once you make the decision to donate, tell your fam ily so they’ll know your w ishes.” T o learn m ore about how to Donate Life or request a free copy o f the brochure You Have the Power to D o n a te L ife , v is it w w w .donatelife.net or call 1-866- 538-7448. Prostate Patients Fare Worse Study finds survival rates lower for black men (A P) — B lack m en do not su r­ vive as long as w hite m en after treatm en t for lo calized prostate . can cer, ac co rd in g to a new study. R e sea rch er at the U niversity o f N orth C a ro lin a at C hapel Hill an a ly z ed the rec o rd s o f 5,747 b lack m en and 38,242 w hite m en w ho had been treated fo r p ro s­ tate c a n c e r that had not spread. T hey found that the m edian su r­ vival tim e fo r b lack m en w as 1.7 y ears less than the su rvival tim e for w hite men. T he d iffe r e n c e w as ev e n g rea ter, 1.8 y ears, fo r p atien ts w ho received surgery. Black p ro s­ ta te su rg e ry p a tie n ts liv e d an a v e ra g e o f 10.8years, w hile w hite p atien ts liv ed 12.6 y ears. F or p atien ts o f e ith e r race w ho re c e iv e d r a d ia tio n tr e a tm e n t, how ev er, the d iffe ren ce s in m e­ dian survival w as not sig n ifican t, the rese arch e rs report. S p ecialized rad iatio n th erap y is the p referre d trea tm e n t fo r lo ­ cally ad v a n ce d p ro state ca n cer. b ut b lack p atien ts m ay h av e less ac cess to th is th erap y , the re ­ se arch ers said. T h ere m ay also be b io lo g ic facto rs th at affect the w ay black m eh and w hite men react to prostate can cer treatm ent, the stu d y su g g ested . “ Researchers should continue to investigate racial disparities in treat­ ment outcomes as well as the spe­ cific social, biologic orenvironm en- tal conditions that may be respon­ sible for these disparities,” the re­ searchers conclude in the study. Aging brought into the Spotlight in May ¿ v e r y M ay, o ld e r A m erican s are recognized. T his y e a r’s them e is “ A ging w ell, living w ell.” For som e o ld e r A m erican s “ living w ell,” m eans m oving into a retire­ m ent hom e w here the residents en jo y lavish am enities. For o th ­ ers “ living w ell,” m eans living in d e p en d en tly in th eir hom es for as long as p o ssib le. W h a te v er io n sh ip , p lease co n tac t M etro ­ your lifestyle. M etro p o litan F am ­ politan Fam ily Service at 503-249- ily S ervice, a local n o n p ro fit, can 8215 ext. 22. Caregivers bring skills help m any rem ain c o m fo rta b le in and life ex p e rien c es to help ad ­ th e ir ow n e n v iro n m en t by p ro ­ d ress the in d iv id u al needs o f the viding in-hom e su p p o rt an d c o m ­ p eo p le they see, b ecau se “aging p an io n sh ip services. w ell, living w ell,” m eans so m e­ If you o r a loved on e is in need th in g d iffe ren t for ev e ry o ld er o f in-hom e su p p o rt and c o m p a n ­ A m erican. Grant Aids in HIV Prevention the burden o f HI V am ong people o f HIV grant won color by building capacity w ithin their own com m unities,” said Dr. for minorities RonaldO . V aldiserri, deputy direc­ Regional and national organiza­ tions dedicated to preventing HIV in com m unities o f color will receive $21 m illion from the C enters for D isease C ontrol and Prevention. The aw ards go to 27 different orga­ nizations targeting prevention ac­ tiv itie s fo r A frican A m erican , A m erican Indian/A laska Native, A sian and Pacific Islander and His- panic/L atino com m unities at high- risk for HIV infection. “M inority com m unities are dis­ p roportionately affected by the H IV /A ID S epidem ic,” said Secre­ tary o f H ealth and Human Services T om m y G. Thom pson. “Partner­ ships with these com m unities are critical if we are to get testing and treatm ent to the people at risk and ultim ately reduce the num ber o f new infections.” The grants, w hich represent an increase o f nearly $760,000 over last y e a r's capacity building fund­ ing, will be used by the organiza­ tions to strengthen infrastructure, science-based prevention interven­ tions, access to and use o f preven­ tion services, and com m unity plan­ ning. “T hese aw ards reflect C D C ’s continued com m itm ent to reducing tor o f C D C ’s HIV. STD and TB prevention program s. The Black AID S Institute, an organization that mobilizes African- A m erican com m unities in the fight against A ID S, is an exam pleo f the kind o f organization receiving fund­ ing. The Institute will expand its in ­ novative A frican-A m erican HIV U niversity, a tw o-year training and internship program for developing HIV prevention educators in A fri­ can-A m erican com m unities. C o m m u n itie s o f c o lo r are a h ig h p rio rity fo r C D C ’s “ A d ­ v a n c in g H IV P re v e n tio n ” I n i­ t i a t i v e , th e c o m p r e h e n s i v e stra te g y to re d u c e n ew H IV in ­ fe c tio n s in th e U n ite d S ta te s th a t C D C la u n c h e d a lm o s t o n e y e a r ag o . T h ro u g h th e in it ia ­ tiv e , th e C D C is w o rk in g w ith n a tio n a l a n d lo c a l p a rtn e rs to in c re a s e a c c e s s to e a rly d ia g ­ n o s is an d tre a tm e n t u sin g ra p id H IV te s tin g . For more inform ation about the initiative, including activities re­ lated to HI V prevention in com m u ­ n itie s o f c o lo r , v is it h ttp : // w w w .c d c .g o v /h iv /p a r tn e r s / question.htm . J RM Home Furnishings so% off sale tr... Sale on all sectionals and sofa love seats Beautiful fabric, quality framework and colors STYLES LIKE: Passion Sude Buckskin, Khaki, Apache and many more JRM Home Furnishings Open Monday. prjday 10:00 to 6 00 pm and Saturday 9:0() t0 5:00 pm CALL NOW at 503-286-3578 Where the price is always right Gartland Guadalajara Statar City Aaaaciatiea Take TriM et to Cinco de Mayo to w o rk I to p liy T R I© M E T See where ft takes you. t o 1 i V e